Chapter 442: Chapter 442: Care Senior official Guo's investigation of the furniture factory was not as meticulous as that of the foreign businessmen. He just took a cursory look at the factory grounds and wandered into one of the workshops. Understandable, after all, a furniture factory is not exactly a high-tech enterprise.

In the specially decorated meeting room, Senior Official Guo rested his left hand on the armrest of his chair and gestured with his right hand in the air, looking very impressive. 'Not bad! The factory buildings are well-constructed, the factory is well-managed, the workers look good, and the company's profits are good,'

'You're too kind, Senior Official,' Feng Yiping said, bowing.

'I'm just being honest. You and I here have been to the Special Economic Zone more than once. We don't have a personal experience of some of the problems, so we can only see the surface. So let me ask: what's the difference between setting up a factory in the Special Economic Zone and setting up a factory in the old hometown? Let's talk about it.'

Senior official Guo had a tight schedule, so without any small talk, he got straight to the point. After asking his question, he opened his notebook. Seeing this, the leaders on the other side also opened their notebooks one after the other.

The main thing is that these old-timers opposite have different ideas! Feng Yiping muttered to himself.

However, in an occasion like this, if he dares to say such things, then he is really courting death.

'In fact, many places in the province have made great efforts to attract investment, and the preferential conditions in all aspects are also quite good, not inferior to the special economic zones. The reason for choosing to set up a factory in the special economic zone in the first place is that the special economic zone brings together talents from all over the country. Especially for private enterprises like ours, talent is a scarce resource at all times.' Feng Yiping picked an inoffensive topic to talk about.

Senior official Guo nodded, 'Talent, yes, although our province is a major education hub, statistics over the years show that less than a quarter of graduates choose to stay in the province after graduation. This is a problem that deserves our deep consideration.'

The heads and brains on the other side all nodded in deep thought. Of the remaining quarter of recent graduates, many of them find ways to enter the various departments under them, so that even fewer of them join the market.

'Where is Xiaojin? You have played abroad, worked in a state-owned enterprise, and now what do you feel is the biggest difference between the special economic zone and our mainland?'

'The main difference is in the word 'special'. Because the market economy is well developed, the special administrative region is more compatible with the international market system. I feel that running a business in the special administrative region is similar to doing so abroad.'

Jin Ling's words were very clever. He talked about the differences without mentioning the civil service system, so the leaders on the other side would not have a problem with them. No matter how hard they work, they will not be able to enjoy the benefits of the special administrative region.

'Yes, we are here to observe and learn about this 'special status','

'The special economic zone is mainly focused on exports, and so is our branch. Some processes need to be simplified, and the special economic zone is close to the port, which makes logistics convenient and costs low,' Lao Cai is speaking from a practical operational perspective.

'The supporting systems here in the special economic zone are more complete,' Xiong Yuliang is speaking from a production perspective.

In short, everyone is telling the truth, well, just the truth, which is not very useful.

For example, everyone knows about the brain drain. If the province could solve this problem and keep all the recent graduates within the province, the province's economic take-off would be just around the corner.

But who can solve this problem? Talents from all over the country are heading to the big cities in the south, to Shanghai and the capital, but the talents in these places are all heading abroad, always in an outflow.

For example, many of Feng Yiping's classmates are now preparing for the IELTS or TOEFL.

When senior official Guo comes to the factory, apart from inspecting, he is more concerned with showing support for Jinling, so even Jinling knows that at a forum like this, it is enough to say these words that scratch the surface.

'I will finish with one last sentence. We of course encourage enterprises in the province to have a long-term vision, and we also hope that enterprises in the province can expand their business and companies abroad. But don't forget to invest in the province, don't you think?'

'Uncle Guo, don't worry, our group's foothold has always been in the province, and our key investments are also in the province. We are currently negotiating with some cities in the province about a few projects.' As the discussion drew to a close, Jinling also changed his address.

'That hotel in Binjiang District is also yours, isn't it? Anyone passing along Yanjiang Avenue will talk about that resort hotel. Judging by the scale, you must have invested a lot in that hotel, right?' The director of the Construction Department interjected.

This person is presumably on good terms with Lao Jin, and by mentioning this at this time, he is helping Jin Ling.

The secretary whispered a few words in the ear of the high-ranking official Guo, and he immediately asked, 'Oh? That hotel is also under the name of Jiasheng?'

'Yes, that is also our biggest investment. It is planned to officially open before the National Day. Uncle Guo, and all the uncles here, I would like to make a verbal invitation today. Everyone must come and give guidance when the time comes.'

'Oh, no problem. This is the first time you've asked me for anything, and I'll definitely go, uncle.'

The other leaders all followed suit, saying, 'We definitely will.'

Jin Ling wanted to spend a little money, but unfortunately, Jiasheng did not yet have that honour. Senior official Guo and his entourage were to be hosted by the local government for dinner that evening.

However, before leaving, Feng Yiping still had the cheek to present the leaders and entourage with the four issues of his family's magazine that had already been published.

The group saw the three of them, Oberyang, with a radiant expression, leading several foreign businessmen out of the workshop as they saw off the visiting leaders at the factory gate. The factory had been really lively these past few days.

It was also lively at Mayor Fang's house.

This liveliness did not refer to the large number of people who had come to seek instructions, but rather to the fact that the eldest daughter had rarely returned home and was in an exceptionally good mood, behaving like never before and filling the house with her laughter.

'Hmph, you two,' Mayor Fang enjoyed a long-overdue massage from his daughter, 'if it weren't for the passport and Hong Kong and Macau passports, I'm afraid you would have kept it from me forever!'

'Mom, isn't it a bad idea to distract you with such a trivial matter? With me and Dad, we can handle it.'

'Trivial matter? You two, you really are bold. You know that money was saved up for your studying abroad, and you never thought about what if it gets lost?'

'Mom, it hasn't been lost yet. Feng Yiping is going to be in the Special Administrative Region for a few more days because of the Canton Fair. I'll go over there and ask him to transfer the money. I'll also open a bank account there, okay?' Zheng Jiayi put her arms around Mayor Fang's neck and cooed.

'You're a girl, how can I let you go alone? Zheng, take two days off,'

'For something like this, Jiayi should go alone,' Zheng Boxun said.

Mayor Fang thought about it for a moment, and agreed that it would indeed be better for her husband and daughter to go to Hong Kong together for something like this.

'Are you really so at ease?' Mayor Fang rubbed her daughter's head.

'What's not to be at ease about? Feng Yiping has a company in the Special Administrative Region and a magazine in Hong Kong. Jiayi going with him will definitely be well received on both sides.'

'Then let's say two days each way, is that okay?' Mayor Fang asked his daughter.

'Mom, two days is too short. This is the first time I've earned money, so I want to buy you and Dad something nice over there. Besides, I want to go to the Canton Fair to see what's going on. How about four days?' Zheng Jiayi held up four fingers and bargained with her mother.

'Then three days,' Mayor Fang compromised.

'Good, you're so nice, Mom,' Zheng Jiayi kissed Mayor Fang on the cheek, "I'll go call Feng Yiping.'

'Zheng, do you really think we can make that much money in just a few days?" Mayor Fang looked at his daughter, who was on the phone in the backyard, and asked her husband softly.

'If we see the opportunity and seize the moment, we can really make a lot of money,'

'If I had known, you should have told me at the time,' Mayor Fang sighed.

'That Feng Yiping is very cautious in his actions. He repeatedly emphasised this to his daughter, and she insisted. Besides, could we have unconditionally trusted him at the time? I also hesitated a lot before taking the 200,000 yuan,'

Mayor Fang thought about it and agreed. Although Feng Yiping had given a very definite time in the magazine, who would have believed it at the time? Besides, they didn't have much US dollars, and it was too difficult to take Renminbi out of the country.

'And, I considered it. For such a sum as 200,000, even if we lost it all, he would definitely not let us suffer any losses.'

In fact, if they had offered more at the time, Feng Yiping would not have accepted it either. He had an upper limit in mind. He wanted to make a quick profit with Zheng Jiayi, while also showing goodwill to Mayor Fang, but he didn't want to be seen as a tool for making money.

'Yes, this is not bad,' Mayor Fang thought and felt relieved. 'We'll just leave it alone, and give Jiayi the money. He'll probably bring some back in the future if there's a chance.' Searᴄh the novel(F~) website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

'Then you should also take the time to care about their family's companies in the city,'

'Yes, I understand. Jiayi, dinner is ready, come in quickly.'