I decided not to lower the barrier but instead just had everyone charge right through it since it did not prevent people from leaving, just from entering. I only decided to do it this way so that the shamans would have as much time to react. And as soon as we exited, the shamans began casting spells, but they were much slower than the boss, which made me relieved. All three of us, Sally, myself, and Sophie, all reached our targets before they could finish casting their spells and attacked them. Our attacks landed on their barriers, but they shattered upon impact, allowing our attacks to follow through. And in the same instant that it all started, it was over.

“Uhhh…. Is it just me, or did we just one shot them?” I turned and looked at Sally and then at Sophie. Each one of us had instantly killed our targets.

“They were hundreds of times weaker than the boss.” Sally replied with a bit of disappointment in her voice.

“Well, so much for getting all hyped up!” Steven yelled out before laughing. This was followed by everyone else bursting out into laughter as well.

After a few minutes, we calmed down when Rick suddenly yelled out: “Boss! Two chests!”

I turned and looked in the direction Rick was pointing and sure enough, in the middle of the room where the small goblin camp was were two chests. I pursed my lips as I signaled for everyone to stay put as I walked towards the chest. “Appraisal!”

[Bronze Chest]

[A Dungeon chest that will contain random bronze ranked items]

I then casted appraisal on the second chest as well…

[Elite Mimic]

[Level]: 90

[HP]: 500000/500000

[MP]: 100000/100000

Seeing the name of the second chest, I couldn’t help but frown. “Mimic….” I began digging through my memories to see if I remember anything that had to do with mimics, and the only info I could come up with was that they are monsters that can pretend to be other things. Such as treasure chests, walls, and even humans or other beings for that matter. They lure people in and then eat them using their large tongue or tentacles and huge mouth with large sharp teeth to pull them in

I quickly backed away and returned to everyone else. “One is a treasure chest while the other is a new monster called a mimic, and it has half the health as the previous boss.”

“Are we going to fight it? If it is a treasure chest, it shouldn’t be able to walk, right?” Adel asked.

“We don’t know for sure. Mimics can turn into anything, that includes you or I. If we try to pass, it might use its ability to pretend to be one of us. Then we will all be in danger.” I replied. We had no choice but to fight the mimic. I couldn’t risk everyone’s lives over such things.

“Then how do we fight it?” This time it was Sei who asked the question.

“I will go in solo to start. I have the biggest chance to survive. Wait one minute, then ranged can begin attacking it afterward. All melee will sit this out for the time being and just watch how I fight it. ” I couldn’t think of any other plans, and I had the highest health and defense, so it was better that I tried tanking it while the others watched and learned. Although I guess I would be learning how to fight it as well but even so, I was still the best person for the job.

I moved forward and edged my way near the mimic. I did not dare just casually throw a magic spell at it in case it did something unexpected like some mass area of effect spell that could wipe us all out. I would prefer for it to focus on me. I already had mana shield layered on my body, so it was not as visible.

Sweat trickled down my cheek as I got closer and closer. My eyes never left the mimic for even a second. But if my memories are right, in this one novel I read, mimics waited until adventurers actually began to open them before springing its trap. If this is the case, it might be a simple minded monster.

I finally stood right in front of the mimic and slowly raised my ax. I was not stupid enough to go and try to open it. I would rather hopefully deal a fatal blow from the start. I took a deep breath before letting both my arms transform into dragon arms, keeping them much smaller and slender so I could swing the axe easier and brought it down like a hammer of justice!



The mimic cried out in pain, or at least I think this was it crying out in pain. Revealing its big mouth and rows of razor sharp teeth. I quickly jumped back and cast appraisal once more to check its health.

[Elite Mimic]

[Level]: 90

[HP]: 26700/500000

[MP]: 100000/100000

Seeing how much damage I had just dealt, shocked me. But I had no time to think as the mimic shot out many tentacles out of its mouth right at me! I quickly dodged them and chopped the ones that were about to capture me. But I only had to do this for a few seconds before a rain of attack landed on the mimic, instantly finishing it off. “That was much easier than I thought, but that would definitely be more dangerous to others as I had the chance to back away. If I was close, I could have easily been run through by those tentacles.”

The mimic’s tentacles looked quite sharp and were very fast. With mana shield I may have been easily able to block them, but there is no telling at this point. I could feel something different about those tentacles. And to be honest, I do not wish to test my mana shield against them any time soon. I would be crazy to do so.

I walked over to the mimic laying slipped over on the ground, and poked it with my axe a few times even though I knew it was already dead. I then went to the bronze chest and popped it open. Inside I saw many pieces of armor and a few weapons and also a familiar stone. I picked it up and used appraisal on it.

[System Stone]


[Gives one person a system.]

[Systems allow one to gain new skills by using skill points. Allows one to gain status points upon leveling up and unlocks hidden potential.]