Chapter 259: Provincial Outstanding Student

Chapter 259: Chapter 259: Provincial Outstanding Student The day after getting the new car, Feng Zhenchang enthusiastically took Mei Qiuping and Feng Yuxuan to visit all the stores. He had originally wanted to take everyone out for a trip, but in this cold winter, it was still more comfortable to stay in the city.

It turned out that they attracted quite a bit of attention along the way. When they were waiting at red lights, people in other cars couldn't help but take a few serious looks. They had never received such attention before when driving a minibus.

Finally, they dropped Feng Yuxuan off at the flagship store. Before going upstairs, she said, 'I want to learn how to drive too.'

'Okay, we'll start after the New Year.' Feng Zhenchang was very supportive of her request. Next year, the two of them will be splitting their time between their hometown and the provincial capital, so they won't be able to drive Feng Yuxuan to work every day.

'Do you want to learn?' Feng Zhenchang asked Mei Qiuping with a smile.

'I'm not going to learn. Driving is not an easy task. It's good to have you as my driver. Let's go, driver, to Xueyuan Road!'

Everyone in the family was happy, except for Feng Yiping, the hardworking child, who was once again on his way to the city from the provincial capital, with a stack of documents in the car. There was the work plan and the training plan for the next year, and he had to go over them all. He even felt that he needed to find a secretary right now.

He had just reached the door, before he had even taken out his keys, when it opened with a bang. Huang Jingping was wearing a long sweater with a kitty cat on the front and a mischievous smile on her face. 'You're back. Why aren't you surprised?'

'Surprised?' Feng Yiping put the documents down on the sideboard, stretched out his cold hands and pretended to scratch his back. 'Ah, no,' Huang Jingping seemed to be particularly ticklish, jumped up and put her arms around Feng Yiping's neck. 'Hug me!'

Feng Yiping hugged her to the sofa. The local TV station was also showing Huan Zhu, but as soon as he returned, Huan Zhu lost its appeal for Huang Jingping.

She was like a little pig, her head scrambling all over Feng Yiping's body, mumbling, 'You smell so good!'

'Do I smell?' Feng Yiping lifted his arm and sniffed. He hadn't showered last night, but it was the middle of winter, and you don't really smell after one night without a shower.

'Don't move!' Huang Jingping held his hand down. "You know, when you're not at home, I can't sleep peacefully even if I'm sleeping alone.'

This remark, if heard by outsiders, would definitely be misleading. When Feng Yiping was at home, they slept in separate rooms, didn't they?

'Later, I ran to your room in the middle of the night to sleep. That's the smell in your quilt." She took another deep breath from Feng Yiping's chest.

'Comrade Huang Xiaoping, that means we should wash the quilt!' Feng Yiping said with a smile.

'I told you to tease me!' Huang Jingping turned her head into a hammer and banged it against his chest. Of course, it was just a show, and it didn't hurt at all.

However, it seems that Huang Jingping really didn't sleep well last night. After a while of playing around, she actually fell asleep in Feng Yiping's arms.

Feng Yiping took the blanket that was placed aside and covered her, looked at the documents far away at the door, and then looked at Huang Jingping, who was still asleep and hugging her tightly. Well, it's not that I don't want to watch, it's just that I really can't watch now.

He couldn't watch TV shows like 'Huan Zhu' either. He switched to CCTV and watched the rerun of the news. After a while, his eyelids grew heavier and heavier, and he fell asleep without knowing when.

When he woke up, it was already dark, but the lights were not on. He was lying on the sofa, covered with two blankets, and Huang Jingping was holding a small handful of hair in her hand, mischievously brushing it against his face.

Feng Yiping also felt like playing a prank, so he shouted loudly, startling her. She froze for a moment, and when she reacted, she became a little crazy, 'Ah, you bad guy, when I fell asleep, you almost threw me to the ground, and now that I'm awake, you're scaring me again, you're so bad!'

When a girl says, 'You're a bad guy, you're really bad,' these words can really be taken as praise and compliments. Feng Yiping let her rant for a while and then took her in his arms. 'What time is it?'

'Almost six. Okay, go wash your face, I'll heat up the food, let's eat early so you don't get late again.'

Alas, the life of a student is truly hard. Feng Yiping hurriedly finished eating and hurried to school.

However, sometimes happy things would happen during this difficult time.

After a short period of evening study, his homeroom teacher, Chen, called him to the office with a happy face and said, 'Yiping, I have good news for you. Your application for provincial outstanding student has been approved!'

Feng Yiping was a little happy to hear this. This was probably the highest honour he could receive as a student.

However, for him, this honour was also well-deserved. In terms of grades and performance, he was definitely among the top five among liberal arts students in high schools across the province. Besides, he had actually donated 50,000 yuan to his junior high school. The key was that he earned the money himself, which was absolutely unique among high school students in the province.

It really doesn't make sense that such a diligent student with excellent grades, good character, a positive attitude and a strong will to succeed would not be named an outstanding provincial student.

This provincial outstanding student is not just an honour, it also gives you extra points in the college entrance exam. In addition, being named an outstanding provincial student gives you the qualification for guaranteed admission. Of course, this benefit is a bit tasteless for Feng Yiping now. There is only a little more than half a year left before the college entrance exam, and being admitted now is not very attractive to him.

His novel was noticed by director Zhang Da and successfully signed, and after the novel became a bestseller in China, the school also helped him with the recommendation. However, these events of his did not fall within the scope of the eight conditions stipulated by the Ministry of Education for recommendation. The schools that reached out were mainly the schools of literature at various universities, including the school of literature at the provincial capital university. However, although Feng Yiping liked literature and loved our traditional culture, he did not intend to major in it. So in the end, he declined the kind offers from those schools.

This time was different. Provincial outstanding students met the conditions for guaranteed admission stipulated by the Ministry of Education. Coupled with his other advantages, there were definitely more options this time.

'Do you have any ideas about the application?' Chen asked him.

'Teacher, does Tsinghua School of Economics and Management have a chance?' Feng Yiping asked him seriously.

'What?' Chen was sure he heard it clearly, but he still wanted to be sure. He was worthy of being the top student in the third year. He had a big attitude.

'Tsinghua School of Economics and Management,' Feng Yiping repeated.

Teacher Chen suddenly had a toothache. 'Well, it's not impossible, but it's not very likely.'

The School of Economics and Management has the highest entrance score at Tsinghua University. It is not impossible to get a recommendation, but at least you have to win the national first prize in the Olympic competition to be fine, or be a promising student athlete who hopes to become an Olympic champion in the future. Just being an outstanding student at the provincial level is not enough.

'Forget it, I'd better study hard!'

'That's not easy either. You need to be in the top three in the province to have any hope,' Chen added.

'Yes, I know,' Feng Yiping of course knew all about this.

As for why he chose the School of Economics and Management, part of the reason was because of the Advisory Board of the School of Economics and Management, which was due to be established the year after next. This board was no ordinary one, as the first dean of the school, the current prime minister, was the honorary chairman of the board.

The other fifty or so members of the board included leaders of our government and financial departments, such as the minister of finance and the governor of the central bank.

Most of the others are the heads of internationally and domestically renowned companies, such as the outed CEO of Apple, the founder of Facebook, and the chairman of General Motors and Goldman Sachs. They also include the richest man in China, who later became a member of this committee.

These committee members are not just holding nominal titles. Not only are they frequently received by senior central government officials, but many of them also give lectures at business schools. Such opportunities are rare in other business schools around the world. If you join a business school, you will have the opportunity to come into contact with these senior officials and wealthy people.

'I will convey your request to the school, but you must also be prepared to take the exam seriously. If you can become the top scorer in the province in the college entrance exam, then there will definitely be no problem,' said Mr Chen, who chased after him.

Feng Yiping also knew that with the extra points for being the top student in the province, there was definitely no problem. However, being the top student in the province was not something that could be taken for granted. He was afraid that he would have to work very hard for the next six months or so before there was any hope. Sёarch* The* website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Of course, on the whole, this is definitely a good thing. One should not become complacent.

So as soon as he got home from his next study session, Feng Yiping called his parents to tell them the good news. They were not sure about the value of this honour, but after Feng Yiping explained that not only would he be eligible for guaranteed admission, but he would also get extra points in the college entrance exam, they were even more excited than he was. They kept saying, 'Good, good!'

Huang Jingping was also very happy to hear the news. She held Feng Yiping's face in her hands and said to him very seriously and admiringly, 'I knew you were the best!'

Sister, please, there seems to be some ambiguity when a girl says something like that to a boy!