Chapter 520: Restaurants and the Blue Ocean Strategy

Chapter 520: Chapter 520: Restaurants and the Blue Ocean Strategy 'Do you think Yiping will kneel on the washing board when he goes back yesterday?' Jin Bao and Han Guiliang laughed as they pushed open the dormitory door. Only Liang Yonggao was inside. 'It's so hot, and you're keeping the door closed. Aren't you hot?'

Liang Yonggao stood up from the table a little flustered, busily stuffing a piece of paper into his trouser pocket. 'You're back,' he pretended to gather the books on the table. 'There's too much homework to do. By the way, it's so hot today that I don't have much of an appetite. Why don't we go to the 14th canteen for some claypot soup at noon?'

'Sure,' Jin Bao said, giving Han Guiliang a look, then taking Liang Yonggao by surprise and hugging him. Han Guiliang quickly searched the paper he had put in his pocket and unfolded it. "A written self-criticism,'

'What are you doing? Let me go!" Liang Yonggao struggled like a young girl who was about to be violated.

Han Guiliang didn't care about him. 'Ya Wen, I am writing this self-criticism with a heavy heart! Because of the carefree summer vacation life for more than a month, I relaxed my requirements on myself and was unable to firmly resist the enticement and temptation of those guys in the same dormitory...'

Jin Bao couldn't bear to listen to this anymore. He picked up Liang Yonggao like a small chicken and threw him onto the bed next to him, and then punched him in the fleshy parts of his body. 'We enticed and tempted? You traitorous guy,'

Seeing Jin Bao completely control Liang Yonggao, Han Guiliang also patted him on the head a few times, 'For this trivial matter, you are still making a heavy-hearted self-reflection, you are really embarrassing us northern men,'

Yan Zhida and Lu Wenqing, who returned one after the other, naturally would not let him go after they knew the whole story. One said that he was a spineless man with no principles, and the other said that he forgot about righteousness when he saw a pretty face.

Poor Liang Yonggao. His girlfriend's not the only one who has a problem with his behaviour. He has also been denounced by his roommates, and finally, he had to invite everyone to the 14th canteen for a good meal.

Watching these animals order food, Liang Yonggao's face turned green, his heart was bleeding, and he felt miserable. Didn't everyone say that it was too hot and they didn't have an appetite?

As for Feng Yiping, it wasn't as if he hadn't been affected by what happened yesterday. When he first enrolled last year, he didn't even attend the welcome party for his own college. This year, as the price for his lie, he dutifully took Huang Jingping to watch the welcome parties for three colleges in a row.


After the welcome party, it also meant that the series of noise from the new semester finally came to an end. Feng Yiping had officially entered his second year and had to take on another responsibility as the president of the Entrepreneurship Club.

Jinbao is definitely more enthusiastic than him. She has stopped him several times. Xiao Cai is even more impressive. Feng Yiping doesn't know if she has good grades and finds learning easy, or if she simply doesn't care about studying at all. Anyway, she is very enthusiastic about the design studio and the club. Although they don't meet often, she sends Feng Yiping a lot of text messages, repeatedly asking the same question: 'When will the project start?'

'Why don't we go and have a look at the design studio?' Comrade Cai Yawen suggested on Wednesday lunchtime, after she had finished eating with Liang Yonggao and was bored.

'Why don't you send a text message to Yiping and ask?' Liang Yonggao would rather go with her to the banks of the Wanquan River and find a quiet place, similar to a smooth stone slab under the shade of a tree, to snuggle up to each other while listening to the sound of the flowing spring and the cicadas.

'Great, I've sent him several messages, but he hasn't replied to any of them,'

but this time, I had good luck. As soon as I sent it, I got an answer. 'After careful consideration, the president of the club has decided to hold the first official general meeting of the Entrepreneurship Club at 3 pm the day after tomorrow in the conference room of the Science and Technology Park's Wonder Workshop to discuss the follow-up work arrangements. Please let everyone know,'

'Magic Workshop' is the name that Feng Yiping officially registered for the design office. It feels more energetic and ambitious than "Hegsheng Design Office", and is also closer to the identity of their company, which is mainly composed of college students.

'Yiping is quite humorous, but you can't really tell,' Cai Yawen asked Liang Yonggao while forwarding the text message.

'It depends on who you're talking to,' Liang Yonggao said, 'with people he doesn't know well, he won't even say much, at most he'll just smile at you,'


On Friday afternoon, the meeting room at the Magic Workshop was packed with 82 members of the community. Everyone felt quite novel, as this meeting room was very different from the ones they were used to.

Just take a look at the chairs, there seemed to be more than ten types, mostly lazy sofas, and there were four hanging basket chairs at the back, but there was not a single proper office chair.

There was of course no conference table either, just a simple desk with no chair. There was a large whiteboard on the wall, and a projector screen rolled up on it. Many of the guys looked at the multifunctional projector hanging from the ceiling, and the first thought that came to mind was that watching movies here must be awesome.

'Please be quiet,' said Feng Yiping, dressed casually, as he walked behind the desk. 'Last semester, I put forward a very rough idea, and unexpectedly, I received the support of everyone here. I am very grateful personally! I would also like to thank everyone for their cooperation with the club's work over the past semester!

Although last semester, we only did desk work, and only two plans were finally selected, all the other proposals and plans were the result of everyone's hard work.'

As usual, there was a round of applause. 'This was the first formal general meeting of our entrepreneurship club, and there was a lot on the agenda. One of the main points was that last semester we were all just talking about things on paper, but from this semester onwards, we definitely have to get down to business. So at this meeting, we had to decide what to do next: should we work on both projects at the same time, or just one at a time?

Another agenda item was to determine the club's organisational structure and the election process for the heads of each department.

Finally, after the projects and the leaders of the organisations have been decided, we need to decide on the investment that everyone needs to share.'

It's funny to say, but so far, the Entrepreneurship Club only has one president and two vice-presidents, and the three presidents are the only ones who are clear.

'Next, Vice-President Ya Wen will introduce the election process for the leaders of the organisations,'

Cai brushed the bangs in front of his forehead, opened the slides that had been prepared on Feng Yiping's computer, projected them onto the screen, and started his explanation crisply.

'Considering the biggest difference between our entrepreneurship club and other clubs at school is that we don't need to solicit sponsors, the structure of the entrepreneurship club is different from other clubs, and the name has also been adjusted a bit. It has one characteristic that is closer to the setup of a company,'

Xiao Cai explained to everyone the setup of the eight permanent departments of the entrepreneurship club, their job responsibilities, and the requirements for candidates, in addition to the president.

Everyone looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar names on the board of directors, marketing department, sales department, administration department, supervisory board, etc., and felt quite novel.

'After the meeting, we will accept everyone's registration and election, which will be held two weeks from today. At the same time, I would like to make one thing clear. Because of the uniqueness of our entrepreneurship club, the heads of these organisations will be responsible for everyone's investment in the future, so their obligations will be greater than their rights. I hope everyone will combine their own strengths and choose the right position. Thank you all!'

After Cai finished the slideshow, he politely bowed to the audience.

'Please also rest assured that, with reference to the appointment and dismissal procedures of other systems, you can propose a motion at any time to determine whether the heads of each organisation are competent. As long as more than half of all members agree, you can remove the relevant candidates,' Feng Yiping added, 'Next, please let Vice President Jin Bao introduce the specific details of the two entrepreneurial projects that you have finally determined to be feasible. After that, please vote on site to decide whether to do both at the same time or to do one first.'

Jin Bao, wearing a dark shirt, coughed and walked energetically to the back of the table to introduce the details of the dry cleaning and restaurant plans.

These two plans, after being improved again and again, are already very standard, except for the amount of investment, mainly the amount of investment in the restaurant, which fluctuates within a range due to the different locations where it is opened, and everything else is very specific.

'These two plans are clear to everyone, so I will stop here. Next, I would like to ask for a show of hands for those who agree to do both projects together.' Since this is a start-up club, the pace is naturally fast. After Jinbao introduced the plans, he immediately presided over the vote.

The members looked at the funding requirements mentioned in the two plans, then weighed their pockets. In the end, only four people agreed.

'Then just do one,' this result was also within everyone's expectations. With such a loose team, of course it is better to do one first to test the water and see if it is safe.

Then, when it came to choosing a project, it was clear that these young people were all foodies, and 80 of them chose to start with a restaurant!

Feng Yiping was not discouraged by the fact that his proposed chain dry cleaners project had been rejected by everyone else. He walked up with a smile, 'As a foodie, running a restaurant has always been my ultimate dream. On the one hand, we will have a place to eat in the future, and on the other hand, the fact that so many of you are foodies is also a guarantee of the success of our restaurant.'

The foodies all laughed.

'However, don't underestimate the restaurant business. As you can see, around our school, several restaurants that opened in the first half of the year have already closed down and changed hands. Those that are still in business have some that turn over tables many times a day and are extremely busy, while others may be struggling to make ends meet. This shows that it is not an easy business,'

'Because this is my ultimate dream, I have some ideas about the positioning of the restaurant. I'll share them for your reference, just to get the ball rolling,'

'First of all, no matter if we will be positioning ourselves as Sichuan, Shandong, Cantonese, Huaiyang or any other cuisine in the future, I think we need to be clear that we will only offer a limited number of dishes, from cold appetizers to hot dishes,' Searᴄh the Novelƒire(.)ne*t website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

'What do I mean? For example, for pork, we will only have one or two dishes, such as braised pork or fried pork. Sorry, we don't have anything else!'

After Feng Yiping said this, there was a lot of excitement, and everyone was talking about it. Most people didn't understand, and they asked, 'I want to order sweet and sour pork, but I can't?'

Feng Yiping wasn't in a hurry. 'What do you mean? It's just that we're different from other restaurants. We want to do less, and reduce the number of dishes we offer.

This has many advantages. First of all, our chefs definitely can't make all 200 dishes impeccably, but if there are only 20 dishes, they can still achieve a level of expertise.

In addition, with a relatively simple menu, costs in all areas will decrease, and we will then have the manpower, time and energy to do other things. For example, we can learn from Western restaurants and do a good job of plating our food, so that the whole process of serving the food has a sense of ceremony, and the temperature of the food is just right when it is served. You must know that temperature is the soul of a dish.'

Liang Yonggao suddenly raised his hand and said, 'President Feng, is this the specific application of your Blue Ocean Strategy?'

Comrade Liang is indeed a good comrade!

"Yes, these are just some of my personal views for your reference. I also hope that you will seriously consider other specific matters of the restaurant we are going to open, especially the various processes. I sincerely hope that this restaurant, which embodies the ideas and hopes of our 83 people, will have a place in the capital's restaurant market in the future and will endure over time, becoming a successful business.'

At first, Feng Yiping's words were hard to understand, but when you think about them, they make a lot of sense. 'Yes, there are so many canteens in the university, and each one has so many dishes, but the ones that I can remember and want to order again next time I go to the canteen are just a few,'

and some students compared it to Western fast food. 'I also think it makes sense. The Western fast food that girls like to go to is so popular. When you think about it, there are actually less than ten varieties of hamburgers combined,'

Some students were also asking, 'What the hell is this Blue Ocean Strategy? And this Feng Yiping, he's already published a book?'