Chapter 102 - Chapter 102: Chapter 102: The Challenge of Young Master Yun 1

Chapter 102: Chapter 102: The Challenge of Young Master Yun 1

Translator: 549690339

At that moment, Ye Hui took a deep breath, her face looking a bit peculiar.

After all, this was a shocking auction, even if it was under the guise of charity. In Huaxia of this era, it was still a bit astonishing. Right now, Ye Hui’s gaze seemed a bit hazy and kept peeking towards the eldest son of the Yun family. This made Nie Zhenbang feel a bit uneasy, fearing that his cousin might have taken a liking to the Yun family’s son.

“The last item to be auctioned can be said to be the most precious, or it can be said to be the least precious. It all depends on the person. Today’s theme is charity. I hope this is not a one-time thing. I hope it can be like the Olympic flame, passed on from generation to generation, spreading the concept and essence of charity and deeply into everybody’s heart. Tonight, I will put up my kiss as the last item for auction. It’s also a no-reserve auction. Let’s start.

At Ye Hui’s final words, the auctioneer from Hong Kong was stunned for a moment. This item was beyond his expectation. Ye Hui had not communicated with him about it beforehand. Lucky for him, his expertise was rich and he quickly took over the topic: “A beauty’s kiss. I believe it’s more than just a kiss. Maybe, it’s the beginning of a beautiful relationship, or perhaps, an enjoyable encounter. Perhaps, it’s the start of charity spreading across Huaxia. You all, will be tonight’s witnesses. Thank you, Miss Ye Hui for the sacrifice and contribution you made for this charity auction. Your kiss will be the purest in the world.”

Ye Hui’s speech surprised the eldest son of the Yun family. He didn’t expect such an extraordinary woman in Huaxia.

Immediately after, Yun Zhiguang the eldest son of Yun responded with an indifferent demeanor: “King Shang could ruin his country for a beauty. King You could start a war for a beautiful smile. I, Zhiguang, a commoner, am willing to spend lavishly for a kiss. 990,000, consider it my token of love.”

It seemed that Yun Zhiguang loved to show off his literary style. However, his offering of 990,000 right off the bat shocked everyone in the room. In this era, being a millionaire was still high status, and 990,000 was enough to shake many people.

At this moment, Yang An Bang started laughing and said to Yun Zhiguang: “Yun, it’s not that easy to win a beauty’s favor. I think, I’ll raise the bid. Yun, you won’t care, right? 1.5 million.”

Yang Anbang didn’t have the same refined taste as Yun Zhiguang and offered directly 1.5 million. Yun Zhiguang just laughed and said: “Given Brother Yang’s interest, I would die for a gentleman. Now that the “local snake” Brother Yang bids, adding more to the price would make me appear petty. So, 2.99 million.

299, sounds like “love long.” implying that love can last forever.”

Yun Zhiguang’s words had a double meaning. It suggested that he was the strong dragon coming across the river, and wasn’t it said that a strong dragon doesn’t suppress local snakes? With the intention of compromise and raising his bid by 1.49 million, Yun Zhiguang had certainly expressed his sincerity. At this moment, Yang Anbang had nothing to say. Following the auctioneer’s three hammer strikes.

With a final hammer strike, the auctioneer shouted: “Mr. Yun, please come on stage, the deal is closed at 2.99 million.”

This announcement deflated the atmosphere a bit. Ye Hui, who was already on the stage, boldly looked at Yun Zhiguang. Ye Hui graciously stepped forward saying: “Thank you for your contribution to charity. I am planning to establish a foundation with the funds raised, in cooperation with Huaxia’s Hope Project. Are you interested in accompanying me on some field trips across Huaxia?

Yun Zhiguang started laughing. He couldn’t deny that he was drawn to Ye Hui’s personality – straightforward, genuine, without the airs of socialites – it felt very real. Used to the falsehoods of the social scene, Ye Hui gave Yun Zhiguang a completely new feeling.

Ever since he got on stage, Yun Zhiguang had behaved like a gentleman, even more so at this moment. He shrugged his shoulders and said: “It is my pleasure, I dare not ask for more.”

Nie Zhenbang also started laughing at this. This man was quite interesting, his words were from “Mencius” – “I dare not ask for more, it is my pleasure.”

However, the vibes between them now seemed like there was a mutual attraction.

Next, it was time for the charity dinner’s cocktail party. It was fully modelled after a western-style buffet cocktail party. In the middle of the spacious hall, high-legged glass cups were arranged in a pyramid shape. Ye Hui, as the host, together with Yun Zhiguang, who had the highest bid of the auction, poured champagne from the top of the tower. A pop and colorful notes fluttered down from above signifying the success of the banquet.

The famous socialites, ladies and gentlemen in Jingcheng, naturally formed different groups and started chatting and laughing softly. The businessmen from the Tang Dynasty Club also gathered together discussing potential collaboration possibilities and analyzing future economic trends. This was how high societv parties worked.

Yun Zhiguang, holding a cup with Ye Hui, walked towards Nie Zhenbang and Yang Anbang. Seeing Dong Wan nestled beside Nie Zhenbang, Yun Zhiguang smiled politely, then turned to Yang Anbang saying: “Brother Yang, aren’t you going to introduce this handsome man to me?”

Yang Anbang immediately responded with a smile: “Mr. Yun, let me formally introduce him, this is Nie Zhenbang, my brother. He may very well become my brother-in-law in the future. This is Yun Zhiguang, the son of the Yun family from the United States.’

At this moment, Yun Zhiguang simply nodded, acknowledging the introduction. Then he smoothly changed the topic, “Brother Zhenbang is a young and successful man who can win over beautiful women. It makes Zhiguang admire him deeply. I wonder if Brother Zhenbang could showcase his talents for the lady, and allow Zhiguang to learn a thing or two?”

Yun Zhiguang really was something. Nie Zhenbang cursed him in his heart while maintaining a courteous facade. However, he couldn’t shake off the mild annoyance brought by Yun Zhiguang’s calculative nature. But, at least, he wasn’t a hypocrite. As for Ye Hui, Nie Zhenbang didn’t think much; everyone has their own thoughts and pursuits. With Ye Hui’s personality, she wouldn’t change her relationship with Yun Zhiguang just because of a word from him. These matters of the heart were indeed like a natural balance.

Nie Zhenbang was a little overwhelmed as he saw Dong Wan, who also seemed to be looking forward to his talent demonstration. He, however, didn’t have any impressive talents to boast. His calligraphy could count as one but was obviously not suitable for the occasion. Fortunately, he had hummed along to a few popular songs from his previous life and remembered a couple of memorable ones.

After a moment of contemplation, Nie Zhenbang turned to Dong Wan and Li Lixue, smiling, “I realize that for all these years, I’ve never really done anything for you. Since Young Master Yun asked, I will sing a song. The title of the song may sound a bit tacky, ‘Mouse Loves Rice’.”

I hear your voice,

And it gives me a special feeling,

It makes me think about you again, I dare not forget you.

I remember there is a person who will always stay in my heart,

Even if I could only remember you this way,

I love you, I love you like a mouse loves rice,

As Nie Zhenbang sang the song a cappella,

Everyone present was stunned. Yang Anbang had an expression of disbelief, wondering when Nie Zhenbang had developed such a talent. Could it be that he hired someone to ghost-sing for him?

Immediately, Yang Anbang dismissed the hypothesis. This was completely unforeseen, so Nie Zhenbang couldn’t have prepared for it. It seemed like Brother Nie Zhen had many secrets unknown to others.

Dong Wan and Li Lixue, on the other hand, appeared to be infatuated. Like Nie Zhenbang had said, the song was quite common. However, its simplicity touched the depths of their hearts.

Li Lixue was able to control herself better, knowing it wasn’t the right moment.

But Dong Wang couldn’t hold back any longer, and she threw herself into Nie

Zhenbang’s arms, whispering, “Zhenbang, I love you too.”

Standing by, Li Lixue saw what happened and swiftly turned around to wipe away the tears from her eyes. Forced a smile on her face and turned back, “Excuse me, guys. You can carry on, I am taking my leave..”