Chapter 798 - Hyuga Kuroto is a Traitor?

“I hereby request Hokage-sama to conduct an investigation.” Said Elder Aoyama, bowing to Hiruzen.

After hearing Elder Aoyama’s words, the atmosphere in the Conference Room became extremely delicate.

Everyone present in the Conference Hall turned their heads and looked at Kuroto–who was accused of being a traitor by Mizuki.

‘This is interesting... at least, coming here so early in the morning wouldn’t be a waste.’ Thought Tsunade with a chuckle.

None of the people present at the conference expected that this meeting be organized by the Hyuga Clan to question a member of their branch family. Realizing the absurdity of the situation, everyone couldn’t help but remember the rumors circulating in the village a few days back. According to the rumors, the branch family of the Hyuga Clan seems to have started resisting the main family of the Hyuga Clan, and it seems that Hyuga Kuroto is leading the resistance.

No one paid much attention to those rumors at that time. After all, the members of the branch family of the Hyuga Clan are marked with the ‘Caged Bird’ cursed seal, In the face of that seal, any form of resistance is futile, only a fool would try to fight back.

And now that everyone has witnessed such an absurd scene before them, they can’t help but realize that it wasn’t a rumor. The conflict seems to have already reached an intolerable level that the main family of the Hyuga Clan is trying to involve the Hokage faction as well as other clans in it.

Although Elder Aoyama said about believing Kuroto to not be the traitor, everyone seemed to realize that that’s just a façade to maintain his image and the image of the Hyuga Clan in front of the Patriarchs of other Shinobi Clans.Reead latest chapters at

As for the question of whether Hyuga Kuroto is really a traitor or not?

Well, that’s hard to say, just as Elder Hyuga Aoyama stated earlier, Kuroto did have a connection with Orochimaru in the past. But this doesn’t mean that he is a traitor either. It’s entirely possible that this is just an accusation to demean him and use the power of the Hokage faction to suppress him and the branch family since they are unable to control him on their own.

Along with other Patriarchs, Uchiha Fugaku also saw the crux of the matter and his mind started to work on how to use this opportunity for the benefit of the Uchiha Clan.

Honestly speaking, the struggle within the Hyuga Clan has nothing to do with him and the Uchiha Clan. To Fugaku, what’s important is the position of the Principal of Ninja Academy.

If Hyuga Kuroto is really the traitor, and he loses his position, then the candidate who will be promoted to the principal’s position is Shisui–the current vice-principal.

Mizuki smiled contemptuously, and said, “Do you think that the likes of you can buy my loyalty? I can’t even think about betraying Konoha!”

“Buy you?” said Kuroto with a chuckle, and shook his head as he explained, “I am afraid you misunderstood my words. When I said, ‘It would have been impossible for you to be standing here and accusing me,’ I didn’t mean that I would buy your loyalty, instead, I mean that if you saw or overheard me with that man, you would be dead. By now, even your body would have disappeared.”

Mizuki was taken aback by Kuroto’s words, he didn’t expect that Kuroto would dare to speak so arrogantly in the presence of the Council, and said in an annoyed tone, “Hyuga Kuroto, your acting is meaningless. I think you should, either give a clear explanation that would prove your innocence or if you can’t you should accept that you are indeed a traitor. If you are willing–...”

Kuroto ignored Mizuki’s clamoring, instead, he glanced at Elder Aoyama and sighed, ‘Idiots, they really don’t understand why I am part of the council. Sigh, I guess really have to give them an explanation.’

Kuroto obviously saw through everyone’s thoughts. Honestly, Kuroto doesn’t give a damn about the position of the Principal of the Konoha Ninja Academy, I mean just think about it, he is the leader of one of the most feared organizations in the Shinobi World, and also controls two of the five great shinobi Villages, why would he care about the position of Principal of Konoha Ninja Academy? But even if that’s the case, as long as Kuroto doesn’t want to give up that position, no one in the entire shinobi world can remove him from this position, not Mizuki, not Uchiha Patriarch, not Konoha’s Hokage, not Rokudo Sennin, and definitely not Hyuga Aoyama or Mizuki.

With this in his mind, Kuroto interrupted Mizuki as he lightly spoke to no one in particular, “I want to hear the truth.”

Even though his words weren’t directed towards anyone in particular, a person stood up and spoke, “Very well Kuroto-san!”

This was none other than the strongest shinobi on the side of the five great shinobi villages. That’s right, as soon as Kuroto’s words fell, Shisui stood up from his seat as his pupils changed into three tomoe Sharingan and soon turned into the Mangekyou Sharingan.

The moment Shisui stood up and activated his Mangekyou Sharingan, the atmosphere of the Conference hall changed.

Looking at the pair of eyes, everyone took a deep breath, “Mangekyou Sharingan!”

No one expected Uchiha Shisui to directly activate Mangekyou Sharingan because of Kuroto’s casual words.

Shisui ignored everyone’s shock and walked towards Mizuki.

Seeing Uchiha Shisui approaching him with his Mangekyou Sharingan activated, all the arrogance on Mizuki’s face disappeared, and his body started to shiver as he tried to retreat backward, “No... don’t... why... why are you...?!”