Chapter 441 Talking With The King Part 2

Chapter 441 Talking With The King Part 2

Besides just speaking to him about his daughter, I also mentioned the prime minister. I wanted him to be able to see the man for who he truly was. "I will not go into details because seeing is believing. Just keep a close eye on him. And do not take everything he says as fact. The nobles I spoke to you about are also under him as well. His faction is bigger than you could ever expect."

The king fell into deep thought. He was a smart man, so I knew he would do the right thing. His gaze fell on me for a long time before letting out a long sigh. "Can you tell why you are doing all of this? What is your goal?"

"To protect the people I love and care about," I said firmly. "I can say this now. In this world, no matter if the sky falls, I will protect this kingdom to the last."

The king's eyes widened as he stared at me. But my words were my true feelings. No matter what, I loved this kingdom. It was the place I was born and raised and met so many good people. The place I ruled and never got the chance to officially set on a proper path. A place that I probably failed to protect.... "If there is nothing else, I will be back tomorrow. I must not allow my little princess to feel lonely without me."

"Wait!" The king called out to me, causing me to stop only a few feet from the ground.

"Yes?" I asked with a curious gaze.

"Why not just move in here? You can then be at her side all the time." It seems the king trusts me even though it's only a little.

"No need! I still have my family to spend time with and protect. But.... in the future, I will ask of you a few things. I hope you do not mind." I said with a smile before waving and flying off. I did not turn back around since I did not wish to be stopped again. Tonight I was not going back home but to a certain place.

Up in the air above a village, I slowly descended and arrived at a specific run down house. By the window, looking in, I could see a few fox kin sleeping there on the old floor. "Sophie...." I whispered before disappearing. I sadly could not touch her. But once we become friends again and then lovers, I will protect her family this time. Even if we do not become lovers or friends, I will still protect her secretly. I flapped my wings and disappeared into the night.

It was early the next morning when I heard a soft voice coming from my neck. "Faith! Faith! Can you hear me!?"

"Hmmm? Adel, is everything okay?" I asked, still half asleep. From the sounds of her voice, she was not panicking but did sound nervous.

"Faith! Good morning! Hehe! The necklace works. Thank you! With this, I will never feel lonely again." Adel's cheerful voice woke me up. I rolled to my side as I listened to Adel chatting away. I could hear her maid asking who she was talking to and then her happily saying my name. Just knowing Adel was so cheerful and happy made my day brighter.

It's funny, really. Before, I never wanted anything to do with relationships. Then, I had four lovers. But it was not until now that I understood what true love is. True love is when you are willing to just sit and listen to the one you love without saying a word. Allowing them to lead you anywhere. As I lay there listening to my little princess talk about what she had to do today, I could only smile.

After an hour, Adel had to say goodbye, and I could finally go back to sleep. Or so I thought. "Faith! Hurry up and come out here!" My brother's yell came from the front room. I slowly got up. My white nightshirt fell down to my feet as I sleepily rubbed my eyes and walked out to the front room, yawning. "Brother?"

"There she is, take her!" An old voice yelled out. I looked up to see my father and mother standing in front of me, glaring at the men who were rushing over.

"What is going on? Why are people rushing into my house? Do you not realize whose domain this is? You actually dare yap about capturing people in my house? Hey old man, I know you hate demi humans but you need to think of time and place. No one in this world is allowed to make a scene at my house." My voice rang out as I stepped out from behind my parents in my bare feet and glared at the people. "Stop...." I waved my hand. The three men who were running over froze in place.

My parents looked at me in a strange manner, but I just ignored them as I walked past the three men to the old man who was standing there with a cane, his face red with anger. I reached out with my little hand and took his cane, raised it, and smiled at the old man. Only then did his eyes begin to show fear as he yelled out: "What do you plan to do!?"

"Me? Hehe...." My smiling expression suddenly turned cold as my killing intent burst out of me. "I am taking care of enemies of my family. My family is not easily picked on. You dare come here wagging your tongue like you are some king shit wanting to take me away, disturbing my beloved parents so early in the morning. And you want to ask me what my plan is? How about I show you what happened to your shithead grandson."

"Faith your words!" My mother scolded me. I pursed my lips and said: "Sorry, he's not a shithead grandson. He is a dead shithead grandson. How could I forget he died? I do apologize. I was insensible. I should have chosen my words better. At any rate, since you came, It would not be good if I did not receive you well. Let's begin, shall we? Oh, by the way, it might hurt. You see, I am cranky when I do not get enough sleep. Hehe...."