Chapter 805 When All Hope is Lost

Chapter 805 When All Hope is Lost


In the early morning, Neji left the Hyuga Clan and his direction was the Konoha Ninja Academy.

Today is the day of the assessment, and Neji is prepared for a tough battle. This time, he is going to win for sure.

With this thought in his mind, Neji arrived at the Konoha Ninja Academy.

As soon as Neji passed through the gate of Ninja Academy, he noticed someone’s figure quietly warming up under a tree. Upon getting closer, he found out that this was none other than Sasuke, and greeted him, “Sasuke, you came so early?”

Sasuke shook his head and pointed to the other side, “That guy is earlier than me!”

Neji looked over and found a kid his age taking laps of the ground. It wasn’t hard to realize that he had been running for quite a while. Seeing him, Neji was surprised, “Rock Lee too?”

Correct, this is none other than Rock Lee. Although Lee is unable to use Ninjutsu and Genjutsu when it comes to Taijutsu, Rock Lee is very strong, and from his determined expression, it’s obvious that he is going to go all out in today’s assessment.

And this wasn’t it, next, Sasuke looked in the direction of Hokage Rock, and said solemnly, “I heard someone say that Naruto didn’t sleep the entire night. He went there yesterday evening, and has stayed like since then.”

Neji followed Sasuke’s gaze and looked on top of the Hokage Rock. Although the distance is large, Neji noticed the outline of a figure sitting on top of the head of Yondaime Hokage.

Doubtful, Neji activated his Byakugan and looked there once again. This time the outline of Naruto’s figure was clearer, and considering the way Naruto was sitting, Neji guessed what he was doing there, “Is he absorbing Natural Energy?”

Neji may have failed to sign a contract at Mount Myoboku, but he gained enough knowledge to be able to figure out Naruto’s purpose.

Nodded Sasuke, “Yes.” And said with a smirk, “I hope that Naruto can show me the power of Senjutsu."

Seeing Sasuke, Rock Lee, and Naruto working so hard, Neji had to sigh. It’s quite obvious that he isn’t the only one who is diligently training. Whether it is Sasuke, Rock Lee, or Naruto, everyone is putting in all their efforts and training in order to become stronger and perform better in the assessment.

‘But it doesn’t matter... this time it’s going to be me!’ thought Neji as he hardened his fist.

However, the problem is, Toneri is learning and adapting at an extremely fast speed, and it won’t be long before Toneri catches him.

Despite knowing this, Hizashi didn’t panic, his job was completed, now even if he were to die, it wouldn’t matter that much. In fact, this kind of death is better, at least he would die the way he wants to.

The only regret in his heart is his son Neji and the promise he made to Neji. Thinking of his son, Hizashi couldn’t help but cry lightly, ‘I am sorry son... I may have to break the promise, but I know you will forgive me, after all, you are such a kind soul!’

Floating in the air, Toneri indifferently looked at the staggering figure of Hizashi and muttered to himself, “Does he really think that he can escape? No one can save him... persisting and resisting is futile!”

And Toneri increased his effort.


After a while of chasing and running, the two arrived at the edge of the forest.

It was near a beach, and the smell of the sea reached Hizashi’s nostrils clearing his mind as he realized that there is a cliff in front of him and he no longer has any place left to escape.

Toneri landed in front of Hizashi, and said, “Your resistance was futile, and now have nowhere left to run.”

Kneeling at the edge of the cliff, Hizashi sighed, “I guess... this is the end for me...” as he spotted a figure from the corner of his eyes.

Toneri also noted that figure, but it wasn’t someone he recognized, so he said, “No one can save you.” Then he raised his hand and used Banshō Ten’in on Hizashi. Toneri wanted to retrieve Hizashi’s memory before killing him.



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