Chapter 109 - Chapter 109: Chapter 109: Accepting Bribes (Fifty additional updates for a monthly pass, asking for a monthly pass)_l

Chapter 109: Chapter 109: Accepting Bribes (Fifty additional updates for a monthly pass, asking for a monthly pass)_l

Translator: 549690339

Generally speaking, a province would get at MAX three quota seats. Tianfu

Province, as the province with the highest population in the country, besides Rongcheng, also has sub-provincial cities like Chongqing City, and cities such as Changhong City and Binzhou, which are home to centrally administrated mega enterprises. However, even so, according to the allocation of national youth civilization designations, Tianfu Province, in the first trial plan, can have five national youth civilizations, which is already extraordinary. Yet, the Tianfu Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League has set up ten evaluation sites, which is worth debating.

Generally speaking, all ten reviewers should be units that have already been awarded provincial youth civilization designations. The evaluation on Nie Zhenbang’s side, barring significant surprises, is but a formality and procedure. Even if there has to be substitutes, at maximum seven should be sufficient. Doing so implicitly suggests that Nie Zhenbang should give extra consideration to Tianfu Province.

“Ha-ha, no wonder all the major and minor leaders of the Tianfu Province Communist Youth League are present. It appears they were here waiting for us. As the saying goes, one’s speech is constrained by the food one eats and the hand of the giver is softer. It seems that Secretary Guo has seen through our youthfulness.” Holding the itinerary in his hands, Nie Zhenbang laughed. He casually put the itinerary on the coffee table.

Hearing Nie Zhenbang’s words, Zheng Gensheng picked up the itinerary from the coffee table. After a cursory glance, his eyebrows furrowed. He pondered for a moment before looking at Nie Zhenbang and asking, “Chief, what should our response be?”

When Zheng Gensheng said this, he was also expressing his concerns. The national youth civilization evaluation, the first batch, Secretary Mu Dingjian only allocated 100 spots. After all, this was a brand new trial, and the specific effects and society’s response were unknowns. Even someone in Mu Dingjian’s position would not dare to be negligent. The necessary caution still had to be exercised. As the initiator, it placed significant risk on Mu Dingjian. This project could only succeed, failure was not an option. If any negative impact of the national youth civilization selected emerged, it would be a blow to Mu Dingjian.

Keep the scope under control, keep the quantity under control, and it should be manageable. For the entire Southwest Three Provinces, Mu Dingjian only allocated ten spots. This was already a concession considering Tianfu Province’s particular circumstances. On the other hand, the entire six provinces of Xibei were only given fifteen spots. On average, each province had less than three.

“Chief, why don’t we take action independently? Visit quietly, just like they do in the Third Room?” Yu Shengli suggested as well.

This suggestion made Nie Zhenbang chuckle. It was evident he had just graduated and lacked work experience. The situation in the Third Room was different, with many monks and little porridge. It’s not good to offend anyone. They could only conduct secret investigations based on the names provided by the lower levels. Sneak into the village undetected and deny all provinces a chance to meet. Once they returned, the conclusion of the evaluation would already be set and no province would be offended. In their case, even if they had sufficient quota, they had already been hosted by others. If they disappeared now, it would appear improper.

Before Nie Zhenbang could speak, Zhang Min next to him interjected, “Yu

Shengli, what a rotten idea you’ve come up with. Now that the leaders of Tianfu Province are all out to welcome us, to vanish and conduct secret visits, isn’t that simply a blatant disregard for their dignity? Do you want our Chief to offend people?”

Yu Shengli also felt somewhat embarrassed. He touched his head awkwardly, giving Nie Zhenbang an innocent look.

At this moment, Nie Zhenbang laughed. He gave Yu Shengli a reassuring look, then said, “No problem. It seems we have no choice but to respond dynamically. We must change our strategy for this evaluation. For the Southwest Three Provinces, the evaluation results for each province will be reserved and not distributed. Then, a final evaluation will be conducted collectively for the three provinces. We will make all the evaluation project details and scores visible, and then evaluate based on the scores. I think, by then, the provincial committees of the three provinces won’t have anything to say.”

Early the next day, Cao Guangchun, the director of the Tianfu Provincial Youth Civilization Office of the Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League, had already rushed to the Tianfu Grand Hotel.

As soon as Nie Zhenbang and the others walked into the hotel lobby, Cao Guangchun greeted them with a smile, “Chief Nie, good morning. Have you all had breakfast?”

By this time, it was already past nine in the morning, and if they had not had breakfast by now, the work standards of people like Nie Zhenbang would put the Central Committee to shame. Nie Zhenbang also responded with a smile, “Director Cao, we have all had breakfast. It’s more important to get down to business. Today, let’s start by visiting a few sites in Rongcheng. We aim to cover Tianfu within three days. Secretary Mu from above takes this very seriously, and our Director Wei has also personally taken the lead. Time is of the essence. We hope for your full support, Director Cao.”

Being able to secure the position of Director of the Tianfu Province Youth Civilization Office first is an indication of Cao Guangchun’s capability. He was well aware of who Secretary Mu and Director Wei were. One was a secretary of the Secretariat of the Youth League Central Committee, not the first secretary, but still officially a deputy ministerial level. Cao Guangchun also understood Wei Bin’s status.

Upon hearing what Nie Zhenbang said, Cao Guangchun immediately replied with a smile, “Chief Nie is indeed young and promising, no wonder you are so highly regarded by the leaders. Just with this professionalism, I wouldn’t be able to keep up even if I tried my best. In that case, why don’t we get into the cars? We’ll go and take a look at the Wuhou Community Committee in Xishu District’s Xiuxianglu first.”

The large group, consisting of more than a dozen people including the leaders of the Tianfu Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League, the Rongcheng City Committee, and the Xishu District Committee, aside from the four from Nie Zhenbang’s team, split into four cars and headed directly to Wuhou Community Committee.

At this moment, at the entrance of the Wuhou Community Committee, the director and several staff members of the Wuhou Community Committee, as well as the leaders of the Wuhou Community Team, were all waiting. At the entrance to the Wuhou Community Street, large red banners had already been hung.

Nie Zhenbang, guided by Cao Guangchun and Zhong Li, the Secretary of the Rongcheng Municipal Team, was shaking hands with the staff of the Wuhou community.

On the side, the Secretary of the Xishu District Youth League Committee was introducing the line-up: “Chief Nie, Director Cao, these are the leaders of our Wuhou community. The average age is thirty-one. Under the leadership of Comrade Zhou Shuangxi, the Director of the Community Committee, they have established community recreation rooms and libraries with the money they raised. Now fewer people play cards and more are learning.”

This type of evaluation, in fact, doesn’t require much scrutiny. How the software performs, how the word-of-mouth carries, these are not things that can be seen in an instant. This evaluation, in truth, mainly focuses on looking at hardware facilities and handling unexpected situations.

For example, if the Wuhou Community is up for the National Youth Civil Title, if there are objections, community residents will have some reflections in this situation. This is what Nie Zhenbang and others need to consider.

After leaving the Wuhou Community, the next stop arranged by the Rongcheng Municipal Youth League Committee turned out to be a gas station of the Rongcheng Petrochemical Company.

The station manager is a middle-aged man around forty with some thinning hair. The station was nominated for the Youth Civil Title mainly for two reasons; on one hand, the construction of the Youth League organization at the gas station is very excellent. The station has in total more than thirty staff, all of whom are league members. On the other hand, the station is located in the suburbs of Rongcheng and is commended by passing drivers for their passionate service and friendly attitude.

Nie Zhenbang and others casually asked some of the passing drivers who refueled here, almost every one of them praised the service here profusely.

They all said that refueling here not only eases your worry about oil quality but also allows you to enjoy free water top-up and car washing services. Even free boiled water is available.

This made Nie Zhenbang blink, seems that Tianfu Province did work hard on the youth civilization title. Such service is not uncommon after tough competition between gas stations in later generations. But Nie Zhenbang was somewhat impressed by this move by the gas station since this era is still mainly planned economy and seller market dominant.

But just as Nie Zhenbang’s party was about to leave, the station manager walked over with a bunch of people carrying big and small packages.

Seeing Nie Zhenbang’s puzzled look, the manager came up with a smile, saying, “Hehe, Chief Nie here and the others are all officials from the central government who we could not ordinarily invite over. This is just a small token of our sentiments, some local specialties of Rongcheng. Chief Nie, you can take it back for the others to have a taste.’

Looking at the gift packages, it’s probably all cigarettes and alcohol, nowhere close to local specialties. Beside him, Zheng Gensheng whispered: “Chief, looking at this stuff, they’re all probably cigarettes and alcohol, and I’m afraid it’s not cheap. Isn’t this bribery? These things, they’re quite hot.”

At this moment, Zheng Gensheng was thinking about the saying that taking people’s food makes you soft. If they accept these now, that’s accepting bribes. That would inevitably affect their impartial judgment later.

But Cao Guangchun seemed not to notice anything and genially said: “Chief

Nie, this is only a token of sentiments from our comrades below. It is only natural that you bring back some local specialties after working so hard.

Everyone gets a share, just take it.”

Cao Guangchun was treating this as an advantage of the masses, assuming that if everyone just accepted it, it wouldn’t be a big deal.

Nie Zhenbang listened to Cao Guangchun, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly and then he said: “Hehe, Director Cao is right, Old Zheng, since this is a token of sentiments from the comrades below, we might as well take it all and not let it go to waste.” (To be continued. If you like this work, please come to novelhall to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation..)