Chapter 65: Hu Junting’s rescue

Chapter 65: Chapter 65: Hu Junting's rescue After returning to school, the rain temporarily stopped for two days. Starting from Wednesday, it started to pour again, and this time the momentum was obviously different from the previous few days. It seemed that there was no end in sight, accompanied by lightning and thunder, and it was very loud.

It was clearly past 6am, and the faint sound of the wake-up bell could be heard. It looked as if it was still midnight outside. Xiao Zhijie was kicked twice before he slowly got up and got dressed. Feng Yiping saw his mouth move, but couldn't hear what he was saying, so he shouted, 'What did you say?'

Xiao Zhijie shouted back, 'I said, we don't have to do morning exercises today!'

Not only did they not have to run, they didn't even have to go to the canteen to get water for washing. They just put the basin in the open space, and in no time, it was half full. But you had to stand there, otherwise the basin would just slide away with the water, because there was also standing water on the flat ground. So a lot of people simply didn't wear shoes, rolled up their pant legs high, and walked barefoot.

The ditch behind the house had now turned into a small river, with rainwater mixed with sediment rushing down. Even the stone steps leading down to the classroom were full of water, and the rain running over them looked like miniature waterfalls.

Feng Yiping and Xiao Zhijie stood in the corridor, sticking their feet out over the eaves to wash them. Then there was a loud clap of thunder, and Xiao Zhijie shivered with fear. He cursed loudly.

Feng Yiping teased him, 'You're cursing God at a time like this, aren't you afraid he'll call down lightning to strike you as well?'

Xiao Zhijie had also practised his quick-wittedness: 'If we stand together, the lightning will strike you, the taller one.'

They had to wait until their shoes and feet were dry before entering the classroom. A lot of classmates, all of them boys, had gathered in the corridor. Feng Yiping did the same as them, leaning against the corridor pillar, arms folded in front of his chest, leisurely watching those latecomers running in the rain.

Whenever someone had a mishap, such as accidentally nearly getting their umbrella blown away, accidentally stepping in a puddle and getting mud on their trousers, or running too fast and ending up losing their sandals... whenever such mishaps occurred, the person involved would curse while trying to remedy the situation. They, on the other hand, stood in the corridor and unkindly laughed.

In particular, those female classmates who loved to show off and wore skirts on such a day were the focus of everyone's attention. They also had a hard time walking quickly, having to keep the hem of their skirts from getting caught in the water, prevent their skirts from being lifted by the wind, hold an umbrella over their heads, and prevent the umbrella from being blown around. S~eaʀᴄh the nô website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Hu Junting was wearing a white dress and a pair of black high-heeled sandals. Holding her dress with one hand and supporting her flower umbrella with the other, she slowly moved towards the classroom. Unwittingly, she stepped in a puddle with her left foot, so she instinctively turned her head to look. In doing so, the wind pulled the umbrella behind her, and she subconsciously reached out with both hands to grab it. Just then, a strange gust of wind blew, and the skirt fluttered up and rolled upwards, exposing a large section of her pale thighs, up to just above her knees.

This rare scene suddenly attracted a round of applause from the corridor, and some classmates whistled. The noise attracted the attention of the classmates in the classroom, who all peeked out.

Hu Junting also realised at this moment that even though she was usually very open and confident, she was now both ashamed and angry. She hugged the umbrella and crouched down, her face red, with watery eyes that were flashing, and she might cry out the next moment.

Feng Yiping had also found it funny and had also glanced at her a few times. She was pretty, but she was showing her thighs, which were really not bad!

When he saw the current situation, he immediately turned his head to look for the class monitors Zhou Liwei and Tang Shaokang to encourage them to show some gentlemanly style, but after looking several times, he couldn't find either of them.

Joking is one thing, but joking and making a girl cry is another. Seeing Hu Junting crouching there sobbing, the classmates who had originally been cheering felt embarrassed and were ashamed to look anymore, and they walked towards the classroom one after the other.

Feng Yiping couldn't care less at this time either, and without opening his umbrella, he rushed a few steps to Hu Junting, pulled her up, and took the umbrella from her hand to hold it over her head.

Hu Junting looked up and saw it was him. She was very surprised, choking back tears, sniffling and looking at him with tear-stained eyes.

Feng Yiping's upper body was mostly outside the umbrella and his clothes were wet. Seeing her like this, he didn't know what to say, so he just said, 'Go on, Missy, if you don't go, I'll be a drowned rat!'

Hu Junting stopped crying and laughed, pressing her hands against her skirt and walking quickly towards the classroom. After a few steps, she wanted to push the umbrella towards Feng Yiping's side again. You said it was just a few steps, why do you need to do this? Just hurry up and walk. Feng Yiping simply held the umbrella with one hand and pushed her shoulder with the other as they walked forward.

When they reached the corridor, they put away the umbrella and looked at it. Hu Junting's skirt was actually wet in one place, and there was some mud on it. As for Feng Yiping, his clothes were completely soaked through, and he felt that even his underwear was wet.

Hu Junting actually found his drenched appearance amusing and took out a handkerchief to wipe him down, but what was the point? Feng Yiping declined her kind offer, wiped the rainwater off his head a few times, and reassured her, 'We were just being naughty, it's no big deal. Don't worry about what just happened, I'm going back to change.'

Hu Junting wanted to say something, but Feng Yiping had already gone far away in the rain. She temporarily put aside her earlier anger. Watching Feng Yiping running like a madman in the rain, she covered her mouth and laughed, then straightened her skirt and strutted into the classroom.

When Feng Yiping, who had changed his clothes inside and out, hurriedly arrived at the classroom again, it was not yet study time. When he saw him enter the door, some students whistled from below. Feng Yiping smiled and pointed at them, saying, 'Look at them, they are all so big, they have all passed Youth Day. When they see female classmates in trouble, why don't they know how to carry forward their style and help them a little, comrades?'

A female classmate at the bottom of the class chimed in, 'Exactly, not only did they not help, they just wanted to laugh at the girls. Guys like you are the most annoying!'

Feng Yiping wanted to say something more, but when he saw that his classmates suddenly bowed their heads and looked serious, he immediately understood that a teacher had entered the classroom, and it must be the homeroom teacher, because no other teacher had such a strong impact.

He immediately pretended that nothing had happened and walked towards his seat. At that moment, he heard Wang Yumin say from behind, 'Feng Yiping, come to study early in the future.'

'Yes, Miss Wang,' he replied obediently.

It kept raining, and the sky was always dark. During the day, in class, the lights had to be turned on, otherwise the students couldn't see the teacher's blackboard. The rain was accompanied by thunder, and if the teacher didn't speak loudly during the lecture, the students at the back could only see his lips moving, and couldn't hear what he was saying.

There are also fewer teachers lecturing these days, and next week is the final exam, so these two days the teachers are unusually not rushing to keep up the pace, but are instead reviewing with everyone. Only the maths teacher is still going through some problem types with everyone these two days. These types of questions are very coherent, and if you don't understand the previous step, you won't understand the next step either. There's no way around it, so those who don't understand have to hurry and copy down every step.

The second lesson in the afternoon is politics. According to his guess, Mr Huang tells everyone to highlight the key points. Mr Huang is one of the best teachers at school. Over the past few years, as long as you memorise the key points he highlights, scoring 70 to 80 in the final politics exam is absolutely impossible. So this is the most serious lesson for all the students, for fear that they have missed a point.

Having highlighted most of the key points, another loud clap of thunder came from somewhere not far away. The sound in the classroom paused for a moment, and when the thunder died down, Mr Huang was about to continue his lecture when he heard commotion from the three classes in front of him, as if someone had run out into the corridor.