1260 Chapter 1259: Fourth in the world (subscribe!)

This news.

Its explosiveness.

Not at all lost to---'The President of the United States was beaten up in the street for five minutes. The murderer flew away. Security personnel watched and the crowd clapped and applauded.'This kind of'rumors' that are almost beyond people's imagination.

Not just foreigners.

Even home country.

I can't believe it.

I thought it was the host who reported wrong, for example...Said one more zero.All major concerned organizations have also been collectively trapped, thinking, in order to save the credit of Yayuan, can you commit such a lie?

More than 2,600 tons of gold reserves.

What is that concept?

A simple comparison will tell.

France, the world's third-largest gold reserve country, also has an official gold reserve of 2,680 tons. You never enter the market directly, and you jumped to the fourth place in the world, and you almost pulled France down.

Do you think I believe it or not?


I believe you.

Do I need my IQ any more?




Jin Shiyu is eating breakfast.

The joy of last night continued in my heart.


The butler hurried in, "Chairman Jin, something has happened. The Bank of Myanmar has just announced that their bank has 2,650 tons of gold reserves as a guarantee for the issuance of the Asian dollar."


The milk that Jin Siyu hadn't swallowed came out.


Question marks were already written on his face. For the first time, just like everyone else thought, he felt that this was fake news, and it was too fake news, but there was a feeling in his heart that it was true.

This feels.

From the understanding of zero.

Zero work has always been cautious, said to do, never made a rash, belong to the absolute doer.


It does not rule out that zero is flickering.

after all.

People are multi-faceted.

Moreover, the amount of gold reserves is generally announced by the country itself, and there is no need to prove it to whoever. Unless it is all smelted or checked by a machine, outsiders cannot be sure.

'Toot toot...'

At this moment.

The phone at home rang.

The butler quickly handed it up.

"I got the news." A puffy voice came over, a director of the Samsung Consortium.

Jin Shiyu nodded: "I see."

"What do you think?"

"There is a fifty percent chance of bluffing."

"What about the rest?"

"We are clowns." Jin Shiyu smiled bitterly.


The opposite was silent for a moment.

"Continue to follow up on this matter. We can't admit defeat at the beginning. I don't believe it. He can really prove that the Bank of Myanmar owns so much gold." This is a key breakthrough point.

Jin Shiyu nodded.


At this moment.

Kim Si-woo suddenly understood that the Korean won is so fragile, and it is not without reason. Although the gold standard is outdated, the value of gold is still there, and it is being maintained by countries all over the world.

This thing.

Are very few.

Even the only general equivalent that can be accepted by the global people.

For thousands of years.

The position of gold is very stable.

Is widely recognized.

This kind of mineral rooted in global history makes people deeply believe that gold will be the guarantee of wealth no matter when, therefore, no country intends to throw it away.

For example, the United States.

Has the world's largest gold reserves.

We never want gold to become a bunch of useless minerals. Other big countries know this, so they have never kicked gold from their reserves. South Korea lacks this.

South Korea’s official reserves are only a few dozen tons.

Even if you have a lot of dollars.

But still unable to make the Korean won strong.

And Yayuan.

Once it is confirmed that there is so much gold as a guarantee for issuance, its international influence, currency value, and currency confidence will be completely stabilized. When the time comes, the United States will not be able to suppress it.

Because if gold depreciates by half.

U.S. gold will also depreciate.

This kind of kill a thousand enemies.

Eight hundred tricks to self-defeating.

The United States does not dare to play easily, and South Korea, with a total of more than a dozen tons of gold, can play a hammer, they can't even touch the pricing power of international gold, it is the territory of the European and American consortium.

only hope.

This is a joke made by the zero-sum world.


They became a joke.


United States.

The media went crazy directly.


Leave ERV alone.

This news.

Too exciting.

More than 2,600 tons is already close to one-third of the United States' gold reserves. You must know that the United States has more than 8,000 tons of gold reserves, but not all of this gold is American.

Most of them belong to more than 80 countries around the world.

The United States only keeps it.

That's it.

Myanmar's gold reserves may be on par with the United States.

The importance of gold is self-evident.It doesn't matter, big countries will not reserve it. In order to keep this gold, the United States does not know how many times it has rejected requests from other countries to ship it back.

Germany, France, and Italy ranked second, third, and fourth.

Always thinking of ways to increase reserves.


They are one of the six major sponsors of the European Union.

The other three founding member states, and even the core member states that joined later, have a large amount of gold reserves. This gold is for the euro to be trusted by the public.



United States.

Almost all TV stations and news portals were taken over by this news.

Public opinion was in an uproar.

The American people who were eating dinner said countless words of'MYGOD'.

It is also hotly discussed online.


"It must be fake."


"What kind of gold mine can mine more than 2,000 tons in two years. As a professional, this is a lie. The mining and smelting of gold mines, even high-quality rich ore, is impossible..."

"I thought this was a rigorous country before, and I didn't expect to make up such inferior lies. As a result, I have to wonder whether they developed the transcription stock?"

"This is to treat the world as a fool."

"con man."



After the excitement.

Everyone expressed their doubts, and some were irritated, and they also clamored for the Bank of Myanmar to produce definite evidence. Otherwise, this may be the biggest international joke this year.


It is late at night.

But countless related practitioners were awakened by the phone.

After listening to the news.

Suddenly there was no sleepiness.

A country that suddenly has so many gold reserves will also have a certain impact on the world financial landscape, because the Asian dollar is likely to gain a firm foothold and rise strongly.

Any widely recognized valuable currency.

All opportunities.

As for whether it is fake news?

This is something to be verified in the future. Their profession is not to question the data published by other countries, but to think about how to benefit from these data, which is fundamentally different from the crowd watching the lively.



Early in the morning.

Netizens saw this news.

All is a joy.

Last night, your American media questioned Yayuan’s credit, but after one night, people threw out thousands of tons of gold and slapped them in the face. It came so fast that it was applauded.

Anyway, it can deflate the American side.

Chinese netizens are happy.

As for authenticity.

What does it matter?


For Yayuan.

They have also begun to have value recognition in their hearts. The role of gold in China's history is money, which is the hardest hard currency.A currency backed by a huge amount of gold is naturally trustworthy.