Chapter 1764 1764: Injured

Chapter 1764 1764: Injured

"If you don't want to follow me voluntarily, I don't have any choice but to force you, am I right?" Sir Xien smiled.

Yu Qi knew that the evil cultivator's aura had changed. Her body became tense. All her senses focused on the evil cultivator in front of her right now. The evil cultivator made his first attack. Yu Qi tried to hold it, but she was sent flying back. She only stopped when her back hit a tree. She coughed some blood.

"Master," Xiaohua shouted and rushed to Yu Qi. Rukh was also shocked to see Yu Qi being beaten up like this. He never saw her like this before. Sir Xien smiled as he walked toward Yu Qi. He felt that Yu Qi did not have any energy to fight back. He would make her lose consciousness and bring her back to his place. When she arrived there with him, he would discipline her until she listened to his words. Well, he did not mind using something. He was 20 meters away from Yu Qi. Then he sensed something coming from Yu Qi. He quickly avoided it. It was a needle. It seemed there was some liquid smeared at the tip of the needles.

He was surprised. If he did not avoid that, he probably would have gotten hit by the needle. He had no idea of what the liquid was on that needle, but he knew that it was not something good. It was probably a poison or something like that.

Yu Qi did not stay still. She kept throwing the needles at the evil cultivator. Sir Xien became more surprised when Yu Qi kept throwing the needles. How many of those she had in her pocket? He was getting tired of this. He used his speed to get closer to Yu Qi. This time, he would hold her tight. However, before he managed to hold her, another hand grabbed him and threw him away like garbage. He could not control his body and collided with the tree as well. The impact was very strong making him cough some blood. He lifted his face to see who the man who had such power was. He was surprised to see Long Hui.

Long Hui rushed to look at his beloved Qi Qi.

"Ah!" Sir Xien shouted in pain. He turned around to see the big wolf behind him. Where did this big wolf come from? He never saw it before. It was impossible not to notice such a big wolf. Seeing the evil cultivator in pain, Xiaohua wrapped him with her prickly veins. She did not hold back. She chose the prickliest one.

The evil cultivator struggled a lot. Because of that, the veins tightened up. The thorn on the vein pierced into the evil cultivator's skin.

This time, Xiaohua did not use the normal veins. She used the thorns that had poison on them. The thorns released some poisons directly inside the skin after piercing the skin.

The evil cultivator began to paralyse, and he could not move anymore. Thus, he could not run away anymore.

"Good job, Xiaohua." Yu Qi praised.

Xiaohua by patting her on her head.

"Thank you, Master." Xiaohua was happy to get praise from Yu Qi.