575 Chapter 574 Chess Holder and Predator (seeking subscription!)

Understood everything.

Tang Kai felt that the whole person was much more relaxed. There was no need to worry about this or that as before, and there was no need to spend a large part of it to buy zero jade gems every time the jewelry company had a certain surplus.

He used to worry that if he bought less and had more zero inventory, he would find new partners to join him, and his advantage would no longer exist.

However, Tang Kai didn't dare to treat it at will.

It's just that there is a lot of confidence now. When the time comes, you should buy or you have to buy, because it is impossible for Zero to really put the huge output in the warehouse for him, or even buy more.

In order to consume the extra huge output, his method is to make his own enterprise bigger, to move his business out of Asia, to the world, and become a world-class jewelry wholesaler.

Looking at Tang Qing's calm expression.

Tang Kai suddenly felt unreal. The nephew in front of him was young, but he was very good in all aspects. He was much stronger than his peers, and he was so stable that he was a little bit inferior. It was the genes of our Tang family.

Seeing the strange look in the second uncle’s eyes, Tang Qing smiled and said, “Second uncle, don’t think too much about it. I didn’t tell you this before, because I’m afraid you think it’s because of me. Now I have also figured it out. It's not good for you to know nothing.

Telling you this is just to let you rest assured, do business steadily, don't worry about other difficulties, at least in the existing business, no one can threaten your status. What you have to consider now is how to digest so much output. This Is the top priority."

Tang Kai nodded with satisfaction.

"Tang Tang, really, thank you for helping your second uncle. If it weren't for zero life-saving supplies, my company may have been disbanded now. You have half the credit for the money I made. As long as you need it, just speak up. "Tang Kai said with emotion.

Tang Qing is born in the Tang family, it's really big Xin.

"Okay, no problem." Tang Qing nodded, but he didn't care about it in his heart. In his life, he might still be short of money when he was reborn, but what is the money now?

He has now left the stage of making money and has begun to'play' with money.

Take control of the currency.

It has already started and is waiting for the harvest, but there is basically no chance of a comeback on the Myanmar side.

What is left is to make the Asian dollar a world currency, a reserve currency recognized by all countries, and even if possible, to make it the national currency of more countries. This seems impossible, but the matter is artificial. Please analyze it carefully. Not too difficult to operate.

Among them, it is basically impossible for developed countries. Their financial system is very complete. At present, the international status of the Asian dollar is too low to start.

The developing countries are also a bit difficult to operate. These countries are basically stable internally. Unlike Myanmar, which is a bit messy internally, the Asian yuan is also born within it. It has local advantages. It is not an'exotic species' and is relatively easy to replace.

When the Asian dollar replaced the kyat, Tang Qing’s next goal was the currency of some backward countries, especially in many countries in Africa. Some of the countries’ inflation was so severe that the official could not control it at all and could only print money hard. Let its currency become waste paper.

Even the printing price of banknotes is more expensive than purchasing power.

It is also an anecdote.

So these countries with serious currency problems just need to do a good job.

It is not impossible to let Yayuan score.

The "African Umbrella Project" serves this matter.Going forward in many ways, hunting the country is basically impossible, but what he hunts is not power, but currency.

Then through currency...Take control of power.

"Tang Tang, you said how many projects Zero is willing to give us. After all, there may be other contractors who have a good relationship with Zero."

It suddenly occurred to Tang Kai that he knew Ling. Tang Qing’s friends also knew Ling. Perhaps Ling knew many other people. If all of them came to participate in the cake sharing, then it would be unknown how many cakes he and Wangsa could get.

Tang Qing thought for a while and said:

"It shouldn’t be a problem below four billion Asian dollars. As far as I know, many other road projects have to be handed over to local construction companies, as well as some powerful partners in Thailand, mainly to build a good relationship, because Zero also needs to balance the interests of all parties."

General infrastructure does not require much high technology, so Tang Qing prefers to hand it over to the locals.

It's simple.

He wants to support local enterprises to form a good economic internal cycle, and not to chill the businessmen who have made a fortune in the territory. The long-span bridges, tunnels and some earthworks are mainly for some families in Thailand, because they has experience.

There are even railway projects and hydropower projects. Tang Qing prefers to let China do it. The entire investment is not the 10 billion Asian dollars that Tang Kai thought. The development plan for the entire territory has been doubled in several phases. may.

This time the territory is built.

It's not just construction.

It's still a kind of "equalization of interests" to build a good relationship with neighboring neighbors. It's not that Tang Qing is unwilling to give all the projects to his second uncle so that he can make money..

But at the level of Tang Qing, with a little qualification as a chess player, he must consider things that are not usually considered, such as'geographical' exchange,'balance' and'overall situation'.

If he is a predator.

That is, when you see something delicious, you rush to grab it and eat it. The shopping mall is like a battlefield. Whoever comes will get it. Earning money is the king.

But he is now the one who distributes fruit.

He is at the helm, holding distribution rights and numerous resources.

Thinking can't stay at that point of interest. You must raise a level to look at the problem. Everything must be considered thoroughly, and every assignment is made with purpose, so that the "predators" under your hand will support yourself and form a balance.

Eat alone.

That is the predator stage.

Give it to everyone.

This is the stage of the chess player.

This is the difference between a chess player and a predator.

"That's great, four billion Asian dollars, enough for us to eat for a long time, but I don't know whether to let a large number of domestic workers be used, after all, their work efficiency is really good." Tang Kai is already completely satisfied with this number. Overjoyed.

Four billion Asian dollars.

It is a four billion yuan project, not to mention too many, and Tang Kai is divided, and the last person can share a few hundred million yuan in profits.You can exchange for fruit wine when you get it, and then sell it in foreign currency.

"It's definitely okay. As for Ling's subordinates, there are no experienced workers on large-scale projects. They used to plan their food in the ground. When the time comes, Ling will negotiate with Myanmar, the workers of China. You can go directly through Yunshen," Tang Qing said.

"Isn't that illegal?" Tang Kai questioned.

He is also going to pass from Thailand. As for Burma, let’s forget it. Those ports are in Kachin State and Shan State. The relationship between Burma and those two states, if you know that the workers are going there, Maybe what will happen.

It is estimated that it will not hurt people, but the chances of finding reasons to detain people are, and it is very high.

Tang Qing explained: "Don't worry, Zero will persuade Myanmar to submit an application for port construction to Huaxia. As long as the meaning is expressed, it is normal to go abroad. Huaxia will also do special things. After all, it is going to make money."

Tang Kai was really surprised that Tang Qing knew so many "secrets", and asked about his last worry: "Tang Tang, there is one more thing. How long do you think Yayuan can exist? After the cooperation between Zero and Myanmar Will cancel it."

This is a big deal. If the money you make can't be used, it's nonsense. He believes in Tang Qing, but he doesn't completely believe in zero.

Tang Qing is not impatient either. These worries are human nature. It seems that my second uncle used to have a strong sense of insecurity. Also, is it possible for me to do business with a warlord in a foreign country?

He regretted it a little bit, if he had said so well, his second uncle wouldn't have to bury so much worry in his heart.

"You can rest assured that Yayuan is not a toy, it can even be said to be the basis of zero. It is impossible to give up everything about him." Tang Qing said firmly.

After getting confirmation, Tang Kai finally let go of his last doubts, he believed Tang Qing.

To be honest, he is actually a little optimistic or even optimistic about the Asian dollar, because behind it is the Myanmar Asian Bank Group, an economic behemoth that has penetrated into the territory.

What kind of company is this.

Tang Kai naturally understood, or that this is not a company at all, but a large-scale power group composed of currency, enterprises, technology, resources, and armed forces. Think about the zero strategy. All resources in the territory belong to the Bank of Myanmar Group. , All on the ground and underground.

Not only resources, but also almost monopolize the production materials and technology of the territory. Each company is the blood of the Bank of Myanmar, rooted to the most basic level, and all the businessmen in the territory live on this blood vessel.

At the beginning of the birth of the Myanmar Bank Group, it was decided that this was a super giant trust, but before Zero’s power was too small, it can only be said to be a small overlord, but now Zero has taken such a large area. After eating Su Yu, the site directly doubled.

A total of more than 30,000 square kilometers of land.

If all the resources on the ground and underground are placed in the hands of the Burma Bank Group, what a fortune is, at least in the hundreds of billions, even hundreds of billions can't be beaten.

Thought of this.

Tang Kai was shocked.

Hundreds of billions.

Although he does not want to believe this figure, it is not an exaggeration. With the resources of Myanmar Bank and the wealth derived from its technological prowess, a trillion valuation is not impossible. Even if it is too much, it will develop at zero speed , Will soon exceed this number.

Lin Jiaxue on the side listened to the inexplicable words of the two, not knowing why, but it should be a business matter, that is a man's business, as long as she is by Tang Qing's side.

PS: "Time and Space Detective Records" solves serial murders one after another, and deals with each and every one of the murderous and cunning murderers, the story is compact, you can check it out if you like.