Chapter 141 A Broken Skill and a forgotten wish... Part-1.

Name:Reborn as an Extra Author:
Chapter 141 A Broken Skill and a forgotten wish... Part-1.

This vast battlefield spans a major part of the dungeon.

Nearly 45 percent of the outer area is the bloody battlefield into which Rio got teleported, and nearly 37 percent of the inner area is also a part of this major battlefield.

The whole area is littered with thousands upon thousands of corpses. Everywhere one may look, only death and rotten corpses could be seen.

'This place is horrible... If I had emotions, I would have fainted in this place... rotting innards... organs... This place is filled with gore...' (Rio)

'It's a good thing only I got teleported here... wouldn't want Lia to see this horrifying view...' (Rio)

With his sword in his hand, Rio stood atop a huge pile of corpses; horror and fear were still visible in the eyes of the dead bodies.

'This place is quite big... it's been half an hour since it started wandering around... (Rio)

'Moreover, this place is called a dungeon... but there are no monsters in sight... All there are the dead bodies of various demons...' (Rio)

Rio tilted his head and glanced at the giant corpse of a demon lying on the ground. The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

"That must have been an S-rank demon..." (Rio)

The corpse was so huge that its eyeball looked bigger than Rio's whole body.

'Fear... Even a demon felt fear... well, death is indeed the scariest thing for any sentient creature...' (Rio)

Rio shook his head and stopped paying attention to that giant corpse.

'If this place is an imitation of the ancient Maya continent... then it means that the perfect bomb was dropped by the demons when the 'Thousand-year demon extinction war' was still ongoing...'

Every other race believes that demons do not care about their fellow kin; they only kill for pleasure and pure destruction.

Demons don't have a proper civilization; they are like wild beasts who hunt for food and spend most of their time seeking pleasure through various means.

'They dropped the perfect bomb and directly killed thousands of their kin along with the enemy... demons really are a heartless race...' (Rio)

Rio shrugged his shoulders and stopped thinking about it.

"Hmm..." (Rio)

Rio tilted his head a bit to the left, and an arrow covered in thick purple flames passed by his head. If he hadn't dodged it beforehand, his head would have exploded like a watermelon.

"Is there someone still alive even after that mana bomb... it must be a lucky fellow then..." (Rio)

Although perfect mana bombs are very effective killers, which can wipe out everything on a whole continent and not even leave small insects alive for thousands of kilometers, there are always some exceptions.

There are always some lucky survivors who somehow make it out alive. (That Bear Link killed was also a lucky survivor... it was originally a peak S-ranker... now reduced to a dead body...)

Due to being here for more than half an hour, Rio had already adapted to the chaotic mana, which caused him to be able to barely use his mana detection skills again.

With his amazing instincts and this weakened mana detection, now Rio could dodge blows from a peak-A ranker from point-blank.

'Unless the other party gets serious, I feel like I can at least dodge a few casual attacks from an S-ranker at my peak state...' (Rio)

It seemed the spirit wanted Rio to take that orb; Rio hesitated a bit but then decided to take it in his hand.

After handing the orb to Rio, the spirit eventually disintegrated into nothingness, but Rio was paying attention to something else at the moment.

[Ding! True Immunity has been triggered.... Negating the effects of the 'Soul Orb'...]

[Ding! True immunity has nullified the 'sacrifice' of the 'Soul Orb'.... You are unaffected by it now!]

"Hmm, what just happened?" (Rio)

'Since 'true immunity' got triggered... doesn't that mean this orb was supposed to be a malicious thing....' (Rio)

The only reason Rio accepted that orb was that he knew he had 'True Immunity'; otherwise, he wouldn't even want to touch something given by an evil spirit. Evil spirits are created by intense hatred or killing intent of a dead individual.

It is extremely rare for a spirit being to be born; the circumstances of the birth of a new evil spirit are extremely rare and difficult to meet. This is the reason why there are not many spirit beings in the world.

If some ordinary hatred could create an evil spirit, then this world would have been filled with spirit beings. They would have been so common that they might have already been considered a separate species altogether.

'But what is this 'Sacrifice' thingy... It sure sounds quite weird and suspicious...' (Rio)

Rio shook his head and put the black orb in his space ring. Just when Rio put the orb in his space ring, his instincts screamed at him like crazy; he felt death incoming.

Rio saw a giant axe striking him from the corner of his vision; he immediately tightened his stomach and shifted his body back as much as possible.

'Sh*t!, can't dodge it!' (Rio)

Even with his amazing reaction speed, Rio couldn't properly dodge that attack; the attack landed on Rio's left hand and directly cut his hand off.

Rio immediately jumped away from that spot and dodged the follow-up attack. Blood flowed out of his sliced arm like a fountain, but there was no emotion of pain on his expressionless face.

'Should have been better to keep the shadow armor on... tch! How did I make such a newbie-like mistake, sigh~' (Rio)

Rio had worn that shadow ring on his left hand, and now that it was cut off, he couldn't use that robe anymore either. The relaxed situation seemed to have become dangerous all of a sudden.



Author's Notes

Yo! It's your beloved author here! Now this is what we call the situation going from 0 to 100 extremely fast! Now let's see how Rio will survive this sudden unexpected crisis.

Question of the day.

Would you like to visit this bloody battlefield if given the chance?

1. Yes (You should reconsider; this is not a game...)

2. No (Yes, this is the logical and best answer...)

3. Other (Tell me in the comments..)

By the way, don't forget to use those power stones and also leave a review if you like the story. Comment your opinion about the chapter. Your support is my motivation.