Chapter 1662 1662: Abuse Their Child

Chapter 1662 1662: Abuse Their Child

"Mr Mark, it is my job to save people." Yu Qi said to Richard Mark.

"I know it." Richard Mark knew that.

"Doctor Yu Qi, there is an emergency at wad 0010." A nurse rushed over and asked for Yu Qi's help.

Without saying anything to Richard Mark, Yu Qi rushed over to the wad. Richard Mark was stunned when he was suddenly being left over just like that. Well, he understood that she had another emergency to work out.

Since he already reached the purpose of coming here, he was satisfied. He just came here to thank Yu Qi and it was done. He would return home.

There was an emergency at the wad 0010. A young mother brought her 5 years old kid to the hospital.

The kid had been brought by his parent after he passed out while eating. The parent rushed over to the emergency. They thought it was just a cold since the kid's body was hot.

Upon checking, the doctor noticed some kind of bruise around the kid's shoulder. The doctor then pulled up the clothes.

She and her nurse were very shocked when they saw the bruise around the kid's body. There were a lot of bruises. Some of them were old and some of them were new. Nêww chapters will be fully updated at

So, they could conclude that this kid had been abused. They still did not know who did that to the kid.

The doctor and nurse were calm during the process. The doctor told the parent that the kid needed to be warded.

That was when the father did not agree with the doctor's suggestion. He wanted to bring the kid back.

The doctor told the father once again that the kid needed to be warded because of his condition. The father wanted the doctor to just give them the medicine that he would give to his child by himself.

The doctor rejected the father's suggestion. The father insisted on bringing the kid home. At this point, the staff already knew that something was not right. This father might be the one who is abusing the kid.

The doctor came over and whispered in Yu Qi's ear. She told Yu Qi everything that she found out about the kid.

"I see... Then, we really need to call the police." Yu Qi stated.

The nurse rushed to call the security guard and police. Seeing the situation went in the worst direction, the father made the decision to abandon his wife and child. He rushed to run away.

However, he did not know that once Yu Qi marked him, he would not run away. Yu Qi grabbed him.

The father struggled to make Yu Qi let him go. He tried to kick, Yu Qi avoided. He tried to punch, Yu Qi also could avoid it easily.

It continued until the security guards came over and took the father from Yu Qi. He would be held by the security guards until the police came over.

The police arrived ten minutes later. They arrested the father and investigated what happened.

They took pictures of the kid's body. They were also surprised seeing the kid's body. It seemed he had been abused for such a long time.

The mother cried even more. She looked at the doctor who saved her and her child from her husband. She even kowtowed.

She did not dare to argue with her husband. If her husband was angry, not only the child, even she became the victim.

She showed the bruise on her stomach. It was the same as the child. There were some new bruises and old bruises.

The police already took note of the mother's condition. So, the father liked to hit his wife and child.

The father would be arrested for such a crime. The police brought him to the police station. He shouted for his wife to save him.

The mother ignored it. She looked at her child. She was glad. Probably because she was relieved, she passed out. She and the kid would be warded..

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