Chapter 147: Devouring Mutant Praying Mantis

"Why is the street so deserted?" Li He got out of the underground cave and looked at a street where there were no pedestrians. He couldn't help but feel very puzzled.

After the mutant conference, Lee Hyuk lifted Danny's soul yoke, so he basically didn't know anything after the mutant conference.

"Did there be any major changes on the surface during the three days of my evolution?" Li He was thinking to himself when he heard a woman scream and a child crying from the street in front of him. , Followed by a few more gunshots.

Li He crawled over curiously and saw a man in black holding a revolver shooting a praying mantis more than one meter long. Behind him, a woman was holding a little girl.

"It looks like a family of three was attacked by a mutant praying mantis!"

The mutant praying mantis approached the family of three step by step, and the woman who had retreated to the corner kept shouting: "Shoot, shoot!"

The black-clothed man said in surprise, "There are only eight bullets in total, six bullets have been shot just now, and only two bullets are left!"

Suddenly, the mutant praying mantis flew forward again, and the man in black instinctively pulled the trigger.

One bullet grazed the mutant praying mantis's head, and the other bullet was completely missed!

However, the two bullets were not completely useless, at least it made this mutant praying mantis that has not fully grown up a little bit of jealousy, and he did not continue to attack!

"Now the bullets are over!" The black-clothed man said desperately.

As soon as the voice fell, the mutant praying mantis once again tried to force this family of three

At this moment, another mutant praying mantis climbed down a nearby building and landed near this family of three!

The size of this mutant praying mantis is nearly three meters long, which is more than twice the size of the previous mutant praying mantis.

The big mutant praying mantis turned its triangular head, a ferocious light flashed from its green eyes, and it suddenly rushed towards the black-clothed man!

In the process, its two big swords have been bent backwards, ready to attack!

Its big knife can slash through the wall of a car, and the flesh and blood of human beings are as fragile as an eggshell under its sharp blade!

Amid the screams of the woman and the little girl, the big mutant praying mantis slashed down!

But at this moment, a spider silk flew out, wrapped around the neck of the big mutant praying mantis, and dragged it down from the air!

The big mutant praying mantis struggled hard. Its four legs and two strong forelimbs grabbed the ground, and made six deep marks on the ground, but it still couldn't compete with the power coming from the spider silk. The spider silk drags!

The family of three men in black looked curiously, only to see a golden giant scorpion much bigger than the big mutant mantis killed the big mutant mantis in one bite, and began to devour the body of the big mutant praying mantis!

Upon seeing this, the little mutant praying mantis suddenly turned around, spread its wings, and flew away.

Immediately, another spider silk flew out, entangled the little mutant praying mantis, and dragged it to the mouth of the golden giant scorpion!

The family of three men in black were trembling with fright, like three little birds in the cold wind!

It only took Li He half a minute to swallow the two mutant praying mantises cleanly, and harvested about 800 evolutionary energy.

Although the evolutionary energy of a single mutant mantis is not much, in Li He's perception, there are dozens of mutant mantises within a few square kilometers nearby!

Li He estimated that if these mutant praying mantises were swallowed, I am afraid that he would be able to harvest 10,000 to 20,000 points of evolutionary energy!

Each of these mutant praying mantises is a terrible hunter for humans! In the past three days, thousands of people have died under their swords!

But for Li He, these mutant praying mantises are not even a regular meal, they can only be regarded as a snack!

Li He walked quickly on the empty streets of Miami, and spider silks shot out from its mouth continuously, dragging the hidden mutant praying mantis to his mouth!

Two hours later, Li He had swallowed 106 mutant praying mantises and gained 36,000 points of evolution energy.

In a building, Magneto is standing in front of a TV, looking intently at the TV screen.

On the TV screen, a piece of news is being broadcasted——

"Good noon everyone, I am your old friend Blake! In the past three days, our city has been attacked by the mutated praying mantis, and thousands of people have died!"

"Although our army is fighting hard and trying to eliminate the numerous mutant mantises in the city, it is a pity that the army's clean-up action did not produce decisive results. Countless mutant mantises are still haunting the urban areas. A building may become a temporary nest for the mutant praying mantis!"

"But just this morning, this situation has undergone an amazing change! A huge golden scorpion about six or seven meters long appeared in the urban area. Although this giant scorpion looks even bigger than those mutant praying mantises. Scary, but it does not seem to be malicious to humans!"

"At least so far, we have not found that it has actively attacked humans. It wanders in the urban area quickly, preying on the mutant mantis hidden in the urban area!"

"From its appearance to the present, it has probably preyed on hundreds of mutant mantises! To be honest, I really fall in love with this giant scorpion now!"


Magneto's face was gloomy. After a long silence, he suddenly turned around and said to the Devil Girl: "Contact Professor X for me, I want to talk to him!"

A few minutes later, Magneto had already stood in front of the videophone and met with Professor X.

Professor X said: "Eric, I took the initiative to contact you two and a half hours ago, but your subordinates said you are out!"

Magneto nodded: "Charles, I did go out before and just came back! Charles, what can you do with me?"

Professor X said: "I wanted to work with you to deal with the mutant praying mantises, but now I don't need it anymore, because there is a giant scorpion doing what I want to do!"

"Is it really unnecessary?" Magneto sneered, "If I am not mistaken, the three generals under yours-Cyclops, Wolverine and Iceman were all killed by the giant scorpion, Charles, Do you really look so open and don't want revenge at all?"