Chapter 990 Ultimate Titan Blow

Chapter 990 Ultimate Titan Blow


The description of this ability was quite simple...


After ten consecutive attacks, an [Ultimate Titan Blow] can be unleashed that deals up to +2.500% Damage based in accumulated damage from previous attacks. The user is surrounded by Moonlight Flames while using this technique, enhancing Moonlight Attribute Magic Damage from nearby allies by +100%, and lowering MP Cost of related Spells and Skills by -20%


Ten consecutive blows using the Rampage Ability were all I needed for a whopping 2500% boost to damage for a single, decisive blow. And I didn't waste it, quickly aiming at his neck as he was before my mercy.

"I hope this is a good lesson for you and every bastard you serve, Maleficus." I said, swinging my axe down. "I won't forgive anybody. Everyone that dares to get in my way will die an even more miserable death than you!"




The axe slashed right through his neck like a warm knife through butter. His screams echoed, combined with his blood coming out of his throat and mouth, his head quickly rolled over the ground. The rest of the vampires fighting all stopped moving, glaring at their master's head roll over the ground, which I quickly grabbed by the hair.

"As long as I can- Ugh?!"

However, as he tried to escape using his soul, I had already grasped it, slowly moving it into my jaws. He screamed even louder as I devoured his soul, crushing it bite after bite.

"Stop! Uuuggh...! No...! I cannot... end like this! MASTER...! MASTERRRR...!"

The horrific scene ended as even the fucking Dark Pest stopped fighting Eustace. Suddenly everyone noticed I was much more dangerous than they had ever possibly imagined. My aura only grew stronger after devouring such a tasty soul.

"So, who's fucking next?" I asked, throwing Maleficus head into the floor and then crushing it with my heels until it exploded into pieces. I stepped over his brains, making sure to leave them into a meat paste and throwing it at my foes.

Their silence quickly became a hilarious mix between fear, horror, anger, frustration, shock, and more. Not even the Dark Pest was left unmoved by my actions and words.

Interaction between the worlds of the Tower should be easy, but the Rulers of this World, the Gods have closed most of the gates leading inside and outside of Yggdrasil, meaning that to get inside these invaders have to use other roundabouts ways.

Therefore, this catalyst is used to create a connection, and through it, open a portal that skips tens of floors and helps them leap all the way down here, creating a temporary portal where a few of the invaders can freely enter and invade.

This is the so called... World Raid, or Upper Floor Raid Event.

As the gate opened and revealed countless crimson eyes gazing down into the city full of life and people, a message from the Tower itself appeared.

[Warning! A Special Upper Floor Raid Event is in effect!]

[Your Floor is now undergoing invasion from outside forces of a floor above yours within the Tower. Invasion Origin: [Floor 60: Umbralheim]]

[Fend off the invaders to gain Contribution Points you can utilize to purchase items in the Raid Shop! Or succumb to your invader's thirst for blood.]

The reality of this world was slowly being unveiled in front of these people, and also to the rest of the world. This wasn't a message we could only see. Everyone in Yggdrasil could see it. This was, after all, the invasion from another world entirely.

"W-What is this message?!"

"What's happening...?"

"T-The sky is red; I've never seen this before..."

"The Crimson moon..."

The portal kept growing larger until it reached its limits, and from within, a dozen figures leaped out, large and powerful, floating in midair. They judged the "livestock" with cold crimson eyes, licking their lips.

It seemed this number was the limit of Raiders from another world that they could send using this pitiful catalyst. I could have destroyed it and prevent this entirely but...

I think it was about time to wake up the people of this world. And well, I couldn't miss on some premium materials from these otherworldly invaders either, right?

"Why do you look so confident?!" Yan Shang roared. "You...!"

"Hoh, I wonder why?" I giggled.
