Chapter 547: Laughing on Stage, Crying Off (Part 1)

Chapter 547: Chapter 547: Laughing on Stage, Crying Off (Part 1) This was Comrade Feng Yiping's first time appearing on a TV show in a municipality directly under the central government, and what's more, it was a show broadcast in the capital city. This was a satellite TV show, which was several notches above the municipal TV station that had previously only broadcast within the city.

To be honest, Feng, who did not have a taste for the vulgar, was still a little happy, a little pleased with himself, and a little satisfied about this.

Ten days in advance, Feng Yiping received the interview outline, which was quite a lot, with a total of more than ten questions.

Some of these questions, he didn't really want to talk about, but fortunately, he now had some weight. After communicating with the TV station a few times, an agreement was reached. The interview lightly touched on the things about him and the entertainment industry, and the focus was on his personal experiences and why he had achieved his current success.

This was Feng Yiping's first interview with a TV station after he had revealed all his identities in public. It would have a significant impact on him personally and on the company, so he took it very seriously and spent a lot of time preparing for it these days.

It was good that he said he had prepared carefully, because the answers had to be lively and interesting, but also in line with his age and status. So it wasn't easy, and he had burned a lot of brain cells, back and forth.


This was the first time Feng Yiping had received professional make-up, but he didn't enjoy the process.

Even his short hair, which he didn't think needed much work, took a lot of time to mess with, and he plucked a number of his wild-growing eyebrows. The marks left by those youthful pimples on his face were even covered very well, and Feng Yiping himself couldn't tell in the mirror.

After more than an hour, it was finally over. He looked at himself in the mirror a few times. It really did look quite good. His features looked more three-dimensional. He gave a thumbs-up sign while Huang Jingping and Jin Ling took photos, and thanked the makeup artist, 'Although I have a good base, your level is even higher. You did a great job. When I get married in the future, can I trouble you again?'

The young makeup artist laughed and covered her face, 'As long as you send me an invitation, I'm sure it'll be no problem,'

Jin Ling whispered to Huang Jingping, 'Is he always like this, teasing the girls when he meets them?'

'No, really. At first, he didn't say much to the girls,' Huang Jingping said with a smile, 'Jin Ling, take a few photos of us together,'


In the semi-circular studio, there were about 200 people sitting, some of whom were students from various universities in the capital. Of course, their school was also represented, led by teacher Jin, and a few from his class had also come. As soon as they saw him appear, they actually started cheering like fans. Feng Yiping thought that they must have been showing off to their friends from other universities.

This time, he and the host were both sitting facing the audience, and there was not even a footrest table in between, so they were really a bit uncomfortable.

As soon as he sat down, he asked the host, 'If I take off my jacket, will that be rude?'

The elaborately decorated hostess, who was still holding the script, asked with a smile, 'Why, is it hot?'

'It's mainly the nerves. I sweat when I'm nervous,'

Several people in the front row, especially Huang Jingping and Jin Ling, were smiling as they looked at his serious expression.

'It's okay, we don't have any strict requirements for attire. You look very smart in a shirt and tie,'

'Thank you!' Feng Yiping pretended to wipe the sweat from his forehead, took off his suit, and then the four red words "Youjia Convenience" on the shirt pocket were still a bit eye-catching.

There was no way he could miss such a good opportunity to advertise, and he even wanted to come up wearing a Youjia vest.

'Yiping, you can be described as having multiple roles at the moment: student, boss, writer, etc. In your opinion, which is currently the most important identity?'

'Of course it's being a student. My main task at the moment is still learning all kinds of professional knowledge,'

'But we have also consulted some professors in your department, and they commented that your book,' she took the freshly published Chinese version of Blue Ocean Strategy and waved it, 'is also qualified as a postgraduate thesis. So do you think it is still necessary to continue studying at school? Because as far as we know, your time is actually very tight.'

'Absolutely necessary,' Feng Yiping nodded. 'This book doesn't represent much. I know very well that although I've studied on my own, I haven't actually started in many areas of expertise. Our school has knowledgeable professors, and I cherish this rare learning opportunity.

And, really, I'm not being pretentious, but after a stressful day at work, studying is really a kind of relaxation for me. I really like the feeling of being in the library or study room.'

'It's obvious that you're a good student who's liked by your teachers. So you won't take a leave of absence or drop out of school to go busy with your business?'

'Absolutely not,'

'So what do you think about the increasing number of students taking a leave of absence or dropping out of school to start their own business? We know that there are many such inspirational and successful examples abroad, and there are also some at your school,' This was the first difficult question asked by the host, and it was also the question on the minds of many of the students below.

'There doesn't seem to be a standard answer to this question. It should vary from person to person and also depend on the entrepreneurial project. For example, Gates's job at the time could not be replaced by anyone else, so he had to do it himself.

But one thing I think is for sure: taking a break from school or dropping out to start a business does not mean not studying. On the contrary, I think there is more to learn, and the requirements are higher, but it's just not as diverse as what you learn in school.

The knowledge I am learning at school now will be very helpful for my future work, so personally, I will definitely persevere.' Feng Yiping This is considered a flattering answer.

'We noticed that you started your business very early, in high school, but you published your novel even earlier, in the first year of junior high school. You successfully published your first novel in Harvest, which was adapted into a movie last year. How could you write such a novel at that age? And why did you want to submit it to a top domestic publication like Harvest at that time?'

'The reason is simple. The story in that novel, although it has been somewhat edited, is basically based on my own experiences, and I had some writing skills at the time.

The main reason was that when I was in fifth grade, my father brought home a thick book from somewhere. It was Tolstoy's famous novel 'Resurrection'.

In our village, at that time, apart from the textbooks of those of us who went to school, there was not much paper with words on it. There were only two televisions in the whole village, and of course, they belonged to other people's homes, so we could only go and watch them at night.

So, although the book was very obscure at the time, and I didn't understand some parts, and I didn't know many of the words, it was a rare pastime for me. With the help of a dictionary, I read it more than five times, while herding cattle in the mountains and in between helping with household chores.

As the old saying goes, if you read 300 Tang poems well enough, you will be able to recite them even if you can't compose them yourself. In a subtle way, I absorbed a little of the master's experience.'

'Resurrection?' the host asked. "Didn't your parents think it was inappropriate for you to read such a book at your age?'

For a primary school student whose values have not yet taken shape, reading such a book is indeed a bit too early.

'Why not?" Feng Yiping said with a smile. 'In our village, children who didn't go around acting crazy and who had time to read a book were not only pleasing to their parents, but also liked by other adults.

'So you were a good boy from a young age?' the host laughed.

Feng Yiping touched his head, 'It doesn't seem like it was always the case. Although I don't remember a lot of things, or maybe I'm selectively forgetting, I heard my mother say that when I was young, I was also a guy who even dogs disliked,'

his expression and words made everyone in the audience laugh.

'However, as I grew up and learned a little bit, coupled with my good grades, many adults praised me when they met me, saying that I was a good boy and a good child. After hearing this so many times, it seemed that I couldn't help but be good. So, I think about it now, and I became a good boy later, which should be the result of the adults' education,'

'Haha, it seems that if I have children in the future, I can also learn from this. Then why did you submit this novel, and directly to Harvest? You have to know that Harvest's requirements for manuscript selection are very high.'

'The reason and motivation for submitting it was simple: for the money,' Feng Yiping said. 'In the third grade of elementary school, because of my mother's illness and the family's new house, we owed a lot of external debt. Starting in the fourth grade, my tuition and miscellaneous fees could only be paid gradually at the end of the semester.

For example, in the autumn, after selling some of the family's economic forests, chestnuts, tungo seeds, and the like, we could pay some of the fees. If we were lucky and the family's pigs did not get sick, we could raise them until the end of the year and kill them before the New Year to sell some of them, so that we could pay the rest.

The tuition fee for the first day of school was a notch higher than elementary school. I remember very clearly that it was 45 yuan. At that time, my family could not even afford 5 yuan. My parents prepared 3 yuan, which was used to exchange rice for food stamps and pay for firewood.

So, during that summer vacation, I kept thinking about whether I could find a way to do something within my abilities to help my family and also help myself.

So I looked for a way to help out the family and also help myself. I looked for a way to help out the family and also help myself. I looked for a way to help out the family and also help myself. I looked for a way to help out the family and also help myself. I looked for a way to help out the family and also help myself. I looked for a way to help out the family and also help myself. I looked for a way to help out the family and also help myself. I looked for a way to help out the family and also help myself. I looked for a way to help out the family and also help myself. I looked for a way to help out the family and also help myself. I looked for a way to help out the family and also help myself. I looked for a way to help out the family and also help myself. I looked for a way to help out the family and also help myself. I looked for a way to help out the family and also help myself. I

It so happened that when I was cutting firewood, I accidentally poked a big hole in my foot, and there was no way I could continue cutting wood. I could only simply herd cattle on the mountain, so I had time to think about what to write. I wrote tens of thousands of words in more than a month. seaʀᴄh thё* website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

As for why I submitted it to Harvest, it was purely because I was a fearless young bull. At that time, I only knew about this publication. If I had understood its status, I might not have had the courage to do something like this.'

Feng Yiping spoke very smoothly on the stage, but some people in the audience below had already gone red-eyed. Some of these people had similar experiences to him when they were young, and what he said resonated with them.

Others were emotionally-charged women, such as Huang Jingping, Jin Ling, and Fang Yingzhi.

Huang Jingping probably knew about Feng Yiping's previous life, but not in great detail, while Jin Ling was hearing about it for the first time.

Fang Yingzhi, who had always been narcissistic about her family background, felt at this time that her childhood had been much happier than Feng Yiping's.

The female hostess certainly felt the same way, 'So you were really a good child, knowing how to share the workload at home at such a young age,'

'Actually, it wasn't as good as you say,' Feng Yiping still laughed, 'I had some personal thoughts when I wrote the novel.'