Chapter 1748 1748: Watch A Good Show

Chapter 1748 1748: Watch A Good Show

Jiang Yu was surprised to know that So Pang Lim got a better job offer.

"What? How could you land such a sweet deal like that?" Jiang Ya began to pump for more detail.

"Humph! Why should I be telling you that? There is no need for me to tell you about something like that. Not like we are friends or anything." So Pang Lim grinned.

"Hmm... You will not be working there for long. Just remember my work." Jiang Ya said.

Then, there was someone else interrupting their confrontation between both of them. Everyone turned around to look at that person.

"Miss, you are not allowed to be here. It is a place for staff only." Someone reminded that woman.

Everyone could see that this person was not working there. They had never seen this person before.

"I am sorry. I know it is a place for staff only but I am looking for someone who worked here." That woman asked.

"Oh, may I know what is his or her name?" The nurse asked.

"I am looking for a woman named Jiang Ya. Do you know her?" The woman said.

Everyone immediately turned to Jiang Ya. Since the woman already said her name out of clear.

Jiang Ya stepped forward facing the woman. She tried to remember this woman but nothing came up.

"That should be me. What can I help you?" Jiang Ya asked.

The person approached Jiang Ya and slapped Jiang Ya at full power. Jiang Ya fell down. She spat out something.

It was a bloody tooth. It showed how much power the woman used to slap Jiang Ya.

"What did you just do to me?" Jiang Ya stood up.

"You seduce and sleep with my husband, you whore!" The woman shouted.

It was a moment of silence. Everyone was speechless.

Jiang Ya could not believe what she just heard. She was a mistress. No way.

"Huifang, what are you doing here?"

The main character arrived.

Deng Huifang glanced at her husband and answered the question. "I just come here to visit your mistress. She is not bad."

"What?" Liao Chonglin was panicked. "Huifang, please listen to me."

"Hmm... Sure... I am listening. Let's hear your pieces." Deng Huifang nodded.

"Well, let's talk somewhere else. Not here." Liao Chonglin said.

He realized that some people watching this.

"Why? Here is great. Your mistress is here too. Let's hear what you want to say." Deng Huifang crossed her hands against her body.

"Dear..." Liao Chonglin tried to be sweet.

"Don't call me that. I am disgusted." Deng Huifang showed a disgusted expression on her face. "If you don't want to talk here, it is fine. I don't care about that anymore. I already made the decision. We will be divorced and that is FINAL."

Liao Chonglin started to feel panicked when he heard the word divorced came out of Deng Huifang's words.

"Huifang, please calm down. Don't make such a hasty decision. We need to discuss about this." Liao Chonglin started.

"Well, I am calm. And that is not a hasty decision." Deng Huifang said.

Well, she was really calm down. She did not feel any anger at all. Deng Huifang did not think she needed to be here anymore. So, she left.

Liao Chonglin quickly chased Deng Huifang. He did not care anymore about Jiang Ya.

Jiang Ya was aghast when she saw Liao Chonglin just leave her like this without any explanation. Then, she heard someone was laughing. It was So Pang Lim. Everyone was quite shocked about this.

"I am glad that I decided to quit today. I managed to watch a good show thank to the mistress, Jiang Ya. Anyway, I need to go now. Bye." So Pang Lim laughed again while walking away.
