713 Chapter 712 Crazy money (please subscribe!)

January 8.


Yun Xin finished teaching the last drawing class of the year yesterday.

Tang Qing settled her salary, and at the same time gave her a bonus of 3,000 yuan. At first, Yun Xin insisted on not wanting it. Tang Qing paid the salary of a senior teacher in the industry, and basically cured her heart disease.

She didn't know how to repay.

However, Tang Qing insisted and used some'small tricks', Yun Xin had no choice but to accept it. It was not until she walked out of the villa that Yun Xin was a little confused. Why did she agree just now and want to return to Tang Qing, but this is a bit unreasonable. Respect people.

But it will be long in Japan.

There will be classes next year, so let's talk about the rewards at that time.


Today Tang Qing's villa is quite lively.

No, it should be said that these two days have been quite lively.

Because the one-week final exam is about to begin next week, Zeng Rou's roommates followed the principle of "review together with high efficiency" and followed Lin Jiaxue to the villa last Friday afternoon.

The good name is to add some'popularity' to the villa.

By the way, in exchange for cleaning up and tidying up the room.

Tang Qing did not refuse either.

Anyway, it doesn't affect him and Lin Jiaxue. The master bedroom and the second bedroom are still separated by a floor. He should be a hooligan, he should take advantage of it, sprinkle dog food crazily, and it is not me who is'harmed' anyway.


Just one day.

Several people looked at Tang Qing's eyes and complained.

The cold wind is bleak.

The Shanghai stock market in the deep winter is chilly.

The swimming pool in the backyard has been unused for more than a month. The swimming pool is a new thing to play. In summer, you can go to play and bask in the sun, but it is abandoned in winter. The most important thing is Tang Qing’s master bedroom. There is a big bathtub in it.

Have a warm bath with warm water.

Who can go swimming? Although the swimming pool also has a heating function, it always feels like going to the open-air swimming pool in winter is very special. Zeng Rou said that they must come to swim next year.

In the living room.

Four girls lay reclining on the soft sofa.

Bare feet, looking at the information in his hand.

To sum up, it is the basic skills of academic masters, especially for university exams. Many teachers will draw the so-called key points, and then they will be sorted out by several people and printed on A4 paper.

As long as these key knowledge points are memorized first, there is basically no big problem. The rest of the score depends on the individual. If you want to get a high score, you still need to read more by yourself.

Lin Jiaxue sat beside Tang Qing.

Leaning on his shoulders, muttering words in her mouth, only her lips were moving, and there was no sound. This was her habit, looking up at Tang Qing's concentration..While playing the game, Lin Jiaxue's mouth curled slightly.

Take Tang Qing's IQ.

Lin Jiaxue deeply doubted whether he had memorized all the textbooks.


"God is unfair!!!"

Looked at Tang Qing.

Zeng Rou started groaning without illness again.

The others had already taken offense and didn't look up. Seeing Tang Qing playing games, she was reading a book and instantly felt that she was so stupid in her heart. She used to rank in the top of her school and considered herself strong in learning ability.

But facing Tang Qing, who was playing games over there, this sense of superiority had already been crushed in all directions.

See no one cares about her.

Zeng Rou rolled her eyes, hugged her pillow like a dead fish, and looked at Lin Jiaxue pitifully: "Jia Xue, what should I do? I already seriously doubt my IQ."

"Read more books, IQ will rise." Lin Jiaxue said helplessly. This is the fifth time Zeng Rou asked this kind of question, and she had no choice but to use Tang Qing's rhetoric to talk to Zeng Rou.


Zeng Rou pretended to look forward to the look of "seeking the truth.

"Yeah." Lin Jiaxue nodded if something happened.

Zeng Rou's face suddenly became straight, "Jia Xue, you have broken your studies."

Lin Jiaxue looked innocent: "..."


Tang Qing did not participate in the'fun' of the little girls.

Keep looking down to play the game in hand.

"War of War"

Since Zheng Lin played this game, he has often asked him to team up to play black, mainly because Tang Qing's game operation is too powerful, Tang Qing had to accompany him, who called Zheng Lin rich.

And during this period, Zheng Lin just spent less than one million yuan in games. Such a local tyrant can play with him and make money.

And this was still pitted by Tang Qing.

Otherwise, he won't play uninteresting rounds.During this period of time, the map of "Fire of War" has opened a lot of expansion pieces, and there are a lot of interesting copies. Tang Qing's playing is quite interesting.

It is now a multiplayer copy.

Eight people.

The entire map is huge. Their goal is to help the NPC army behind them win the enemy fortresses. The background is set in the future world. The two countries are at war, and there is no difficulty adjustment.

This is a difficult map.

As for how to pit the money of these teammates, it is very simple. Resurrection from death requires money, or resurrection in your own city. Although it is free, you will need to drop equipment. If you resurrect in place, you will not lose equipment.

And resurrection in situ is very simple.

A minimum of ten yuan RMB per time, no equipment is lost.

Fifty yuan is resurrected once, not only without losing equipment, but also full of ammunition.

One hundred yuan will be resurrected once, and when the ammunition is fully replenished, you will gain ten seconds of invincibility.


Nothing to say.

In the face of this kind of highly difficult map copy, Zheng Lin’s mortality rate is quite high. Together with him are those rich friends he brought in. These people who don’t treat money as money have always resurrected. I chose one hundred yuan.

They have to return to the city after resurrection, they can't afford to lose this person.

that's it.

It took only two hours from morning to now.

These people contributed no less than 100,000 yuan to Tang Qing. Tang Qing was happy with thousands, Zheng Lin and the others were racking their brains on how to sneak into the enemy camp, kill the enemy commander, and other series of occupations. task.

And this map.

No one can break through at the moment.

But even so, there are a lot of players happily entering the pit again and again, because there are too many variables in this game copy.

Every time you come in, it is a brand-new experience, the gameplay, the place where the enemy appears, and the weapons and equipment, except for the location of the city, the rivers and lakes, and everything else is different. There is no experience at all.

If the only experience.

That is'worrisome development, don't worry'.

"Xiao Tang, there is another pair of enemy special teams here. Be careful, damn it. How many unexpected things are in this game? It's really exciting. Look, wait for my resurrection. Kill them."

Zheng Lin's voice was full of excitement.

He likes this kind of stimulation.

He didn't know what he would encounter in the next moment, when the enemy army would arrive, or even if he would step on the thunder next foot. This almost unlimited and unruly game made Zheng Lin want to stop.

Tang Qing smiled.

Encountered such a local tyrant.

There are not many variables in the game, how can you get out of their pockets that don't care about them?

But twenty seconds.

"Old horse, why are you hitting me?" Zheng Lin died again.

"Who knows, you are probably a ricochet next to their potash loading cart." A young voice sounded.

"I'm going, so lucky, another hundred yuan is gone, hehe, I grabbed a good car."

Zheng Lin's game character boarded the potash truck.

The accelerator kicked out, ready to kill the Quartet.


The car exploded, Zheng Lin's character flew far away, and the screen turned gray.

"What happened just now?" Zheng Lin was completely trapped.

"Why are you pressing on the NPC's body, I don't know that there is thunder on them." A clear eye said helplessly.

"Fuck me, my cart, my hundred yuan." Zheng Lin shouted depressed.

In the game setting, the probability of an explosion hitting thunder is one-fifth. Obviously, he was recruited. Zheng Lin wanted to find the game company theory, but this unknown is not the charm of the game.

"It's only one hundred yuan. It's nothing to you, Shao Zheng. You have to follow me, be careful and careful, take one step and watch three... It's dark, and the way is frustrated.

"Sorry, I cut the weapon too quickly and threw the thunder out, blame me." An inadvertent voice sounded on the public frequency.

"I... Big head, I want to give you a bullet, what should I do, stretch my head."

"Well, we are teammates."

"Ha ha."


"The hundred dollars you owe me are even."


It’s all speechless, and it’s the game setting: the weapon is switched too fast, there is a chance that the weapon will be thrown, how far to throw, and what is thrown, it all depends on the'will of God', sometimes throw the thunder without the handle, sometimes I pulled the bracelet.

It all depends on the'destiny'.

Tang Qing looked at the "lively" scene in front of him with satisfaction.

Hundreds of dollars were credited to the account.

Make money.

Sometimes it's so easy.

It is also so many unknowns and accidents, as well as some "cheating" settings, that make people feel less bored. Instead, the more you play, the more interesting it is, which is completely different from the mandatory tasks and fixed settings of ordinary stand-alone games.

"Fire of War" has been launched for one and a half months.

The results made Tang Qing feel that the game makes people crazy again and again.

This lap of money speed.


On December 4, the number of registered users exceeded 4 million, with a maximum of 1.3 million people online, and the income from items after tax was 260 million yuan.

On December 15, the number of registered users exceeded 7 million, with a maximum of 1.5 million people online, and the income from items after tax was 530 million yuan.

On December 23, the number of registered users exceeded 8 million, with the highest online number being 1.7 million, and the income from items after tax was 710 million yuan.


On January 8th, as of 12 o'clock last night, the number of global registrations for "Fire of War" exceeded 10 million, with a maximum of 1.95 million online.The total revenue has also exceeded RMB 1.5 billion.

Development This is the performance of "Fire of War".

The little star that filled Tang Qing's eyes was a lot of money, more than 100 million U.S. dollars.

This hasn't exploded yet, but the outside media has speculated countless times how much money "War of War" will make. Some experts even estimate that it will be close to 80 million U.S. dollars, but no one can imagine that it will be more than 130 million U.S. dollars now.

This is after tax.

And it's still item income.

Plus the $30 million advertising contract just signed.

"Fire of War" is almost the same as grabbing money.

Once published.

The market value of ERV can directly exceed $2 billion.


There is no need to announce earnings at this time.

The main task of ERV is to secretly expand its own software and hardware layout. Games are just the beginning. Tang Qing has already figured out the next goal, which is to develop a mobile operating system.

In August of this year, the Android development company has been acquired by Google.

Tang Qing never thought of buying it from Google Singer. Compared to buying Android, why didn't he get a mobile operating system by himself, which is much simpler than a computer operating system.

He doesn't have much time.

Because it is now 2006, mobile phones have entered the era of intelligence.

Now the cooperation with Huawei has achieved results. At the beginning of this year, a full set of commercial 4G solutions will be launched. In fact, the time is a bit early, because Tang Qing's mobile phone company does not even have a shadow.


Tang Qing's original purpose is to lay eggs.

In fact, it is the same as the original Xiaomi.

He is in charge of content and design. As for craftsmanship and technology, that is the business of the Myanmar Bank Group and the Chiya Research Center. In the early stage, Tang Qing only wanted to sell mobile phones, occupy the market, and get the first cup of smartphones.

After that, it is to "developing" its own technology.