Chapter 32 Preparing Just In Case

Currently, I was in a rocky area of Cyrilia village, looking for a somewhat hidden spot. This area was in the opposite direction of the only entrance to the plateau. By making the entrance to the tunnel that will lead to the safe area in the opposite direction, it will help keep the villagers safe from having to go near any enemy.

We still did not know if the Norian army was going to show themselves. But we still had to prepare just in case. My job, as my father had instructed, was to create our escape route. The rocky area was perfect as I could easily move some of the larger boulders to hide the entrance I was about to create. While it may be in the opposite direction, I can easily use destruction magic to make the tunnel that led there. I would need to dig deep down in case they have some kind of detection magic. I did not wish for anyone to be caught during the escape. As far as I knew, detection magic could penetrate deep into rocks, but the distance was based on the amount of mana input you used.

With a wave of my hand, ten magic circles appeared in front of me. This was a levitation spell that reduced the weight of objects by limiting how gravity affected the object. With this, I lifted boulders hundreds of times my size up off the ground and began stacking them in the most natural way I could think of. Although a random pile of boulders in the middle of nowhere is not the most natural thing, I was doing it so that they kinda fell into place. I had to lift some boulders up a second and third time to get them to fall in the right spot.

After I was satisfied with the placement of the boulders, I began using destruction magic finally. The spell itself was not the easiest to use as it would not, much unlike its name, destroy anything. For some reason, it did not work on organic things like humanoids or plants. And it was tricky to destroy the things it could without overdoing it. I have studied it quite a bit and was able to figure out some of its quirks. To this day, I think it is one of the hardest spells I have used, and it is only an intermediate spell. To put it in different words, the high level spell grand fall is easier to cast, and in fact, I can cast it really quickly. But destruction magic takes a lot of extra alterations to the runic equation when you are trying to do specific things with it.

Luckily my obsession with magic wouldn’t let me give up on it after failing the first few times I tried to use it. It took almost three months before I finally got the hang of it. A lot of trial and error. But it was well worth it as in times like this, it really comes in handy.

With another wave of my hand, I created a new magic circle and began destroying the rock under the boulder formation. Magic circle after magic circle was created as I dug down at a slant until I felt things were deep enough and slowly flattened the tunnel out. Only then did I begin digging in the opposite direction. Using detection magic, I was able to get a good image of the area above me so I could easily tell which direction was correct. I continued to destroy the rock over and over. The process was quick and easy. If this was Earth, there would be no way anyone would be able to finish such a long tunnel in just a few hours, but magic made such a thing possible.

After an hour, I had already dug my way under Wandermere. I seemed to have dug right under the village elder’s house and could see a group of men standing there arguing with the village elder. “Let’s see what they are saying.” I added a second spell that overlaps with the detection spell called hearing. It allows me to hear whatever I was seeing, no matter how far the distance, as long as I could see it clearly I would be able to hear what was being said.

“Village elder, what do we do!? If war really does break out, how are we going to fend off any attackers?”

“What are you worried about? The Cyrilia’s won’t allow their village to be harmed. I am sure before the enemy even gets near, they will dispatch them.”

“But what if they don’t? What if they turn and run?”

“Then I will report them to the king for failing to uphold their duties as inherited Knights! Just like how you men will also need to fight. Just stand behind Sander, and you will live to see another day.”

Hearing the village elder’s words really angers me. You want to make use of my family!? Humph! I snapped my fingers, and the next thing I hear is people yelling about a fire. Serves them right. How dare they try to use my father as some kind of meat shield. I had been thinking of letting them escape with Cryilia Village, but now I won’t. Screw them! I can not and will not forgive anyone who dares try to make use of my family. My father was right when he said to not help the people of this village.

After huffing a bit more, I continued on my way towards my hidden practice grounds. It took another two hours, but I had finally dug my way back to the surface. I made sure to make a staircase leading up to make it easier for the villagers to climb out. With things set for the tunnel, I quickly hid the exit with a few boulders to give it some cover. I dusted my hands off and looked up at the sky, “Let’s hope no war breaks out.”

Oh, how I wished I never said those words. Because the next afternoon, my father told me that the Norian army had already crossed our border. He had sent some of the village guards out to check the borders, and well…. It seems they will be on our doorstep in a few weeks’ time. “Why are they heading here?” I did not understand why they would first come to this village of all places.

“Faith, this village is one of the few villages here on the border and the closest to where they crossed. They would use this place to gather supplies to progress further inland until they get to the next village or town.” My father explained.

I guess it made sense, but I couldn’t help wondering how they had such good intel on our village, I mean, it was kind of out of the way and hard to see. I took a deep breath before letting it out. I couldn’t say I was not worried. In truth, I was very worried. My father, my brother, and the kind men of the village would need to go to the front lines to defend our village. It was basically a suicide mission, but if they turned tail and ran and word of it got back to the king, we would all be seen as traitors of the kingdom. Kingdom law comes before our own well-being… And as my father is a knight, not only him but my mother, brother, Rachel, myself, and even my baby nephew would all end up dying. Turning your back on the crown was punishable by up to nine generations of your family.

“It looks like I will need to step in….” I mumbled to myself. Luckily my father did not hear me, he seemed to be lost in deep thought. I am sure he would tell me to run no matter what. The Norian Kingdom was a kingdom that still saw demi humans as nothing but slaves. If I was caught, I would end up with a slave collar to live out my life as a slave. I do not even want to think of the horrors I would have to face if I became a slave.

“When should we hold the evacuation?” I asked. I needed to know when we would be moving the women and children out.

“At the end of the week. As your part is done, you will help your mother and Rachel with the food preservation. Your magic is more powerful, and you have more mana, so you can freeze more food. Also, spend the next two days hunting some of the bigger monsters. Get as many as you can. I am sure you won’t have any issues bringing it back, will you?” My father asked. He seemed to be trying to cover all our basis. There is no telling how long the fight will be or how long the Norian army would end up occupying the village if we do end up in defeat, so food storage was a priority.

“Yes. Have Mother and Rachel gather everything once they have finished their preparations, and I will move it to the safe area.” I clenched my fists at my side. I will first evacuate everyone before moving to the front lines. Before my father and the other men are forced to fight, I will wipe out this stupid Norian army that dares to threaten my family’s safety. I just hope whatever god governs this world can forgive me for drawing blood.

If I was living back on Earth, I would be living a carefree life. At this point and time, I would be probably job hunting or already working for some company after college. Going out to eat with the other employees, drinking, and having a good time. Maybe even be married with a child, who knows. Life is ever changing, and it seems my life here will also be changing soon. I sighed as I left my father to finish what he was doing and headed back outside. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I must do what I need to do to protect my family. I must protect the smiles of the people who love me so dearly. “