Chapter 351: Show Off

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

“Whatever it is, I have the best chance of marrying into the Guan family.” Jiang Xue threw Xia Huang a provocative look, driving the other girl mad with jealousy.

While jealous, Xia Huang’s upbringing was too good for her to flare up like a shrew at Jiang Xue’s juvenile taunts.

“Cousin, why don’t you run along home? I’ll have someone send me back later.” If nothing else, Jiang Xue always knew how to rub salt in others’ wounds.

Xia Huang sniffed, holding her head high. “I can’t wait to watch the show. Let’s see how well you’ll posture when the Guan family abandons you.”

With that, Xia Huang left before she could lose her temper.

Jiang Xue looked around. This lounge was smaller than the previous one but certainly more luxuriously decorated.

Eyeing a bell-like object next to her, Jiang Xue pressed it, curious to know what would happen. A voice rang out in response, “Hello, Miss Jiang. What can I do for you?”

Jiang Xue’s eyes widened slightly, not having expected such a service. “I would like a nice dress,” she requested, “Something that’ll cover my arms. Is that alright?”

Jiang Xue did not want to waste more time than necessary now that she had infiltrated the Old Master Guan’s birthday banquet. This was her opportunity to interact with Young Master Guan and show the world that she had him twisted around her finger. It was the best way to get those coveting him for themselves to back off.

“Alright, Miss Jiang. Please wait a moment. We’ll have someone deliver a dress to your specifications. Is there anything else we can do?” the voice asked.

“How much will it cost?” Jiang Xue chewed on her lips, knowing she was embarrassingly short on cash. It would be awkward if the dress they brought were too expensive for her to rent, let alone buy.

“Miss Jiang, you must be joking. You are our treasured guest; why would we ask you to pay for it?” The voice seemed genuinely surprised by Jiang Xue’s question.

Jiang Xue was taken aback. It seemed Young Master Guan held her in high esteem. Was this preferential treatment because she was his savior?

Dreams of the power she would one day wield in Beijing stuffed her head to the brim. The future was smiling brightly upon her.

Swelling with newfound arrogance, Jiang Xue’s tone grew more self-assured.

In less than ten minutes, dresses and evening gowns were displayed for Jiang Xue’s choosing.

Jiang Xue enjoyed the compliments showered on her by the servants, choosing an expensive-looking dress that caught her eye. Soon, she reappeared at the birthday banquet.

The people at the banquet did not seem affected by the shooting. They were still drinking and having a good time.

Shen Xi surveyed the crowd, feeling bored. She watched Zhao Yuan and her latest target chatting enthusiastically to pass the time. Suddenly, someone patted Shen Xi on her shoulder.

Shen Xi spun around, surprised to see her cousin at the birthday banquet.

Zheng Huai mirrored his cousin’s surprise with a raised brow. “Xixi, what are you doing here?”

“I followed someone called Xia Huang in,” Shen Xi answered honestly. “Cousin… about that thing you mentioned earlier… Were you talking about this banquet? What about Grandpa?”

Shen Xi looked around nervously.

“Grandpa isn’t here,” Zheng Huai quickly replied. “I’m here as his representative. Don’t worry; your maternal grandfather isn’t here, and neither are your cousins on that side of the family. I suspect Old Master Guan won’t appear either. There’s no need to fear.”

That was a startling revelation; one Shen Xi could not comprehend. “Why wouldn’t they attend Old Master Guan’s birthday banquet? And what’s this about Old Master Guan not attending his birthday celebration? What’s the point of holding a banquet if the guest of honor isn’t coming?”

“You’re right. Today’s banquet is a farce. I’m guessing there are other things at play.” Zheng Huai shared a conspiratorial look with Shen Xi.

Shen Xi was stunned. “So that’s the case. Then…”

Before she could press for more information, Zheng Huai brought a finger to his lips, hushing her. “Xixi, the less you know, the safer you will be. Wealth and politics go hand in hand, and there are things better left unsaid to save yourself from trouble.”

As Zheng Huai spoke, he kept an eye out on the crowd.

Shen Xi nodded in understanding. Power and wealth bred all sorts of complications.

“Hey, isn’t that your former classmate, Jiang Xue? What is she doing here?” Zheng Huai directed Shen Xi’s attention in a certain direction with a puzzled look..