Chapter 328: Problems at the magazine

Chapter 328: Chapter 328: Problems at the magazine Huang Jingping was called down and had a late-night snack that was more expensive than a proper meal. Yesterday, she vaguely felt that there seemed to be something awkward between Feng Yiping and Jin Ling, but now it had returned to the original state. She didn't care, as it was normal to have arguments about work.

After spending so much time with Feng Yiping, she now fully understands that apart from the person who may still be in a corner of his heart, there is no need to worry about anything else.

'Let's go and check out the house later. It's busy during the day and not convenient.'

'Great, I want to go and have a look too. If the house is finished, we can sit in the backyard and have a late night snack at this time of day. It's safe, affordable and more comfortable.

Jin Ling was eating a skewer of what she said was secret-recipe Lusi yellow beef. Hearing this, she felt that Huang Jingping's words seemed to be directed at her. 'Hey, I'm saying you two, it's just a barbecue for less than 500 yuan, so why are you so upset? You've been living with me for so long, and I haven't charged rent.'

'That's not the point. Jingping has been a nanny for free for so long, and we've never mentioned wages,' Feng Yiping said.

'Come on, Jinling, don't bring work matters into your personal life,'

Jin Ling shook her head. You like this guy, and at work it's fine, but in your personal life... Ugh, it seems like there won't be any peace in the future.

In fact, there is also a problem with consumer attitudes. From Jin Ling's point of view, Feng Yiping's wealth, the car he drives, and the fact that he spent tens of millions of yuan on a house a while ago mean that spending a few hundred yuan on a meal is really no big deal.

The second generation of people in her circle, who rely on their parents' connections, don't even earn 10% of what Feng Yiping does, yet they spend all day going to high-end places or having long-term private rooms in high-end hotels.

She didn't know that Feng Yiping didn't feel like a rich man at all. He bought that car because he liked it and couldn't afford anything else, and because he thought it would retain its value. As for buying a house, anyone from the future would do the same, but she had other considerations besides investment when buying a house.

In other aspects of life, he is still the same as later generations. If he can do it himself, he won't eat out. Although the reasons are all about waste oil and gutter oil, in the final analysis, a large part of the reason is to save money.

This is the difference between him and Huang Jingping and Jin Ling. Different backgrounds and environments, other things like values aside, at least their living habits are very different.

But after Huang Jingping said that, Jin Ling really didn't know what to say. He couldn't tell her that her boyfriend was taking advantage of her, and so on. Her generation had gone to Europe and America to study, and they had been to nude beaches. What happened the day before was really nothing, and of course, if Feng Yiping had done it on purpose, it would be a different story, but obviously he hadn't.

She did it in a way that seemed to be taking advantage of the situation. This young guy who grew up in the mountains had always been better at business than her, and she had never been able to get the better of him at work. She certainly wouldn't let go of such a rare opportunity as the one yesterday.

'You guys go ahead, I'm going to hurry back to bed,'

'Come with us, you just ate a bellyful of beef, and then you're going to sleep, you'll get a pot belly, and even if you don't get a pot belly, you'll grow a cow gallbladder, which is not good,'

In all honesty, Feng Yiping's words were really considerate of her, but he was not well-liked by Jin Ling. Moreover, Jin Ling also had the support of Huang Jingping. Of course, after some denunciation, she still followed.

The house really didn't look very impressive at the moment, with materials piled everywhere and the interior in a mess. Not a single part of it was finished, and it was still in its infancy. Huang Jingping had seen the renderings, and when she compared them to the actual house, she felt that finishing touches would be made by the middle of next month, and that there would be no problem at all. By then, this new house would become their real new home.

As for Jinling, she felt that it was quite acceptable, seeing that there was no design similar to a suspended ceiling. In recent times, there are still many people who like to decorate their homes to look like a hotel or nightclub, with not only a suspended ceiling, but also all kinds of lights. She has always sneered at that kind of taste.

Feng Yiping's absence from evening study the first night did not cause any consequences, but after a day of study, his original plan to complete four years of credits in two years now seems unrealistic.

It is not impossible, provided that he is not as entangled as he is now and focuses solely on his studies.

Judging from the current situation, he will have to work very hard to finish in three years. He really has to work very hard, because there are always unexpected things that come up. For example, just after a normal day of classes and evening study sessions, he got a call from Bao Zhuoyuan, asking Gao Yiming to come and report on his work.

Gao Yiming also brought two large bags of magazines with him, covering various aspects such as finance, fashion, decoration, home furnishing, travel, etc. It is said that he spent a lot of time and effort getting them past customs.

Judging from the work report written by Bao Zhuoyuan, the work results of the past two months have been very unsatisfactory, whether it is article compilation or distribution, not to mention the approach to advertisers. The companies that Feng Yiping admires have ignored their magazine, which is still in the preparatory stage.

This is Jinling's office. After going through the financial magazines, she immediately focused on the fashion ones.

'I'm very relieved by the worries and self-blame of my colleagues at the magazine. This shows that everyone is genuinely thinking about me as the boss. You must convey this to Mr Bao and everyone when you go back. Meanwhile, as I said before, we shouldn't feel too much pressure during the early stages, including the first issue. I'm prepared to lose money.

At the same time, I am confident that after the publication of our first issue, all work will improve greatly. However, the distribution of the first issue is also very important. We must ensure that our target customers can all see our magazine.'

Gao Yiming This is the first time he has learned that Feng Yiping's business in the mainland also includes convenience stores. He is not quite sure about the prospects of this industry, but he knows that if it is successful, such a business will have a good cash flow.

'Good Mr Feng, I will definitely convey this to Mr Bao faithfully, and I will do my best to get the distribution right.'

'As for the compilation of articles, don't worry about it. I have an article here, just a preface to a new concept. I'm going to publish it in the first issue as well. You can take it back first, so that Mr Bao has a rough idea. Meanwhile, before this article is published, it must not be spread.'

He took out a folder he had prepared and handed it to Gao Yiming. The contents were the core idea of the Blue Ocean Strategy. The two authors of the later Blue Ocean Strategy may have been researching this issue at the time, but they had definitely not yet formed a systematic idea. Their book would not be published until six years later.

But this question did not exist for Feng Yiping either. This book can be said to be the one he has read the most and studied the most thoroughly after work. And because it was self-motivated learning, the results were much better than the spoon-fed learning in school.

The electromechanical industry he later engaged in, whether it was products or services, quickly became highly homogeneous. In the end, except for those with connections, most businesses like his could only compete on price and accounts receivable terms.

For example, when it came to a small household washing machine used to wash cars, initially, it was definitely cash on delivery, no returns were accepted, and he could make half a profit on each sale. Later, however, he could no longer guarantee a 10% profit margin, not to mention that he had to allow customers a month's turnaround time and there were more and more returns.

So although his sales were increasing, and his annual sales in one or two product lines were the highest in the region, his financial situation was getting worse and worse.

This unsatisfactory reality forced him to think seriously and learn from experience. It was then that he came across the book 'The Blue Ocean Strategy'. Some of the concepts in it gave him a sense of enlightenment, and there were also some successful practices.

For example, he no longer competed with other companies, pursued high sales, or sought the largest market share. Instead, he started with after-sales service, which no one had paid attention to before. Not only did this approach reap high rewards—buying accessories is always more profitable than buying a whole machine—but it also won a good reputation, which in turn boosted his sales.

Such an unremarkable decision may have saved his small company. In today's world of increasingly advanced communications and accelerating globalisation, it is estimated that most companies will encounter the situation he later experienced. The theory of the blue ocean strategy will certainly attract the attention of those who are interested. seaʀᴄh thё* website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

After the book was first released, one of the authors was immediately invited to give a speech at the 'Microsoft Summit' held at the home of Bill Gates, the richest man at the time. The Microsoft Summit was initiated by Gates and is a once-a-year gathering of CEOs from the 50 largest companies in the United States at their private residences.

In November, the author also gave the opening speech at the annual Fortune conference that year, which was attended by everyone, including the CEOs of all the Fortune 500 companies.

Feng Yiping believed that an article like this, published in his magazine in a series, would definitely attract many target customers.

'In that case, it's better to stay with you for now, and I'll go back and explain the situation to President Bao,' Gao Yiming took the folder and, without opening it, returned it to Feng Yiping.

'That's fine,' Feng Yiping thought for a moment, 'better be careful. There are still a few months left, and he can polish it up again.

'Take this with you. It contains the tasks I have assigned to the editorial team. This doesn't need to be kept confidential. It's about a survey of the current situation of Internet companies. There are still three months until the first issue is published. I don't need them to come up with any conclusions, just let them do some thorough research. I just need to get a first-hand understanding of the current situation, and they can report back to me once a month.' Feng Yiping gave him another folder.

With the clear knowledge that an Internet bubble was going to burst in the first quarter of next year, this would definitely have to be an important topic in the first issue.

'Okay,' Gao Yiming took the folder.

'Tell President Bao to recruit experienced writers and researchers. Don't worry about the financial issues. Just set up a research institute for me now. I have limited time and energy. In the next few years, there will definitely be a lot of topics for preliminary research.'

'I remember. By the way, where is Miss Huang? Can I see her today?' He has never forgotten the two people who helped him when he was at his lowest ebb.

'No problem, we'll have dinner together tonight.'

They chatted for more than two hours, and none of their words avoided Jin Ling. She was over there flipping through the latest fashion magazines, listening to their words, and probably heard that Feng Yiping was planning to start a very high-end political and economic magazine, and he would be in charge. However, could he, a young man who had just graduated from university, support it?

However, Gao Yiming looked like a professional, and he had been very serious throughout the conversation, not at all like a flatterer. So she was very puzzled: where did Feng Yiping get such confidence from at this time?