Chapter 284: The party pooper

Chapter 284: Chapter 284: The party pooper Mei Yiliang wanted to stay and sober up, and the others were in no hurry to go. Only the poor child Feng Yiping had to rush back to the city to prepare for evening study. When he was seen off, District Chief Sun took a small box from the hotel manager. 'It's not something good. It's a few catties of fried walnut kernels. This stuff nourishes the brain. You're using your brains right now, so please accept it. And I wish you good luck in the college entrance exam.'

'Thank you, District Chief Sun!' Feng Yiping accepted the small box of walnuts, and estimated that it contained about four or five catties. The finished product sold in stores is usually sweet and cloying, so buying walnuts yourself is quite a hassle.

I have to say, when cadres of our party get serious, they really go all out! District Chief Sun first added a brain-boosting wild shad to the meal this afternoon, and also had the hotel prepare these at the same time. Not many people can do this for their loved ones.

Feng Yiping didn't even need to carry the small suitcase. The secretary of the district head insisted on carrying the suitcase and seeing him to the car. Feng Yiping guessed that the secretary wanted to say something, and sure enough, when they reached the car, the secretary apologised to Feng Yiping, 'Mr Feng, I'm really sorry about last time. I thought you were just a guy who was there for the fun of it, so I was very disrespectful to you. Please don't hold it against me.'

This secretary is something else. It was still last year, and it was just a hurried encounter, but he actually remembered. Naturally, Feng Yiping had to pretend not to remember. 'You've got me a bit confused with that. Oh, I remember, you were the one who told me to get out of the way, right? That's no big deal. You really don't need to remember these trivial matters. In the future, in Binjiang District, I'll have to rely on Director Jiang for your care and attention!'

'I don't dare to ask for your help, but if there is anything I can do for you, please let me know.'

Feng Yiping exchanged a few more polite words, and finally drove back to the city, being watched by a man in his thirties whose rank he couldn't quite figure out.

This was the charm of capital. The reason why these officials were so attentive today was because the money in Feng Yiping's hands could bring them political achievements, and political achievements were their pass to a career in the civil service.

Back home, Huang Jingping, unusually, was not waiting for him at home. He found a note on the table: 'I'm going shopping with Jinju. I'll be home after lunch.'

Feng Yiping looked at the watch. It was already past three. He thought for a moment, made a phone call, and before the phone had even rung once, Huang Jingping picked up the phone. It sounded a bit noisy over there. 'Are you back yet? I bumped into Xiaoqing while we were shopping, and she's singing right now. It's a coincidence. Come pick me up!'

Over the years, there have been countless golden hits in Chinese music, and gatherings in KTV have become a fashionable pastime for young people. However, Feng Yiping doesn't really like places like KTV and bars.

At the beginning, in order to take over the renovation project of the bank, together with his brother-in-law, he accompanied Ma Jiwei, the son of the branch manager of the CCB, to sing once. Last year, they sang together at the Jiangjunshan Holiday Hotel in the county. This time, it was the third time. Sёarch* The novё website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

This KTV called 'He Rijun' also has a grey Roman-style facade. When they saw Feng Yiping's car, several receptionists in cheongsams with bare arms and thighs but with white fur shawls on their shoulders in the foyer enthusiastically came up to them to welcome them. But before they could say anything, Huang Jingping ran out of the door, took Feng Yiping's arm and walked in. 'Just arrived? We were just about to go home when we ran into Xiaoqing and the others. We couldn't say no, so we followed them here. But the acoustics here are really good, so why don't you and I sing a duet later?'

The receptionists, who had been trying to chat up Feng Yiping, looked at this scene and felt a little embarrassed. I guess some of them might also have the thought that a good cabbage has been allowed to be trampled on by a pig!

'Who are they?'

'Xiaoqing and her boyfriend, Xiao Su, and Fang Yingzhi is also there.'

Weekends are the best time for karaoke business, especially during the day, because the fees are lower than at night. So the private rooms are now full, and from the closed doors on both sides, the sound of loud music can be faintly heard. Opening the door to private room 15A, the music of the song 'Jiu Ba' comes blasting out. This song has been incredibly popular since the Spring Festival Gala.

The duet is performed by Xiao Su and Fang Yingzhi. They both greeted Feng Yiping when they saw him come in, especially Fang Yingzhi, whose eyes twinkled at Feng Yiping.

Xiao Qing and her boyfriend sat in the middle, clapping along to the music. Wang Jinju sat on the side, as if she didn't fit in. She waved happily at them when she saw them come in. Huang Jingping had been gone for a while, and she must have had a hard time here.

Xiao Qing smiled and greeted Feng Yiping. Her boyfriend was still a little cold, but he managed a smile.

'Jingping, now that Yiping is here, you can drink, right? Yiping, you've trained Jingping really well. When you're not here, she resolutely doesn't drink!'

There were a few bottles of beer on the table, and the glasses in front of Huang Jingping and Wang Jinju were filled with orange juice.

After hearing Xiaoqing's words, Huang Jingping smiled and didn't say anything as she held Feng Yiping's arm. 'It's not that I've done a good job of disciplining her, it's just that neither she nor I can drink.'

Xiaoqing's boyfriend spoke up, 'You're out having fun, what's the point of not drinking? The girls are drinking, it wouldn't be right for a big guy like you not to drink!'

No one has ever said that a man has to drink. If you don't drink, you're not a man. Feng Yiping has met many women who can drink more than men.

So in this case, Feng Yiping didn't bother to respond. He didn't know Xiaoqing's boyfriend well, and strictly speaking, he didn't have much of a friendship with Xiaoqing either. He didn't feel the need to give her boyfriend face, even if he did. Even if he did, there was no need to give face after hearing that.

At that moment, the music stopped, and Feng Yiping applauded in a show of appreciation. Fang Yingzhi had heard Xiaoqing's boyfriend's words, and when she sat down, she said with a smile, 'Yiping is still a high school student, and he will soon take the college entrance exam. At such a critical time, it's good that he doesn't drink.'

Feng Yiping smiled and nodded at her. Huang Jingping took the menu on the table and said, "What would you like to order?'

'Why don't I get you a bottle of fruit wine?" Huang Jingping seemed to like sweet fruit wine.

'No, we never drink outside,' Huang Jingping and Wang Jinju shook their heads together.

They were both born and raised in the countryside, unlike the other three city girls in the private room, who still remembered their parents' teachings. This is a good thing. Feng Yiping looked at the menu and said, 'Let's have some cashew nuts, fried squid, and a pitcher of fresh coconut juice. You guys take a look too, and if there's anything you want to add, just order it. I came late today, so I'll buy the food, as a way to apologise to everyone.'

'Then let's go big today,' Xiao Su took the menu and looked it over with Fang Yingzhi, ordering a portion of chicken feet and a portion of fries.

When they were done at 2 o'clock, Xiao Qing's boyfriend took the menu without any hesitation, flipped to the drinks section at the back, and said, 'Since Boss Feng is treating, I won't be polite either. A bottle of Chivas 18 and a bottle of Hennessy V.S.O.P.'

He was taking Feng Yiping for a ride, as these were the two most expensive types of wine in the karaoke bar. It was fortunate that he didn't say XO.

'What are you doing?' Xiaoqing spoke first, 'I'm sorry Yiping, he's joking.'

'What do you mean joking? You think the boss can't afford it?'

He can afford it, but why should he pay for you? By the way, do you know what Chivas Regal is, what Hennessy is, and what V.S.O.P means?

'It's fine, Qing, if you want to drink, just order.'

'No need, Yiping, he doesn't drink much. I guess he's had a few beers and is a bit tipsy.'

'Even if he doesn't drink much, he's better than those who don't even dare to drink.'

This remark was loaded with meaning, and Feng Yiping suppressed a smile as he looked coldly at the guy across from him. Did I offend you, master? You're not done yet, are you? If he said another word, Feng Yiping wouldn't hold back.

Xiaoqing saw Feng Yiping's face change and gave him a slap. 'You've had too much to drink, haven't you?' Xiao Su and Fang Yingzhi followed suit, 'It's not a big deal, just keep your mouths shut.'

'I've had too much to drink, right? I've embarrassed you, right? Then I'm leaving.' After saying this, he slammed open the coffee table. Feng Yiping saw a wry smile on the corner of his mouth, which meant it hurt quite a bit, and then slammed the door behind him.

Xiao Qing was embarrassed, "I'm sorry, I've spoiled everyone's fun. He's not usually like this, maybe he drank a bit too much today.'

'It's fine, you go quickly, so he doesn't get into an accident on the way," Huang Jingping said.

After this guy caused such a scene, everyone felt that it wasn't interesting anymore. Even Fang Yingzhi didn't feel like asking Feng Yiping and the others to stay and play.

'Sorry, I won't hang out with them anymore in the future.' On the way home after dropping Wang Jinzhu off at her dormitory, Huang Jing apologized to Feng Yiping.

Feng Yiping was a little upset that he had been targeted for no reason. 'It's fine, it's not your fault. It's that person who is too petty. If you like, next time you can ask Jinju and Xiaosu to accompany you.' As for someone like Xiaoqing's boyfriend, who ruins the mood, it's better to stay away from him in the future.

Of course, Feng Yiping didn't want to find someone to teach him a lesson or anything, although there were plenty of people around now, but it was really not worth it with that kind of person.

And there's no need to worry, because someone will definitely take care of someone with such a bad temper.

In today's society, a good temper is a luxury for the average person!