Full of curiosity, only let black brother to her side glance, and then as a blind sit opposite her, closed eyes.

She deliberately took apart the brooch, and at the same time took advantage of black brother's inattention, the curved needle, hidden in the inner thigh.

"Is the tracker in the Pearl?" She muttered.

Black brother didn't speak.

The car hasn't stopped. After eating instant noodles, you can clearly feel that the car is turning from time to time, and the speed of uphill and downhill is fast and stable. It seems that the driver is an old driver.

She deliberately scattered nine pearls, and then held three in the palm of her hand. At a loss, she decided to go to bed.

In the past six months, she has learned from Jin Hanqin how to sleep with rest and vigilance. She has stopped the car for seven times. It seems that after passing the toll station, the car stopped.

She opened her eyes and black brother stood up.

The hard metal towards the front of the car was suddenly pulled open, and a narrow door, only one meter wide, appeared in front of us, facing the cab.

This design is really seamless, just let Xu Yun did not see, the original export is here.

The man who opened the door was an honest, middle-aged man with beard dregs on his chin and blood in his eyes. He knelt respectfully on the sleeper behind the driver's cabin and whispered, "black brother, the place is here."

"OK, get out of the car, Xu Yun!"

Xu Yun stood up and stamped her foot, and got out of the car without saying a word.

Looking up, the sky is full of stars, the air is fresh, the surrounding shadow is heavy, and the humidity is very heavy. But under the road where the truck stops, there is a light helicopter on the grass.

The helicopter has only two warehouses. It is a private mini helicopter made in the United States in 2000.

"Your boss has treated me very well." Xu Yun shows her white teeth with a graceful smile.

On the contrary, the woman who was abducted by Zhou Guoliang was not surprised that she was driven by the van.

Damn, freak!

The man secretly scolded, raised his feet to get ready to get on the bus, only felt that the center of his foot was cut by a small stone. He was too lazy to see in the dark, jumped out of the car in the blink of an eye, and then walked away.

After the truck started, Xu Yun deliberately looked back and saw two big GM words on the outside of the truck, with a row of small words behind it. Unfortunately, the light was too dark for her to see clearly.

"Of course, my boss likes you very much." Black brother raised his hand and motioned for her to come first.

"Aren't you afraid of me running?" Xu Yun did not move.

"You can't run away." Black brother's smile is very charming. In his plain eyes, it will be as dazzling as the stars in the sky. It is the light that hides the signal value of force.

"How do you know if you don't try?" Xu Yun is a little stubborn. According to the time, if the truck has been driving to the southwest, it is very likely that it is not far away from the border.

"Then you'll regret it. To tell you the truth, I never beat a woman." After seeing Xu Yun's pupils shrink and his body is ready to go, he said slowly: "I don't beat women, but I can only kill people. Do you want to try?"

Xu Yun felt that her heart was pricked by a needle, and her liver trembled with pain.

"What your boss wants is a living man."

"Yes, as long as the hands and head, other places, it depends on whether you are smart enough." He looked at her knee on purpose.


Xu Yun clenches her teeth and is a master. Sometimes she doesn't have to really start. She and he have fought with each other for many times. No matter in momentum or calm, she has lost. This black brother has great courage and skill. She knows that if she really pulls her legs, she can't run away, because she is not his opponent.

And he must have a gun in his hand.

"Can you fly a plane?"

"Surprised? Your fiance is not the only one in the world He raised his hand again to signal that she was ready to go.

Xu Yunshen took a breath and got off the road obediently.

Three pearls in her hand, only two were left at this time, and when she climbed onto the helicopter, she dropped another one.

Black brother watched her climb up and fasten her seat belt. After rubbing his hand in his trouser pocket, he stood still for a moment. His smile on his face became more and more sincere and ordinary.

Until he drove the helicopter up, 500 meters above the ground, a jeep appeared on the road.

Far behind the jeep, there was a van.

In the van, there are all precision instruments. The tracking circle of the instruments is ringing one after another.

"Minister, sister-in-law got on the helicopter. It seems that they are going to fly south."

"Chase." Jin Hanqin stopped and looked at the night sky with sharp eyes.

Jin Qin's helicopter suddenly stops on and off the highway, which is funny.

"Here he is."

Xu Yun looked sideways and suddenly saw the familiar Jeep on the road. She was surprised that he came so fast!It's so close.

At the same time, she suddenly felt that black brother and Jin Hanqin were similar to each other. They were calm, restrained, and resourceful, just like the confrontation between a master and an expert.

He deliberately stayed where he was, which was like a provocation.

Nima has a fork. Isn't this a kidnapping?

Why is the painting style so strange.

"Don't you want to say hello to him?" He asked with a smile.

After seeing Jin Hanqin and feeling this kind of atmosphere, Xu Yun was a little out of breath.

"What do you want to do?"

"It's our boss who wants you, but personally, I'm very interested in your fiance. Obviously, you don't know how good your fiance is." Speaking of this, black brother looked like a mental state, raised his hand and hit two fingers.

"He, however, is not an ordinary security guard, but a terrifying thunder captain. He is not only a force worthy of exploding the watch, but also cunning like a fox. Your code name is red spider. Do you know his code name?"

Xu Yun's breathing became heavy. To tell the truth, she knew Jin Hanqin had a second identity. Otherwise, he would not be so busy and would not travel from time to time. She never asked him when he didn't want to talk.

You Dao is hard to get confused, so no matter when, she always trusts him unconditionally.

Just like after the Paris incident, he took her to the Middle East, and he also found Jay and gave him a beating. She kept silent about the reasons and the process.

That way of using the code to connect, and the friendship between him and Jay, has already explained everything, isn't it.

Her man, the most powerful security guard in the universe.

Black brother seems to be in a good mood. He controls the plane and shakes it intentionally. He looks like a dancer, jumping his beautiful Waltz in the sky.

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