Chapter 783 - Can you die for me?

In less than fifteen minutes Kuroto completed the eye transplantation operation, changing the pair of Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan in the eye sockets of Karin.

After cleaning the surgical tools, he asked Karin, “How do you feel?”

Karin spent a few minutes, and replied, “I... I don’t feel anything... these eyes seem to be the same as the previous ones.”

Kuroto nodded, “That is natural. These eyes are similar to the ones you were using until a while ago.” And added after a pause, “Oh and one more thing... similar to the last time, these eyes are also in a dormant state because of the exhaustion of Visual Prowess. It will take some time for the visual prowess to be restored.”

Karin nodded, “I understand.” Then she paused and asked, “Kuroto-sama, may I ask a question?”

“Go ahead.” Replied Kuroto, while sealing the other pair of Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan inside a scroll.

Karin thought about it for a while, and spoke, “Kuroto-sama, initially, you transplanted a pair of eyes, and once they were healed, you changed them with another pair... you have given me those eyes, and then changed, it’s not just because you want them to be healed, right?”New n0vel chapters are published on

Kuroto blinked at Karin’s question, and couldn’t help but think, ‘She has indeed become sharp.’ He wasn’t upset or anything, and replied with a smile, “Yes, my purpose is not just the recovery of eyes, there is a lofty goal behind doing these actions.” He paused here and said, “If you are interested in knowing then I don’t mind telling you... I am actually carrying out preparation for the synthesis of the Rinnegan.”

“The Rinnegan?” muttered Karin, ignorant of what ‘Rinnegan’ means.

“Mm-hmm, the Rinnegan.” – Being aware of Karin’s lack of knowledge, Kuroto explained what Rinnegan is to her.

“So... the Rinnegan are the eyes of the Sage of Six Path!” She was highly surprised. She didn’t think that Kuroto-sama planned to create something so incredible and admired him more.

Kuroto smiled at her excitement, and explained, “For the synthesis of Rinnegan, I need someone who has high chakra reserves, can provide Yang Chakra, and is trustworthy... You are the only one besides me who fulfills all these requirements; therefore, I have chosen you for this.” Then he paused and asked, “So, what do you say, do you want to help me?”

After a while of silence, Karin asked, “Kuroto-sama, is Rinnegan important to you?”

Karin was anxious now, and asked, “Since it’s so dangerous then please don’t do it... if something were to happen to Kuroto-sama... then... then...”

Kuroto shook his head, “I can’t stop... I have to do it... No, I must do it... this is the pursuit of my life.”

Tears started to flow from Karin’s eyes, and she tried to persuade Kuroto, “Please... Kuroto-sama...”

Kuroto just smiled and shook his head, “I can’t.” and added, “And you don’t need to be so anxious... Am I not already preparing a countermeasure to my failure?”

No amount of preparation can give him the confidence that he will succeed. Therefore, he needs the Rinnegan, a Dojutsu capable of reversing life and death; and bringing people back to life.

With Rinnegan Kuroto can be brought back to life, and once that happens, he has another chance to undergo the ritual. After learning from the mistake of the first attempt, he can make all the necessary changes so that he definitely succeeds on the second attempt.

“The Rinnegan?” muttered Karin in realization.

Kuroto nodded, “If I were to fail and end up dying, I would need someone to use the Rinnegan and bring me back to life.”

“I see, it makes sense.” Nodded Karin, and said, “Then please leave this task to me, I will definitely bring you back to life.”

Kuroto flicked Karin’s forehead to interrupt her and said, “Don’t be so eager to reply, first hear all the details. Although Rinnegan can reverse the cycle of life and death and bring people back to life, however, it’s not free of cost. The price is the user’s own life, which means that if you were to bring me back to life, it would be at the cost of your own life.”

“At the cost of my life?” muttered Karin, somewhat afraid.

Kuroto nodded, “Yes.” And asked, “So, tell me, are you willing to sacrifice your life for me?”

“I... I...” she stammered, a little afraid initially. But as she thought more about it, all the fear disappeared and she nodded with a resolute expression, “I will... For Kuroto-sama, I will do anything!”