Chapter 629: Do i still owe you a wedding

Chapter 629 Do I still owe you a wedding

Chen Bing is very positive about making money.

So, it didn't take long before he came in the car.

After all the frostbite ointment was loaded on the car, Ken Chenbing did not rush away.

"The wedding date has been set, it will be the eighth day of next month, you must go there when that happens."

Jiang Ran, "..."

Jiang Ran nearly rolled his eyes at Chen Bing.

Is not this nonsensical?

Not only do they have to go that day, but before that, they have to go there to help.

After seeing Jiang Ran's expression, Chen Bing also realized that there was something wrong with what he said, and smiled embarrassedly.

"Then what, you just need to understand what I mean."

Knowing that Chen Bing was too happy, Jiang Ran didn't get too entangled in these words.

It’s been so long since she said she hadn’t visited Chen Bing’s new home.

Jiang Ran has never been, and Pei Huai, who just came to Beishi, has never been.

But this is not a matter of urgency. When needed, it will naturally pass.

The distance is not far anyway.

It’s only the beginning of November, and Chen Bing’s wedding date is set on the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month.

One month seems to be a long time, and if it can be used to prepare for marriage, the time is actually not too generous.

Fortunately, everything about the house has been prepared, and now there are some small things that need to be prepared.

Also, book a hotel and invite friends and family to come.

Shen Yueyue’s relatives and friends are fortunate to say, after all, they are locals from the North.

However, Chen's family is a foreigner, and most of the relatives in the family are in their hometown.

If it is to let relatives and friends attend the wedding, let them come here specifically, not only have to toss on the train for six or seven days back and forth, after coming, food and accommodation will be a problem.

It’s okay if there are a few people, but the Chen family still has a lot of relatives.

If they all come, it's not a small number.

Chen Bing is not actually afraid of spending money. What he is afraid of is that after spending money, he has not taken care of people.

In the end, nothing was left.

So after some discussions, I decided to have a wedding here in Beishi, and then go back to my hometown to have another one.

In this way, you have the best of both worlds.

After hearing Chen Bing's plan, Jiang Ran nodded in agreement.

This is indeed a good way to get the best of both worlds.

But in general, getting married is still a very troublesome thing. Fortunately, she is already married, so she doesn’t have to suffer such trouble anymore.

Thinking like this in his heart, Jiang Ran felt that someone was looking towards him.

Looking along the line of sight, it was Pei Huai who was staring at her.

Pei Huai's eyes were a bit complicated, and Jiang Ran didn't even understand what he meant for a while.

Jiang Ran wanted to ask, but before she could speak, Pei Huai turned his head.

Seeing this, Jiang Ran didn't ask any more.

According to her understanding of Pei Huai, it is not that Pei Huai does not want to tell her.

Just because Chen Bing is still present, Pei Huai doesn't want to talk anymore.

If this is the case, then wait until there are only two of them before saying hello.

After sending Chen Bing away, there was silence, and there were only two of them.

Jiang Ran hasn't spoken yet, Pei Huai has already taken the initiative to talk about what happened just now.

"I was just thinking, do I still owe you a wedding?"

Jiang Ran, "...?"

Good, why did you suddenly talk about this problem?

(End of this chapter)