Chapter 48: Finally resolved

Chapter 48: Chapter 48: Finally resolved Feng Yiping appeared to be calm and collected, doing mathematical problems with a composed expression, but in fact his mind was racing, thinking of various strategies. Finally, he finally came up with a solution that was still feasible. Since Liu Fei had almost openly written him a letter, if he also responded openly, there should still be room for manoeuvre.

So he smiled and said to Feng Wen and Wen Hong, 'My classmate wrote me a joke. Want to know?'

'A joke?' Feng Wen was taken aback. "Impossible. Can I see it?'

Wen Hong also looked unconvinced.

Feng Yiping didn't bother with the two people who were about to see a real joke. He got up and walked towards the podium. Everyone looked at him in surprise. Xiao Zhijie, not knowing what was going on, got up and pulled him back, "Hey, Feng Yiping, think about it, you can't do this.'

Many of the male students started to jeer, Huang Jingping also looked at him with a complex expression, and a few girls, such as Wang Jinju, rolled their eyes at him directly.

Feng Yiping ignored all this and walked to the podium and said to everyone, 'I just received a letter from a primary school classmate of mine, now in Class 3, and I have decided to share it with you.'

A male student who was interested in gossip immediately shouted, "Oh, oh, oh, read it quickly.'

Several female students gave a "shush' sound.

Feng Yiping took out the second page of the letter from his pocket. No one knew how many sheets of paper he had received anyway, so he said to everyone, 'You must all be wrong. Some of you know that in order to earn some pocket money, I also wrote a few jokes at story telling sessions. My classmate saw it and wrote a joke too, but she wasn't sure about it, so she asked me to help her look at it. I thought it was really quite good, so I'll read it out for everyone to hear. If you think it's funny, give it a round of applause!'

The twist was a bit big, and many people in the audience didn't get it. Feng Yiping didn't care, took the piece of paper and pretended to read it.

There was no choice, Feng Yiping had to make some annotations, and now everyone understood. After thinking about it, they all found it funny, and some classmates applauded.

It was just that the applause really came a bit late. Okay, Feng Yiping felt the embarrassment of telling a bad joke.

Xiao Zhijie teased, 'Feng Yiping, tell another one.'

Class monitor Zhou Liwei also said, 'Feng Yiping, there's still time, why don't you tell us another one to make us all happy?'

Feng Yiping thought for a moment and said, 'Inspired by my classmates, I've also thought of one, so I'll tell you all about it.'

One day, ** was attending a meeting with some big officials when a series of car accidents occurred. He was rushed to the hospital for emergency treatment. Reporters rushed to the hospital as soon as they heard the news. After a long while, the doctor came out and the reporters were busy asking, 'Doctor! Doctor! Is the president saved?' The doctor shook his head in frustration and said, 'Alas, the president is beyond saving.'

The reporter asked again, "Doctor! Doctor! Is the Premier saved?" The doctor shook his head in frustration again and said, 'Alas, there is no hope.'

The reporter then asked, 'So who is saved after all?' The doctor's spirits lifted and he said, 'Taiwan is saved!'

Xiao Zhijie took the lead, and this time the applause came in a more timely manner. Feng Yiping smiled and bowed to everyone before returning to his seat.

Feng Wen still asked him doubtfully, "Feng Yiping, is it really a joke as written in the letter?'

Feng Yiping asked him, "What do you think?'

Feng Wen was about to argue further when Wen Hong slapped him on the head, 'Class is about to start, didn't you just ask me to keep an eye on you?'

This was just the beginning. Feng Yiping wondered if he should go find his classmates at this time to compare notes. You said you were going to write a letter, but why were you so careless when you gave it to me, letting so many people see it?

But then he thought, if he went to find Liu Fei now, it would look suspicious to those who were interested. He believed that tonight, the joke would also reach Liu Fei's ears, and she should know what to do.

Feng Yiping had successfully diverted everyone's attention, and now they were talking about Taiwan, not the female classmate who had written to Feng Yiping.

Of course, there was still a beginning and an end to this matter. The next day, after lunch, Feng Yiping went to Class 3 and called out at the door, 'Liu Fei,'

Everyone in Class 3 who was still in the classroom looked over. Feng Yiping waved to them with a smile, very dashing.

Liu Fei was talking to some girls, and when she looked up, she saw Feng Yiping standing at the classroom door, waving at her. She blushed, pushed past the giggling girls, and trotted over.

Feng Yiping gave her a friendly pat on the shoulder, and some of the students who had been leaning against the window to watch the scene let out a strange noise. Feng Yiping knew that if he was too reserved at a time like this, it would make people think there was something wrong with him, but if he acted naturally, people would think nothing of it.

Maybe girls are born actors. Last night, Liu Fei must have heard about what Feng Yiping did in class, so she volunteered, 'Feng Yiping, did you correct what I wrote?'

'You wrote it so well that there's no need for me to correct it!' Feng Yiping took out a piece of paper from his pocket, on which was written the joke. There was also a superfluous sentence written below, telling Liu Fei to copy it again, so that even if the teacher checked, it would really be the same as Feng Yiping said, and Liu Fei would only have written one joke.

Liu Fei took it and put it in her pocket, 'Haha, thanks, now I know what to expect, so I'll send it off at the weekend.'

At this time, a few female classmates seemed to be inviting her to do something, and they all walked in the same direction. Feng Yiping deliberately said loudly, 'Liu Fei, in the future, if there is something like this, just tell me to my face. It's the first time I've received a letter from a female classmate, and my heart is pounding with excitement. I thought it was a love letter, but when I opened it, I realized that I was just a peacock showing off its feathers, being self-absorbed and getting my hopes up for nothing. Alas, what a disappointment!'

Liu Fei watched as the girls walked over, covering her mouth with a smile, and pretended to hit him. 'Feng Yiping, we've been classmates for six years in elementary school. I don't know what kind of person you are, and I would write you a love letter? You really are a peacock!'

Feng Yiping took a step back, pretending to be afraid, and said, 'I'm not afraid of you hitting me, I'm afraid of the boys in your class hitting me. Look at them, they're afraid that I'll steal you away. I'd better run away first.'

'Haha, then go away,' Liu Fei said, turning and walking over to the girls who had been hanging around. She pulled a piece of paper out of her pocket and showed it to them. 'I've known Feng Yiping for six years, so I know him really well. Look, it's the joke. Feng Yiping said it was good, so I'll send it off at the weekend. If I'm lucky, I'll get paid for it.'

Hearing the sound behind him, Feng Yiping let out a long breath. It seems that Liu Fei had written a joke based on the one she heard, that was really impressive! He secretly wiped the non-existent cold sweat from his forehead. Damn, it's really exhausting to do something like this.

Up to this point, there were basically no after-effects from this incident left. Of course, he still had one more hurdle to overcome. However, there was a Chinese class in the morning, and after class, Mr. Wang did not look for him. During the self-study period at noon, Mr. Wang came once, but did not look for him either.

Feng Yiping felt a little strange. In theory, at this time of year, teachers regard students' early love affairs as a scourge. She must have heard about what happened yesterday, and she must have thought that he was not the only one who told on him. How could she be so indifferent? That's not right!

After dinner, he came back from washing the dishes and was about to go back to the classroom. He had just made a joke about Teacher Zhu yesterday, so of course he would not take the initiative to go to the homeroom teacher's house these two days.

At that moment, he heard a whistle, looked up, and saw that Miss Zhu was holding a bowl and beckoning to him. He understood that this was the homeroom teacher's summons.

As usual, he only took a piece of paper and a pen with him to Wang Yumin's house. After entering the door, he greeted Xiao Yanzi as if nothing had happened, and then showed Miss Zhu the half-finished drawing of a bamboo tree that he had done.

Teacher Zhu took it and looked at it for a few moments, saying, 'Don't think that painting bamboo is easy. It's not that easy to paint a good bamboo, otherwise Zheng Banqiao wouldn't be so famous. However, there is still something commendable about this painting of yours. The painting of the bamboo joint in the middle is very good,' he said, pointing to it. Feng Yiping looked at it and really saw that it was very good. Perhaps it was because he suddenly had a stroke of inspiration when painting that bamboo joint. Compared to the others, it was indeed very natural and vivid, with not many strokes.

'Haha, Mr Zhu has such a discerning eye, and I also think this bamboo joint is well-drawn.' Feng Yiping gave a little brownie point.

The teacher and student were getting along well, but Wang Yumin finally couldn't hold her temper any longer. She coughed, "Feng Yiping, are you still pretending to be stupid? Did you say it yourself, or do I have to ask you?'

Feng Yiping stared at her with wide, innocent eyes, "Teacher Wang, what are you talking about? I don't understand at all.'

Wang Yumin laughed instead of getting angry. 'You really don't understand? Haha, what was that letter yesterday about?'

'Oh, you mean this,' Feng Yiping suddenly understood. 'It's from my primary school classmate, Liu Fei from Class 3, who wrote a joke and wants to submit it to Story Club. Let me take a look. What's wrong?'

Without waiting for Wang Yumin to speak, he continued, 'Maybe it's because of my influence. As far as I know, quite a few of my classmates are preparing to submit their work to various magazines, but unlike me, a large part of the reason for them is money. It seems that they mainly want to get their work published and enjoy the success and joy.'

Teacher Zhu is a good comrade, and immediately continued, 'Yes, I'm tempted too. I'm also thinking about whether I can write something, and if it's published, it can also help me buy my daughter some nice clothes.'

'Dongdong,' Wang Yumin couldn't help but bang on the table. She couldn't understand it either, even though they were nearly twenty years apart, her husband and Feng Yiping always seemed to get along. "Lao Zhu, you take Yanzi for a walk to settle her stomach, Feng Yiping, don't change the subject!'

Feng Yiping pretended to be very aggrieved and said, "Teacher Wang, where did I change the subject? There are really a lot of students who are preparing to submit their work.'

Wang Yumin was so angry that she banged on the table again, 'Get to the point, the letter!'

'What's wrong with that letter? It's just a joke. I was asked to read it!' Seeing Wang Yumin glaring at him, Feng Yiping pretended to understand what she meant.

'Oh, Miss Wang, I understand what you're thinking,' Feng Yiping said dejectedly, 'I was also very excited. I thought it was a love letter from a girl. After opening it, I realised that I was being self-obsessed. Alas, I was a little disappointed.'

Teacher Zhu couldn't help but laugh, while Wang Yumin ran her hand through her hair. What had worked so well with the other students had no effect at all on Feng Yiping. Feng Yiping had even told everyone about his expectation of receiving a love letter from a female classmate. Maybe this time, he was really just being asked to correct a joke?

But Wang Yumin instinctively felt that something was wrong. However, there was no evidence, and Feng Yiping hadn't hidden it from anyone.

But the teacher wanted to defend her dignity and teach the student a lesson, so there were plenty of reasons.

So Wang Yumin stopped dwelling on the letter and turned to criticise Feng Yiping's ideological problems. 'You're so young and you want to receive love letters from female classmates? What are you thinking about all day? Did you come to school to study or just fool around? Don't become complacent just because you've achieved something. There are still more than two years to go, and there are a few students in the class who have improved quickly. Don't let other students leave you behind this semester. If you have time to think about nonsense, you might as well spend more time studying. Even if you write another novel, it will make us look good, make your parents proud, and the royalties can help support the family...,'

Wang Yumin raked down like a machine gun for four or five minutes, and it was only when Teacher Zhu told Xiao Yanzi to bring her a cup of water that she stopped.

During this time, Feng Yiping kept his head down, listening attentively to Wang Yumin's teachings, nodding like a chicken pecking at rice.

He finally let out the words that had been stuck in his heart, and for a moment, he felt a little better.

Taking advantage of her good mood, Feng Yiping quickly excused himself, as if he stayed any longer, he might be asked to write a self-reflection.

Sure enough, not long after Feng Yiping left, Wang Yumin, who had just taken a few sips of water, reacted, 'I forgot to ask him to write a self-reflection.'

Teacher Zhu reassured her, 'Forget it, it doesn't matter if he writes a reflection or not. This student is far more mature than his peers, and he knows these things without you lecturing him. Just don't treat him like a normal student.'

Wang Yumin knew her husband was right, but she didn't want to lose face. "No matter how mature he is, he's still just a teenager. As his homeroom teacher, I have an obligation to educate him. What's wrong with that?'

Teacher Zhu threw up her hands in surrender, "Yes, yes, you're right, of course you're right.'

Feng Yiping once again quickly ran out of the building. If he didn't take the initiative and give Teacher Wang an excuse for criticising his education, Teacher Wang might still find another way to investigate the matter.

Now, he had taken the initiative to give her an excuse for scolding him, and she was appeased, so the matter was truly over.

Xiao Zhijie and Wang Changning were standing under the corridor, leaning against the pillar and talking. When they saw him return, Wang Changning asked him with a smile, 'You got scolded, didn't you!'

Xiao Zhijie gloated, 'Now you know the downside of being a womaniser. Tell me, how many female classmates from primary school are still close to you?'

Feng Yiping was not annoyed either. "I'm fine. If you're selfless, the world is wide," he said deliberately to Wang Changning. "What do you think Principal Zhang would do if he knew that his daughter is constantly flirting with a student?'

'Haha," the two men laughed with malicious intent.

Xiao Zhijie was actually a little scared, stammering, 'Our relationship is just an ordinary classmate relationship, nothing,'

Seeing his nervous appearance, Wang Changning and Feng Yiping laughed heartily, attracting the curious stares of the passing students. Feng Yiping's slightly depressed mood finally eased up.

Feng Yiping was still not sure if this matter was really over, and he didn't finally let his guard down until he learned that the homeroom teacher of Class 3 had not approached Liu Fei.

The solution to this matter was certainly not good, but even if Feng Yiping had lived two lives, he had only been in a serious relationship once, with Zhang Yan, and they hadn't really talked much. seaʀᴄh thё NôvelFire(.)net website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

It seemed that they just hit it off. So, he really didn't have much experience dealing with emergencies like this one, and he could only use a stupid method. Fortunately, it seems that the result was not bad.