302 Chapter 301 Membership Fees (Subscribe!)

I heard the soldiers say that the other deputy leaders had agreed to elect him as the new leader.

Martin Bahati’s first reaction was not to believe it, but his IQ told him that it was impossible for the other party to tell such a lie that could be easily debunked.

Is it true?

This is too fast.

"They really have agreed?" Martin Bahati confirmed again.He stared at the soldier’s eyes, and wanted to rely on his “rich” experience to see if he could see anything, but the soldier’s eyes and expressions did not change at all. A robot without emotions would not have an understanding of the words itself when speaking. Emotions.

So Martin Bahati certainly couldn't see anything.

"Yes, they have agreed." The soldier nodded and said.This operation was carried out at the same time. When Martin Bahati asked just now, the other deputy chiefs made the most correct choice between life and death.

Still life is more important.

At the moment those who said the conditions, they had no retreat.

Or die.

Either agree.

"What about the leader Kalumba?" Martin Bahati asked curiously. The soldier only said that Kalumba would not see the sun tomorrow, but it didn't mean he was dead now.

"He has now died in his basement because of an argument with his men." The soldier has nothing to hide.

Killing Kalumba directly is of course very simple, but in many cases it is still necessary to consider the impact, so as not to cause conflicts between several tribes, so the original plan was to only let Kalumba fall out of bed or die of a heart attack, but I saw them in Spending time and drinking together, Tang Qing, who was watching from the side, made the command room temporarily change its plan, and let Kalumba and his confidants go to see the ancestors.

Even in doubt, no one will have evidence.

Will not cause conflicts between tribes.

Tang Qing needs to maintain stability here instead of messing together. After all, the tribe that Karumba belongs to is the strongest. Coupled with the bloodline problem, even if Martin Bahati and the others win together, they will be in trouble in the future. Kind of small movements come in disorder.The population of the tribe where Karumba is located is close to 10,000, and there are more than 600 guards in the tribe's resident.

As for the “mine tyrants” of the tribal alliance, it’s just that some people have been stationed there. They add up to more than 300 people. They don’t have the main fighting power of each tribe. Even the Martin Bahati tribe can pull More than six hundred came out.

There are so many people, and the fights are really endless.

I also mine a fart mine.

After listening to the soldiers, Martin Bahati smiled unnaturally and grudgingly.


Still having a quarrel?

Nima, these lunatics.

Martin Bahati became more and more afraid of the forces in front of him.

The unknown is the most terrible.

The methods are so harsh and decisive.

"Then I agree, but I want to know why you didn't negotiate with Kalumba, wouldn't it be faster?" Martin Bahati asked again, suppressing the fear in his heart.

"It's nothing, our regional leaders can't understand his behavior." The soldier paused and said.The regional leader is of course fabricated.

"Area leader? Who are you?" Martin Bahati asked.

"Since you agree, you are also entitled to know our name, BLACKPRISON (black prison), okay, now it’s all resolved, let’s talk about the conditions." The soldier once again said a settlement, this time it’s not Martin Ba The deputy chiefs of Hati are not Kalumba who has gone to heaven, but the tribe where Kalumba belongs.

Karumba is also the son of the patriarch of the tribe. In order to prevent the tribe of Karumba from unilaterally withdrawing from this alliance, then the position of the patriarch must be changed, this world...There is never a shortage of ambitious people.

"Please speak." Martin Bahati didn't notice this and asked about the conditions.

"First, 25% of your future business income will be ours, which will be paid monthly." The soldier said directly.

"Why?" Martin Bahati became angry when he heard that, 25%, you might as well grab it. He thought how much money he would give at one time. He didn't expect it to be so "black" and he would ask them directly. One-quarter of income.

He can't explain to the bottom and the top at all.

"Martin Bahati, please remember that I am not discussing with you, but ordering, and we can change you at any time and let anyone who is willing to give it to come up." Martin Bahati's words made Martin Bahati instantly It's like a burnt eggplant.

"But, I can't explain to the people above and below, not only I can't do this, you can't do it anybody else." Martin Bahati smiled bitterly.With this ratio, he couldn't persuade other tribes to buy it.

"This is not a big problem. When iron ore mining starts, you will have a certain income. This 25% is equivalent to about 70% of iron ore income in the future. It basically does not involve your existing Each income distribution, in general, your income has increased." The soldier explained.

This is the ratio set by Tang Qing. Twenty-five percent of the membership fee is simply robbed, but it is also much lower than that of the robbery gang in the United States. The main reason is that too much will cause counter-effects. The soldiers can kill people, but they can't destroy people's hearts. The long flow of water is the right way.

Although this money is not glorious, it can be used to do some glorious things. Tang Qing plans to use 25% of the membership fees collected from various places to help others, and the rest is used to expand the "black prison". While keeping some funds for future use.

Martin Bahati thought about it for half a minute. If this is true, it can still be done.

"Well, I agree to this condition." Martin Bahati nodded and agreed.

The soldier continued: "Second, if there is a need, you must obey our orders to do something, but you can rest assured that it won't hurt the core interests of your tribe, it's just a small task."

"For example." Although Martin Bahati was very unhappy to order the word, he couldn't help it. The situation was better than others, but he did not blindly agree.

"To tell you the truth, the companies that are going to come here for mining this time also paid us a certain amount of dues. Therefore, I hope you can treat them fairly, charge reasonable fees, and provide necessary protection. We don't want anyone to go to them to make trouble and hurt others. "The soldier lied a little.

Immediately Martin Bahati said in shock: "They called you?"

Membership fee?

Enterprises have to pay dues?

And it's still a Chinese enterprise. How powerful is this black prison?

It feels a bit like a mercenary, um, it must be.

Martin Bahati has determined that the "Black Prison" must be a mercenary organization.

In fact, if you count it, the business really overlaps.

"No, it's just that they apply to protect the interests of members. The same is true for you. As long as it does not violate our principles, we will provide you with the necessary help and protection, but only for your internal affairs, external expansion and being beaten. , We will not directly provide assistance, but will only provide some fee-based services such as intelligence and weapon support. At the same time, we can also provide services such as transfer of your property or funds." The soldier explained.

"In general, this time you came because of this mineral, in order to protect the interests of your members." Martin Bahati concluded.He didn't know what to think about this conclusion. On the one hand, he felt that it was very good to be protected, but on the other hand, they became a stumbling block this time, but he couldn't feel happy in his heart, very complicated emotions.

"Yes, when you pay the dues, you are also a member. As long as you don't kill the innocent and pay the dues on time, no one within you will dare to take your position." The soldier said.

This sounds pretty good.

Martin Bahati also began to accept and support him. What happened to Karumba today, he never wanted to happen to him.

"What are the conditions?" Martin Bahati said again.

"The conditions are gone, but there are two more requirements. First, don't disclose the name of our organization to the outside world. Your deputy chiefs don't know. Second, you can charge a certain amount of normal fees for companies that come to mine this time. , And at the same time constrain your subordinates so as not to conflict. If something happens, our ruling center considers your main responsibility, and you are likely to face a huge fine." The soldier said.

The adjudication center is naturally an alias for the command room.

"That's okay, I promised." Martin Bahati said immediately. Karumba was a lion with a big mouth before, and now he has the bond of black prison. He doesn't really want to make a fortune from this iron ore, lest he Take it without life.

"That's good, Mr. Martin Bahati, thank you for your cooperation. This is our phone number. You can contact us directly if you have anything to do, and we will deal with it immediately." The soldier handed over a note and said.

"Then what do I need to do next." Martin Bahati said after closing the note.

"You know, goodbye." The soldier said and turned away.

This step has been achieved, and it is completely smooth. If Martin Bahati can't do the rest, then he will live in vain for so many years.

Seeing the soldiers swaggering out, Martin Bahati wanted to take out another gun under the sheets, but he was just thinking about it. If he did, he might also follow Karumba's footsteps.

Thinking of the experience just now, Martin Bahati wanted to swear. He fell asleep, dreamed, and lived a leisurely life. Suddenly there appeared a Taishang who didn’t know where he came from. It's a beep dog, he wants to beep the earth.

Turn on the lights.

The harsh lighting made Martin Bahati's eyes a little uncomfortable.

Squinting slightly, he sat on the head of the bed.

Lost in thought.

He has to plan his way to the top of tomorrow.

PS: Next chapter, ten o'clock, ask for votes!