Chapter 22: Preparing the original

Chapter 22: Chapter 22: Preparing the original Feeling sad and returning to feeling sad, the next day, the couple still got up early in the morning. Mei Qiuping prepared breakfast, and she still had to cook rice in the morning, otherwise the two of them wouldn't be able to hold their heads up at noon. The dishes were simple, with the leftover tofu from the night before being reheated, and a dish of pickled vegetables was stir-fried.

Feng Zhenchang had prepared the usual business set-up. When the couple left after eating, their neighbours were either getting ready to go out, or eating breakfast in a hurry, just like them.

In fact, there was not much business in the morning. How many people would buy chestnuts for breakfast? But on the one hand, they were used to getting up early, and on the other, as Mei Qiuping said, even if they bought a catty or a half catty in the morning, it would still be just a few dollars!

The two of them walked past the entrance to a residential area. The area was not small, and at the exit they passed, there were four simple carts lined up, steaming with heat. One person was buying buns and steamed buns, one was buying glutinous rice, one was buying noodles, and the other was frying dough sticks. Business was good, not only for people going to work, but also for the elderly and housewives in the residential area, who came with their baskets.

Mei Qiuping called out to Feng Zhenchang from behind, 'Stop for a second.'

Feng Zhenchang braked the car and saw her looking over there. 'What, you're still willing to spend money on breakfast?'

Mei Qiuping said, "I just ate a lot, so I'm just looking.'

Feng Zhenchang looked too, and compared it with his car. There wasn't much difference, the main thing was that it had to have a big stove. seaʀᴄh thё Novelƒire(.)ne*t website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

'Oh, yes, we can also make some breakfast to sell!" The couple said almost at the same time.

So they decided to stop for a while and count how much business there was across the street. The couple simply set up their stall, but no one came to buy. They didn't care, and eagerly counted the people buying breakfast across the street—each person meant at least a few cents in revenue! It wasn't until almost ten o'clock that the stall across the street was preparing to leave, and they hurried to school.

The two of them calculated that even at the worst-performing sticky rice stall, there had been more than 30 customers since they started counting, and even if each person only spent 20 cents, that would be more than 6 yuan, or more than 200 yuan a month!

They could definitely do the morning business, but what would they sell?

By the time they set up the stall in front of the university, they had already made up their minds. They would sell steamed buns, one vegetarian and one meat, with the vegetarian one containing vermicelli or pickles brought from home and the meat one containing pork. As for the price, they would get up early tomorrow morning and go to a few steamed bun stalls to find out what the going rate was. As for the location, there is no need to compete with others for business. They can just stay where they are now. There will always be people buying from teachers and students. In case there are any leftovers, they can just use them for lunch. They just have to spend some money on a big iron pot and a steamer.

Feng Yiping's life is actually pretty good now! Although he also worries about making money at school, no matter how hard and tiring it is, it is nothing compared to the hard work of starting a family and building a career after work.

Because he is full of confidence in the future, he has always been in a happy and relaxed mood. Although he only has pickles with his rice, he doesn't even think about whether he has gained weight again. He doesn't want to be in his thirties and have a protruding belly when everything else is flat. Now he has a pretty good figure, and if he maintains it for the next twenty years, he will definitely have the body of a supermodel and be the standard clothing rack. So, he is seriously considering whether to do plank support, to mercilessly nip the little belly in the bud, and to practice his abs in the process.

For men, abs are a really good thing. Later, many fangirls could grow claws in their eyes when they saw men showing off six or eight abs.

Feng Yiping remembers that after the age of 30, he was most dissatisfied with his soft, sagging belly.

He had a particularly embarrassing experience with this belly.

Every year, he had to go to Shanghai to attend the Spring Hardware Fair. That embarrassing experience happened during a security check on the way back. It turned out that after passing through the security gate, the security personnel took the scanner and scanned it again, and then roughly felt the outside of the passenger's clothes with their hands, which was just for show. In those years, domestic security, especially at airports, became increasingly strict. All liquids were not allowed on the plane, and everyone's belts were also a key inspection item.

The security staff that day were young girls, quite pretty. After checking all the items, they finally had to touch Feng Yiping's belt. The belt was under his sweater, so the girl stuck her hand straight into the sweater to check the belt underneath. Unfortunately, Feng Yiping's sweater was made of cashmere and he was wearing it directly against his skin. Naturally, the girl's half-open palm touched his stomach. I guess the girl didn't expect that either, and for a moment she was a little stunned, probably wondering what this soft thing was. Then, probably subconsciously, she patted it twice, then understood and immediately withdrew her hand.

Feng Yiping was also taken aback at the time, and then he was even more embarrassed than the girl. A man, in front of a young and beautiful girl, which one doesn't want to behave well. Now, he had let a girl touch his weakest point, and it was possible that for the next few days, it would become the laughing stock of the girl, her colleagues and her girlfriends! Feng Yiping's heart was so cold at that moment! So after returning to Guangzhou, that day he started doing sit-ups, and he has continued to do them ever since. However, no matter how hard he exercises, he can never get rid of his protruding belly.

Now that he has such a good foundation, if he starts exercising now, he should be able to get his abs back. However, there is still the problem of space. Not to mention anything else, just doing push-ups, there is nowhere to do them now, and if other students see that, they will definitely laugh again. So I'd better wait a while, until I have my own space.

In terms of living, apart from not being used to sleeping at night, everything else is just fine. He can at least eat until he is full, and this week, with five yuan pocket money and 2.5 yuan from Xiao Zhijie, he still has half left. Yesterday morning, he was able to go to the kitchenette and buy a meat bun left over from the teachers. As for vegetables, he doesn't mind pickled vegetables, he is used to eating them, and they go well with rice.

Studying is certainly not easy, because the teacher goes through the material quickly, but at least for now, even algebra and chemistry, which he used to get average grades in, are easy for him. As for the rest, it goes without saying, for example, in English and politics, he doesn't have to pay much attention in class, he can just preview and review on his own, so he has time to prepare for the next writing fee.

He had originally wanted to combine the movies Big and Charlie's Angels to write a story about a middle school student who grew up overnight. But at this time, he wasn't sure how well people would accept this kind of fantasy subject matter, so he changed it to a subject matter that everyone would definitely accept.

Now that he has collected more than 600 catties of cash, Grandpa has also used his face to collect more than 500 catties of chestnuts, which means that the family owes more than 1,500 catties of money.

This time, he wants to write about animals, specifically dogs. This kind of article on this subject is acceptable to people, and it is also appropriate for him to write about this subject at his age, without being criticized.

In the countryside, children are exposed to many animals from a young age. Every household keeps chickens and pigs, and some people also keep a few geese or ducks. Usually a few households share a cow, and some people, like his uncle's family, keep a flock of sheep. In addition, there are cats and dogs, which are kept by almost every household. One catches mice and the other watches the house, and they don't use much extra food anyway.

As for the chickens, that was easy – just sprinkle a handful of grain every day. As for hatching chicks, that was a skilled job. There was probably one or two housewives in the village who could do it, and the strong Mei Qiuping could do it as well.

As for the cow, except during the spring ploughing and autumn sowing seasons, when it was expected to work hard, usually it just had to be kept well-fed. Fortunately, the cow could eat grass on its own, unlike the pig, which had to be fed with forage that had to be fetched back. However, cows are large animals and the most valuable livestock in a farm, so everyone cares about them.

Therefore, there is one thing that is particularly important when letting the cows out: never let them fight with other cows. Cows fighting on the mountain can easily get into trouble, and it is not easy for people to separate them. If they get too close, the raging cows will not recognise their relatives, and no one can withstand being charged head-on by a cow or being nudged by its horns.

But there is always one or two cows with a short temper in a herd. There are some theories in the village about this. People who are usually rude and unreasonable are the same with their cows, always trying to bully the other cows. In summary, it is like 'the cow resembles its owner'. For example, Feng Wen's family, his grandfather let the cows out, and his father let the cows out, and they were all the kind of cows that like to start fights.

Whenever these cows saw another bull, they immediately went into battle mode. Their front legs bent slightly, their two horns tilted forward, and they puffed up towards the other bull, ready to butt. At this time, you must hold on to the rope tied to your cow's nose, pull it tightly, and drive it aside. If it still doesn't listen, just whip it a few times with a random branch.

When you get to the hill, be careful not to get on the same hill as those fighting cows. If you do, make sure to tie the cow up and keep it away from the other cow when you let it go. Also keep a close eye on the situation and drive the cow back if you see it heading towards the other cow.

But even if everyone is careful, some things are inevitable. For example, if your cow is tied up and the other cow is loose, you won't see the other cow coming if you aren't paying attention. Also, the cow may be tied up, but it may break free. The worst thing that can happen is that the two cows are far apart and both are tied up tightly, but the nose pin of one of the cows, which is made of wood, breaks, completely removing its restraint.

Feng Yiping remembers very clearly that during the summer holiday of his third year of primary school, his cousin Feng Dazhi's cow had its nose ring broken and went looking for a fight with another cow. Before anyone could separate them, Feng Dazhi's cow was instead gored by the other cow and knocked down the mountain. It then lay there unable to get up, neighing mournfully over and over again.

Later, a dozen strong labourers from the village took turns carrying it back. The vet said that one of its legs was broken and three of its ribs were broken as well. There was no cure, so it had to be killed.

Then, at noon the next day, most of the people in the village came to see it off. No, it wasn't really seeing it off, it was more like bidding it farewell. Only the children didn't understand, jumping up and down. None of the adults in the crowd had a smile on their faces.

It was not like slaughtering pigs, which happened every year. Dozens or even hundreds of pigs were slaughtered in the village every year. The village had two pig butchers, and even at the end of the year, they were still too busy. It was different with cows. Slaughtering a cow was also a skilled job, and it was not common to slaughter a cow for many years, so no one had such experience. All they knew was that to slaughter a cow this big, you had to hit it on the nose.

Feng Yiping squeezed to the very centre to watch. The cow was lying there, not moving, not bleating anymore, probably because its throat was numb. Feng Yiping was standing at the cow's head, and after taking a quick look, he was stunned. He clearly saw big tears the size of soybeans overflowing from the sides of the cow's big eyes. Even years later, he insisted to his parents that those were definitely tears the cow had shed. I think the cow knew its own situation, whether it was pain, sadness or fear. In short, the cow was crying.

So when Feng Dazhi came over with an axe to split firewood and told Feng Yiping to move aside, Feng Yiping immediately squeezed out of the way and fled. He really didn't dare to watch what happened next.

The consequence of this incident was that whenever he saw bullfighting in Spain on TV, he immediately changed the channel. He finds it cruel and even a bit perverted. He really wants to ask the matadors standing in the centre of the ring, looking triumphant, and the audience in the stands, applauding and jeering, 'Did you see the big teardrops in the corners of the eyes of the poor cow lying in the centre of the ring, stabbed to death by the thin sword, sword after sword?'