Chapter 274: Family Matters

Chapter 274: Chapter 274: Family Matters After the conversation, although Feng Yuxuan could not find a reason for her parents to allocate it this way, her displeasure was obvious to anyone with a discerning eye. 'I'm going to bed if there's nothing else.'

Seeing her like this, Mei Qiuping was a little worried, so she followed her back to her room, while Feng Zhenchang continued with Feng Yiping in the living room.

'Although you didn't participate in the early stages, your sister has indeed done a lot for the noodle shop over the years, and she is still your sister after all. It's reasonable for us to give her 20%, and you shouldn't have any objections. However, from the way you look, I don't think you have any objections, do you?'

In fact, Feng Zhenchang and the others had thought about what they said today, and Mei Jianzhong and Mei Yiliang had also mentioned to them a few times that even between siblings, it is better to clarify certain matters as soon as possible.

'I have no objections. I think you are doing the right thing. Back home, when brothers split up, there were many cases of discord. It's better to sort things out early, so that there are no problems.'

Compared to the average person, their family is considered well-off. Currently, there are only four people in the family, all of whom are related by blood. And since some things happened not long ago, it is easy to explain things clearly. Just like Feng Yuxuan today, if she can't think straight for a while, and talk things over, she will slowly be able to accept it.

If we wait a few years and then bring in an unfriendly son-in-law or an unmanageable daughter-in-law, and then talk about this matter again, it is likely that a real melodrama will unfold.

'Dad, this is not what I want to talk to you about. What I want to talk to you about is something that happened after you went back.'

'I understand. You always told me to drink less, didn't you? I know. Look at me over the past few years, I got drunk only once, when the village road was opened.'

Feng Zhenchang thought that his son was going to talk about this again. He himself now understands that in the past, due to drinking, he did create a lot of conflicts at home, and often quarrelled with Mei Qiuping. However, in the past, when he drank, it wasn't just drinking; it was actually a rare pastime and relaxation. Now it's different. His horizons have broadened, and he understands many things on his own. As for drinking, just the right amount is good. Drinking too much is not good for you, and it will also cause extra trouble.

'Dad, that's not what I'm talking about. What I want to say is that no one in the village will ignore what you say now. You're even more useful than the village chief, Uncle Si. Among the people we've brought up who have opened shops, your words will even carry more weight than their parents'. Later, when you go to inspect the shops opened by the villagers, there are some things you can take care of in advance and give them a heads-up.'

'It's what you mentioned to me before, to prevent them from getting carried away with gambling and drinking after they've made some money.'

Many people like to play cards or mahjong when they're back home, but they didn't have any money then, and each game was just a few cigarettes' worth, so it was really just for fun. Now that they have money in their hands and more opportunities, they might as well play for big stakes.

Even if you have a fortune, once you get addicted to gambling, there's really no cure for it. It's only a matter of time before you lose everything.

'Yes, that's what I want to say. The most important thing is that we brought them out here to make money and get rich. We don't want to start out as a family of two and then, once we've made some money, split up into two families. Then when we go back in the future, we won't be able to explain to their parents and children.'

In this era of impetuosity, those people in the village have, within a few years, earned higher incomes than the average urbanite. If they are not guided properly, especially the men, after building new houses and buying new cars, they might just go and pick the wild flowers by the roadside. In fact, objectively speaking, it is not just a possibility, but most likely they will go.

It is just like the joke where someone asks an old farmer, 'If you had a lot of money, what would you do?'

The old man said, 'Then I'll buy lots and lots of steamed buns.'

'After buying the steamed buns, you still have a lot of money left. What are you going to do?'

'Then I'll build a really big house and fill it with steamed buns!'

'After doing all that, you still have a lot of money left. What are you going to spend it on?'

'Aren't you forcing me to take a concubine?' the old man laughed and scolded.

Because of their family backgrounds and limited education, you can't expect Feng Yiping's fellow villagers to have high spiritual pursuits after becoming materially rich.

On the one day in the county during the first month of the lunar year, Feng Yiping saw that there were already two karaoke parlours and three foot massage parlours in their small and remote county. There were even more barber shops, and he didn't know how many of them were genuine and how many were just selling snake oil.

Love is a beautiful thing in the words of the literati, as in the song, 'What is love? It makes people promise to die together.' However, such things can only be acted out on TV and sung about in songs.

In reality, we rarely see people who are willing to die for love, but we often see people abandoning their wives and children for so-called love.

'We can mention this, but it's useless if we rely on ourselves. If we really encounter such a situation, there's no way to bring it back, so what use are our words?'

'I think we should let Mum talk to those daughters-in-law first. They must manage the family money well. Also, is it possible to do what the family said tonight, and let the husband and wife clarify the property, with each party owning half? If one party does something to the other party's disadvantage, how much of it will have to be given up again?'

Feng Yiping didn't have much experience to talk about such matters, but he just felt that it was very inappropriate to follow the old rules of his hometown.

According to the current rules of his hometown, if a couple divorced, no matter which party was at fault, the woman would always suffer. Most of the outcomes would be equivalent to a clean break, and she couldn't even take the children with her.

His parents' words today also gave him a lot of inspiration. When it comes to assets, it seems that the capitalist system is fairer and more reasonable.

Feng Zhenchang thought for a moment, 'That's fine. Let the women keep a tight rein on the money. If they want to mess around, they won't have much money in their hands. Clarifying the income will also let them know the consequences of messing around. If they still have conflicts in the future after doing these two things, then we can say that we've done our best and have given an account to their families.'

'With this approach, I expect that many people will have a problem with me,' Feng Zhenchang took a big sip from his teacup.

'But most people in the village will definitely say that you did the right thing,' Feng Yiping refilled his father's cup.

There are not a few men who think this way, and there are not a few who occasionally go to entertainment venues, but those who really let go of everything and care about nothing are definitely still in the minority.

'I'll think about it first!'

'Dad, there's no rush on this matter, just keep it in mind,'

In the future, if they really encounter such a situation, most of those people will still turn to Feng Zhenchang and the others for guidance. His seniority and qualifications are there, so it is better to prepare for this now rather than suffer a headache then.

In the room, Feng Yuxuan pulled the quilt over her head and didn't say a word. Mei Qiuping sat by the bed and advised her earnestly, 'You've done a lot in the past few years, but you've also earned a lot of money, haven't you? You've been on your own for a few years. Think about it. Is it easy to earn such a high income just with your abilities?

Let's just say last year, not counting your usual monthly salary, but the bonus at the end of the year, you could have earned 200,000 to 300,000 yuan. Let's say your best friend in the city, Yufang, is doing well, but how much is she earning now? Could it be even one tenth of what you earn? Sёarᴄh the novё website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Your heart is too big. Even if you and Yiping were to switch places for a while, and you took 30%, in a few years' time, you would probably feel that your father and I are taking too much.

Think again. If we hire an outsider to do the things you do, not to mention finding someone who can do better than you, but someone who is not worse than you, it's hard to find, and is it worth spending so much money?

Mom wants to tell you that the noodle shop didn't become a success because of you, but rather you became successful because of the noodle shop. Don't you agree?'

Feng Yuxuan remained lying on the bed as before, without showing any reaction. Mei Qiuping heard the father and son in the living room seem to have finished talking, so she sighed, got up and walked out. When she reached the door, Feng Yuxuan suddenly sat up from the bed, her eyes a little red. 'Mom, I've thought it through, you're right, I was wrong.'

She walked 'thump thump' into the living room, 'Dad, I've thought it through, your division is very reasonable, I don't have any opinions.'

'Brother, you have to be nicer to me in the future, you have to know that I'm also helping you make money now.'