Chapter 795 - The Conspiracy of the Elder Aoyama


It didn’t take long for the main family of the Hyuga Clan to learn about Aoki’s defection.

Because the matter couldn’t be hidden, it spread to the others in Konoha too, and in less than a day the scandal of the Hyuga Clan was spread to the streets and alleys of Konoha.

There are two reasons why Aoki’s defection caused such a big sensation. For one, it is related to one of the major clans in Konoha, and second, it is related to the Hyuga Clan specifically where there has never been a defection since the establishment of Konoha Village.

Therefore, everyone who learned about this was extremely surprised and curious. People were talking and gossiping about it all over the village, wondering how come someone from the Hyuga Clan defected.


Patriarch’s Mansion, Hyuga District

“Aoki’s defection is a disgrace to the entire Hyuga Clan, he can not be allowed to roam freely!” said Elder Aoyama, anger clearly apparent from his expression.

“There is no need to send someone after him, just use ‘Caged Bird’ to execute him!” suggested Elder Fukiage.

At this time, Elder Sada said, “But it’s really surprising... Aoki is disabled, he shouldn’t have the ability to defect... so how did he manage?”

Elder Aoyama said in an annoyed tone, “Is it not obvious? It must have been the traitor that has been lurking within our clan for a while... he must have helped Aoki!”

Hiashi had a thoughtful expression at the mention of the traitor.

The presence of the traitor has plagued him for a few years now. He has tried many methods to find him, however, the traitor is well hidden, and no matter how he searches, he has not been able to find the traitor.

Elder Sada sighed, “If it is the work of a traitor, then he must have helped Aoki not to help him, but to embarrass the Hyuga Clan in front of the entire Village!”

Elder Fukiage asked, “But who could be so daring in the branch family?”

“Humph!” Elder Aoyama snorted coldly, and said, “Is that even a question? That brat Kuroto is rebellious enough to oppose our authority, I wouldn’t be surprised if he is the traitor!”

Hiashi said, “If your plan succeeds, Kuroto-kun will lose the position of Principal of Ninja Academy... this price is too high... Moreover, backing someone who abandoned those children... I don’t feel very good about this.”

Other elders agreed with Hiashi to some extent. Moreover, Kuroto still maintains the prestige of the Hyuga Clan in the Village. If he becomes part of this scandal, not only will he lose his position and reputation, but the reputation of the clan will fall too.

Elder Aoyama knew about Hiashi’s worries, and said, “I have considered this issue. But think about it... we are exposing a traitor to village and clan... although people are going to talk about it... they will talk about us in good light... we went as far as to deal with a member of our clan for the safety of our village... As for the position of Konoha Ninja Academy, we can just negotiate with Hokage to give that position to someone else from our clan.

I personally believe that Hokage won’t object, for one, he wouldn’t want to offend the main family just because of a member of the branch, moreover, he too wants to keep Uchiha within limits, and we are the best option for that. This way both sides will be in benefit and we will have dealt with Kuroto without any issues.”

Hiashi narrowed his eyes. Although the plan isn’t that bad, he still has a bad feeling about this.


Principal’s Office, Konoha Ninja Academy

“Kuroto-san, you were right. On that night, someone indeed contacted Otou-san. According to him, the other party had some strange methods.” Said Itachi.

“I see.” Said Kuroto, and instructed, “Keep a close watch around Uchiha Clan. Although the possibility is very low, he may try to contact someone from the Uchiha Clan again.”

Itachi nodded, “I understand.” then disappeared.

After Itachi left, Kuroto got up and stood by the window with a thoughtful expression.

Based on Itachi’s report, Kuroto can confirm that Aoki controlled a puppet to meet Uchiha Fugaku and encouraged him to start a Coup d’etat, he did not reveal anything about his identity or anything related to the Giant Tenseigan of the Hyuga Clan.

It’s safe to say that except for him and Aoki, no one is aware of the existence of the Giant Tenseigan.

Now the question is, “Where can he go?” No matter how much he thought about it, Kuroto couldn’t guess. He doesn’t know Aoki enough to figure this out.

Although based on several interactions with Aoki, Kuroto has figured out that Aoki seems to have a deep hatred towards the main family of the Clan, so he will definitely come back for revenge sooner or later, but even if that’s the case Kuroto can’t continue to passively wait for that day, so after thinking about it, he decided to put some Shinobi to work.

With such a thought in his mind, Kuroto sent instructions to Yagura.