Chapter 1947: Fight For The Pills

Chapter 1947: Fight For The Pills

"This matter could not be leaked to others because it would bring danger to Yu Qi. Do you understand?" Dian Jung Gi reminded them. Dian Qi Qi and Dian Ren Qi nodded several times ensuring Dian Jung Gi that they understood.

"Wow, Sister Yu Qi is amazing." Dian Qi Qi said. "Indeed." Dian Ren Qi nodded. "Then, why are we here?"

Hearing this, Bucong Jian felt insulted. "Who is the weakling, huh?" "The angry one." Dian Ren Qi smiled. "Brother Jian, don't bother them. They are just the poor losers." Bucong Jiye stated.

"Brother Ren Qi, don't bother them. They are just the weakling losers." Dian Qi Qi scoffed. Bucong Jiye glared at Dian Qi Qi. Dian Qi Qi just smiled. "Enough." Dian Jung Gi and Bucong Guang said at the same time. The children became silent. However, they were still glaring at each other. "Let's go." Bucong Guang said. Before Bucong Shuye followed Bucong Guang, he glanced at the Dian Family once again. That person was really not there. He wondered where she was sitting since he could hear her voice. "Let's leave this place first." Dian Jung Gi said. As for Yu Qi, she was still in the room. Qin Xia told her that she would wait for others to settle their payment. Yu Qi just followed his request. After a while, someone knocked on their door. Huang Jin opened the door. "Yes?" Huang Jin asked.

"The money for the pills had been gathered. Sir Huang, you can come and collect the money." The manager said politely as he glanced at Qin Xia. The manager knew even though it was Sir Huang who handed over the pills to them, the pills must come from the ancestor. Only the ancestor had this kind of ability to produce such amazing pills. "Let's go." Yu Qi said.

Well, she did not wait to get the money. Oh, she also did not forget about her golden needles. Others stood up and followed the servants. When Yu Qi and others were about to enter the payment room, they encountered the Bucong Family. Bucong Jiye saw her and frowned.