Chapter 95 The Tea Party Part 2

“You do not need to worry. While commoners may have been viewed differently before in my household but now things have changed.” Miss Dollen looked at both me and Sophie as she said this, not averting her eyes at all.

Adel seemed curious about this change in attitude and quickly followed up with a question of her own. “And what brought this change on?”

“Well….” Miss Dollen glanced up at Sophie and I and blushed. “Let’s just say sometimes there are times when people need to change and see the greater good of things.”

I watched as Adel pursed her lips and walked over and hugged both Mine and Sophie’s arms as if she was protecting the two of us. “Don’t even think about it!”

I was a bit confused at Adel’s sudden outburst. I watched as Miss Dollen unfolded her fan and covered her mouth with it as she let out a laugh that one would expect from a noble lady. “Hoho! What do you ever mean, Your Highness? I was just saying that all people should be treated the same. Miss Cyrilia, Miss Sophie, please enjoy your stay. If any of the other noble ladies cause you any issues, please let me know. I will be sure to beat them, skin them, then toss them off the side of the island, Hoho!”

I kinda felt a chill run up my spine just now hearing that. Were all noble young ladies this violent? And why would she protect Sophie and I over her own friends? Was it because we were Adel’s friends? I turned to look at Adel, who was grinding her teeth, and became even more confused. I looked back over at Miss Dollen, who seemed to have a bemused expression, but her eyes were staring daggers at Adel. Were things supposed to be like this at noble ladys’ tea parties!? I think I will take a page from Sophie’s playbook and become the silent girl who only speaks five words. This way, my presence will be hard to detect.

Sadly I guess it will not always be possible to stay out of sight. As we walked towards the back garden of the mansion where the tea party was being held. The maids and butlers were all staring at us with strange expressions. Why this was? Well, Adel was holding Sophie and I’s arms tightly with a scowl on her face and was growling at every word Miss Dollen spoke. In a way, this was kind of funny, but to not embarrass Adel, I kept my snickering in my heart. But I was still confused as to why she was acting this way. At first, she was friendly with Miss Dollen, but after they spoke no more than a few words, Adel was acting as if Miss Dollen was her worst enemy.

The back garden was quite amazing. The lawn art, I guess it would be called, was very pretty, large bushes trimmed in the shape of monsters and other beasts. Each one with colorful flowers growing on it. I am sure this took quite a bit of skill. It made me wonder if I had such a skill in my system menu, but I, of course, would not take it as it was a skill that would be useless to me at this time.

We were led to the middle of the garden, which had a pavilion surrounded by a sea of flowers. It was truly a beautiful place and a perfect spot for such a tea party. I could only guess that they used some kind of magic to keep the insects away since it was an open pavilion. Sitting there at a large round table were five other girls who were all dressed up. And right away, I could see the disgust in their eyes. Seeing this, I instantly went on guard.

I leaned over and whispered to Adel. “Adel, these girls are not like Miss Dollen .”

“I know….” Adel whispered back and let out a sigh. “Don’t worry. While Miss Dollen used to be like these girls as of today, I can say for sure that she will defend you no matter what. As will I.”

“Mmm… Thanks, Adel. But just so you know, if any one of them picks on Sophie, I will punch them.” This was a fact. Sophie was already having a hard time with nobles, she did not need to suffer any more than she has.

“Don’t worry. Act as you see fit. I will handle any backlash.” I had to really thank Adel for being so protective of me and Sophie. I wonder if I should buy her a gift of some kind. Oh! How about a friendship token like jewelry or something. I know maybe a star that is broken in three parts that, when put together, would fit perfectly. If each is on a silver chain and all three of us have one, we will always be connected as friends! Hehe, I like this idea. I will talk to Thurul tomorrow.

“Thanks, Adel,” I whispered back, giving her a bright smile. I could feel my actions had caused even more ire from the group of girls. Which caused my brow to wrinkle slightly.

It was not until we got to the pavilion that someone finally spoke up from the other group of girls. “Your Highness. I did not know you treated your maids so well. Even letting them dress up so beautifully.”

Ah yes… My brow was twitching for a good reason. It was because I was supposed to punch this stupid girl in the face. I see, I see… since that is the case, I should do just that. I smiled brightly, but I knew it did not reach my eyes as I stretched my right arm and rotated my shoulder a few times before drawing my fist back and saying: “Nice to meet ya, the names Faith Cyrilia, it’s been a pleasure, good night!”

The girl who had called me a maid, face instantly turned to one of confusion as my cute little white fist sailed through the air.