Chapter 824 Troublesome Things

As soon as Kuroto returned to the Principal’s office from the forest of death, Itachi knocked on the door and walked in, he wanted Kuroto’s instruction on some important matter, “Kuroto-san, Yakushi Kabuto has been missing for quite a while now, and there is no information about him anywhere in the village. He didn’t seem to have gone on any mission either, how should we deal with him?”

Itachi has been a little confused these days.

He didn’t know what happened to his father all of a sudden, a few days ago, he was suddenly transferred to the Konoha Ninja Academy to take over the position of vice-principal, while Shisui was transferred to the Konoha Military Police Force and had to take over the position of deputy Captain.

So, the person who reports the affairs of Konoha Ninja Academy to Kuroto has changed from Shisui to Itachi.

Hearing Itachi’s question, Kuroto thought to himself with a frown, ‘What in the world is Orochimaru-sama thinking? Wasn’t Kabuto placed in the Academy to keep a watch on Naruto and Sasuke? Why did he suddenly change his mind? Has he lost interest in them?’

The ‘talentless’ Naruto was able to master Senjutsu of the Ryuchi Cave, while Sasuke–thanks to his talent–was able to awaken his Sharingan at a very young age. The achievements made by both the kids attracted Orochimaru’s attention, and he placed Kabuto in the Konoha Ninja Academy to keep a watch over the two kids.

Kabuto has disappeared for no reason at all, it’s obvious that Kuroto has a lot of doubts.

Of course, this is not a bad thing for Kuroto. With Mizuki’s death and Kabuto’s disappearance, all the meddling people have gone. So, after pondering for a while, he instructed Itachi, “Just deal with this matter as usual... report his disappearance to the village authorities, and label him as a rogue-nin.”

“Understood.” Nodded Itachi, then withdrew from Kuroto’s office.

Just as Itachi left, another person knocked on the door of the Principal’s office.

Apparently, it was Neji this time.

After calling him inside, Kuroto asked, “Did something happen?”

Neji looked at Kuroto, and asked after a while of silence, “Sensei... I... I wanted to ask something important... is now a good time?”

Kuroto asked in return, “Does this concern your father?”

Neji nodded, “Sensei... Otou-sama has been kept in custody for more than a week now. Okaa-sama is very worried. Earlier she visited the Patriarch asking for his help on the matter, but there was no result. Can you please do something about this? Please request Hokage-sama to release Otou-sama, I know he would never do anything wrong! Please sensei!”

Kuroto looked silently at Neji.

Neji bowed deeply, and asked, “Sensei... I know this request is very presumptuous... but... but I can’t see Okaa-sama in this state, she is very worried... I really don’t know any other way, please sensei!”

Yui waited for a moment as Neji took his leave, then explained the situation to Kuroto.

After listening to the entire story, Kuroto sighed and stood up, “Let’s go.’

In the past, such troublesome matters were taken care of by Hizashi. But now that Hizashi is under custody, and the main family is completely focused on finding information about the Tenseigan, the responsibility falls on Kuroto’s shoulders.



With a low muffled sound, Ryuma was kicked out and hit the wall.

Ryuma wanted to get up immediately, however, he felt dizzy and coughed violently, “Cough!”

Looking at Ryuma’s state, a teenager–wearing the uniform of the Konoha Military Police Force–walked over to Ryuma and said with a smirk, “What was your question again? Why was Shinichi-aniki released so easily, while that old man from your clan is still under custody? This is my answer... Now you should know why... it’s because Shinichi-aniki is a Uchiha... while that old man you are talking about is only a Hyuga... a member of the branch family no less...!”

Another Uchiha teenager standing on the side said with a smirk, “Now... now... Shin... don’t be too hard on him... he is just a Hyuga after all.”

Shin looked back, and said helplessly, “Don’t blame me Enji... I thought that since he is a Jonin, he would be able to take it and hit a little hard, I didn’t expect him to be so weak...”

Enji sighed, “You are too careless Shin... just knowing his identity as a Hyuga should be enough to understand that he would be weak... yet you went and did it...”

Shin chuckled, “My bad... my bad... I shouldn’t have forgotten that the Hyuga are pathetic.”

Hearing Shin and Enji’s words, Ryuma was angered, and shouted, “Don’t you dare mock the Hyuga!”



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