Chapter 452: Secrets

Chapter 452: Chapter 452: Secrets Just then, the waiter came to serve the main course, cutting off Fang Yingzhi's next words.

'If there really is, I must congratulate that gentleman on winning your favour. To use a country expression, it's as if smoke were rising from his family grave,' Feng Yiping said sincerely. 'If this is just something you're saying to please your parents, then you really need to make an effort. I've read an article that seems to say that a girl is at her peak between the ages of 22 and 25, and then she starts to go downhill,'

Fang Yingzhi, who had always valued her appearance above all else, didn't care about what Feng Yiping said at this point. 'You may have heard that when I was at the School of Finance, many classmates chased after me, and I only got close to a few of them because their families were well-off. Because of this, I didn't have a good reputation at the School of Finance.'

'I can completely understand it. When we men look at women, the first thing we definitely look at is appearance. No matter how talented, nice, or good a woman is, if she looks like Dongshi or Wuyan, no man will ever give her a second glance. It's only natural for a woman to look for a good-looking man from a well-off family.'

Fang Yingzhi let the steak in front of her sit untouched, took a sip of wine, and said, 'Haha, it's just that the guys I was willing to date all backed out later. I don't know what happened. Although I didn't actually have anything with those guys, it didn't take long before the word got around school that I only recognised money. As a result, the girls looked down on me, and as for the guys, they despised me in front of others but behind my back, hahaha, it's not worth mentioning,'

This is a question that Feng Yiping really can't comment on. From his personal point of view, if a girl at school is only willing to associate with wealthy classmates, for whatever reason, he definitely won't appreciate it either. However, of course, he can't say that now. 'You can understand it like this: an outstanding girl who attracts the attention of most of the boys will inevitably be framed.'

Swinging her glass, she leaned back in her seat and looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle – a perfect selfie position. 'You know what? Just like Jingping's family, my family also only has two daughters, but I'm the younger one,'

'Oh? There's actually nothing bad about that. They say daughters are their parents' little cotton-padded jackets, more caring. Here, eat some while it's still hot,'

Fang Yingzhi still only drinks wine. 'When I was three years old, my parents gave me to my uncle's family in the countryside. I lived with my uncle's family until I finished primary school. I was only picked up by my parents when I was in junior high school and brought back to the city.'

This was the first time Feng Yiping had heard about any of this. He had seen his adoptive son, but this was the first time he had encountered an adopted daughter. However, whether it was an adopted son or daughter, it must have been hard for the person involved.

'My aunt and uncle were both simple farmers. They moved a little closer to the city and built a simple greenhouse to grow vegetables, which became the family's main source of income.

My parents only had my father working, at the city transport company. When he was young, he drove the bus as hard as he could to get more subsidies, but in the end, he didn't get much more in salary and ended up with a whole host of illnesses. Now he needs medicine all year round, and his liver disease is particularly bad. On top of that, they bought a welfare flat through collective funding, and the family's savings were quickly depleted.

Not to mention anything else, the house has been bought for so many years, it is old, but my family has never even decorated it.

After my sister graduated from high school, my family finally managed to get her a job in my father's office, but then the transportation company's performance started to decline. Not to mention bonuses and benefits, it was already good if they could pay the salary on time.

My sister-in-law is an employee of a city supervision company, and her income is also average. After they had a child, even though the family was already living a tight budget, my parents still had to subsidize them somehow every month.

You know, regarding this old house of ours, my sister and brother-in-law have mentioned more than once that I was adopted and have no inheritance rights.

I don't really blame them, it's just that we were so poor.

So, actually they're not wrong, I do love money!

If I could be like you, with good grades, get into a top university and find a well-paid job in the future, then I would also be confident, but my grades are average, I can't even get into a university, I can only go to a junior college.

Therefore, I understood one thing very early on: if I get married, I must not find someone whose financial situation is worse than mine, or who has a heavy burden. That way, even if we have a good relationship, we won't be happy, and neither will my biological parents and foster parents, nor my husband's parents. That would be at least four families that wouldn't be happy.' Fang Yingzhi paused, and there was very little wine left in her glass.

Feng Yiping never imagined that there was such a story behind it. She was adopted by her parents when she was young, and when she grew up, she was jealous of her biological sister. Fang Yingzhi's experience is really worthy of sympathy. In that case, her choice is not wrong. At least, she is not just pursuing personal material enjoyment.

As the saying goes, money isn't everything, but it's impossible to do without it. Fang Yingzhi's burden is heavier than that of young couples from single-parent families. As a girl with good qualifications, it's understandable that she hopes to change her fate and the financial situation of her family through marriage.

Feng Yiping was very moved by this, and took her plate over, cutting the steak into small pieces. 'Have some food first. I'm sorry, I didn't realise you were carrying such a heavy burden. As a girl, you're really not easy,'

Fang Yingzhi wiped the corner of her eye, 'I'm used to it. This is the first time in years that I've talked about it with someone.'

'Yingzhi, I understand your choice, but I think you have a much better option now. Do you remember what we talked about last year? Now you really have the opportunity to do well without relying on others. And, with your strong-willed nature, it doesn't seem like you would be comfortable standing behind a man.

The economic foundation determines the family status. Are you really willing to be a housewife with no family status just for the money?

As you can see, the company has developed rapidly in the past two years, and there are many opportunities. For example, as you also know, there is a shortage of talent in convenience stores nowadays, not to mention high-end management talent. Even General Manager Jin has to keep the position of General Manager of Yajia concurrently. There are many regional-level supervisors, but in fact, in terms of our requirements, not many of them are qualified.

From the perspective of the entire group, there is also a shortage of high-end financial personnel. As a last resort, they have to put those rookies who have just graduated and have little experience in charge.

Yijia Express Hotel is also developing rapidly. In a few days, the eleventh branch will officially start operations. Because we don't have so much manpower reserves ourselves, most of the branch managers are recruited from outside.

The various departments at the headquarters, from the personnel department to the newly established and formed administrative department and the supervision and audit department, are also in dire need of high-level management personnel.

Not to mention the possible options in the future, the current salary income of these positions is considered high income compared to the average, right? So as long as you can compete for such a position, then the problems you are currently facing will not be a problem at all.' These words were originally what he was going to say, except that he is now being more sincere.

'Yes, I already have this plan,' Fang Yingzhi put down her knife and fork, buttoned up her shirt one by one, and even buttoned up her suit buttons, hiding the seductive black colour. "I now understand the reason why you asked me to dinner tonight, so I might as well say what I want to say,'

'I don't mean anything else, just a heart-to-heart talk between friends," Fang Yingzhi made her intentions clear, and Feng Yiping was a little embarrassed instead.

'Yes, I admit that I started to pay attention to you and get close to you after learning the price of the car you drive. After watching your interview on the listed TV station, the idea of working at Yujia was born. According to my original ideas and standards, you are a very suitable candidate, so I ignored the fact that you are very close to Jingping and made many ineffective attempts.

But now I have a different idea. I believe I can seize the many opportunities in the group. I am confident that I can change the economic situation of my family without relying on a man or marriage.

But you know, Yiping, the more I get to know you, the more I discover your good qualities. So I can't let go of the idea in my heart. I want to be with you! Just to be with you, not for your money, just for you as a person!

Jingping, I understand. She is a very traditional girl, very suitable for staying at home. I can do everything she can do, and I can also do the things she can't do. I am confident that I can help you more in your career, so I think I am more suitable for you.' Fang Yingzhi finished speaking seriously and tried to pull Feng Yiping's hand on the table.

Feng Yiping lifted his glass without a trace, just avoiding it. 'I am really, really honoured, but Yingzhi, Jingping and I are very close, and we have already planned to have a child. Besides, when you meet the right person in the future, you will understand that in matters of love and marriage, there really is no such thing as a good match,'

Fang Yingzhi looked at Feng Yiping and saw that he showed no sign of softening. Feeling that there was really no hope, she was about to burst into tears, 'Do I really stand no chance?'

'You are a very good girl, you fully deserve someone who is wholeheartedly devoted to you, someone better. I really don't want you to waste your time on someone who isn't worth it,' Feng Yiping handed her a napkin. 'I sincerely hope that you can focus on your work, and I believe that the other half of your life is waiting for you not far ahead.'

Feng Yiping spoke very tactfully, but firmly. Fang Yingzhi looked at him, and finally couldn't hold back her tears, which fell one after the other.


After ten o'clock, Wen Hong, who had been playing around a lot during the day, couldn't hold back any longer and went to bed first. Huang Jingping went to the study to go online, but found that her mind couldn't calm down at all. She simply went to bed, but still couldn't sleep. Leaning against the bed, she picked up a book of essays to read, but couldn't get into it. She just held the book and stared blankly until she heard the courtyard gate open and Feng Yiping's car pull in. She came back to her senses, jumped out of bed, and ran to the bathroom to fill the bathtub.

So when Feng Yiping arrived in the bedroom, Huang Jingping was standing in the doorway, saying, 'You're back, the water's almost ready,'

Feng Yiping took her in his arms and kissed her on the forehead, "We've had our say.'

'Mmm," Huang Jingping hugged him tightly and whispered, "I'm completely better today.' Sёarch* The nôᴠel Fire.nёt website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

'Huh?" Feng Yiping didn't react at first.

Huang Jingping twisted a little, 'The relatives have gone,'

Feng Yiping rubbed her head, 'Consolidate for another day, go to bed early, I'm a bit tired today too,'