Chapter 1652 1652: Kill Quest

The woman closed her eyes. She sighed. It seemed the target had been leaving Fanghai Nation safely.

What she had been planned before because of the incompetence of one person. The target might be more alert when she comes to visit Fanghai Nation next time.

The woman sighed. Well, she would need to find another chance. As for now, she would lie down quietly.


Han Baise called Yu Qi telling her that he already got the information regarding a man and a woman that Yu Qi asked him to investigate earlier. He already sent the information to Yu Qi's email.

Yu Qi thanked him. She would check it later. She remembered the website that the sniper told her. She asked Han Baise to look at that website.

Surprisingly, Han Baise knew about that website. It was one of the dark websites out there. This particular website was a black market to hire hitmen or to post the kill quest.

A person who wanted to enter this website had to pay a certain amount of fees before entering the website. The about of the fees was quite high. Not many people could afford that.

If they wanted to post the kill quest, they also needed to pay another fee. It was two times higher than the entrance fee.

Shiro: Why are you asking about that website? for new novels

Q: Well, someone hired a hitman to kill me through that website.

Shiro: What?

Han Baise stood up upon reading the message.

Shiro: Are you okay right now?

Q: Of course, I am fine right now. Otherwise, I will not message you right now.

Han Baise was relieved. He could not imagine if something happened to Yu Qi.

Q: Can you enter the website?

Yu Qi felt embarrassed when hearing the praise.

"When are you coming home?" Yu Qi asked.

"This earlier morning. I just woke up." Long Hui said.

"I just return too." Yu Qi smiled.

"How is the child? Is she okay living with Dian's Family?" Long Hui asked.

He remembered Yu Qi telling him about the kid who was also a cultivator. It was not good for the child to live alone and without proper guidance.

"Hmm... Well, because of various incidents, Biya was excited to learn about the cultivation. She even watched the fight intensely. Dian Family was happy to receive a promising child." Yu Qi said. "How about your work? Is it fine on your end?"

"Hmm... My work is fine. The enemy this time is quite clever. That is why the mission took a longer time to be completed." Long Hui said.

"Oh, I see. How troublesome." Yu Qi consoles.

Yu Qi remembered something. "You said you just woke up, right?" She asked.

Long Hui nodded. "Yes, why?"

"You must be hungry. I will cook something for you." Yu Qi said.

She wanted to go to the kitchen but Long Hui pulled her back into his arm.

"Well, I am indeed hungry but not for food. I am hungry for you." Long Hui licked his tongue.

Yu Qi gulped. "Well, I need to take a bath first. I smell bad right now."

"Like I said before, you smell good and yummy. You don't need a bath or shower right now because you will need one later after I am finished eating you." Long Hui grinned.

Yu Qi definitely could not go anywhere right now. She just gave up and let Long Hui do the eating. Well, she was also eating too.
