1282 Chapter 1281 Heroes (please subscribe!)

at night.

The shock of 200 billion US dollars.

Still going on.

After returning to the room.

this number.

Constantly spinning around in the minds of several people, lingering, if according to the current Hurun rankings, they can squeeze into the second and third of China's richest list by relying solely on Comet Group stocks.


Thought of this.

Chai Ren felt that the world was crazy.

Did nothing.

Invested 100 million yuan in it. A few years later, he was stunned to become the forefront of the rich in China. This kind of "legendary experience", I don't know how many people would be envious, Tang Qing did not disappoint him.

"Husband, can Comet Group really be so valuable?" Zhan Department could not help being shocked by that number.

Chai Ren looked at her.


"I don't know anything else, but I know, Tang Qing is not a credible person. He said that if he can achieve it, he can achieve it. I want to believe him. Hey, your husband, I was really wise."

Zhan Xi curled his lips: "It's not because of Tang Qing's light."

Chai Ren didn't care about it, and said very proudly: "No matter who is exposed to the light, what you can get is the ability. It seems that I have to prepare well for how to be a billionaire."

"Cut, it's not about three meals a day, one bed for one sleep, big deal, you are better, my wife will give you the front yard and living room." Zhan Xi gave Chai Ren a blank look.


Chai Ren was speechless.

"By the way, you said, which company would be the most valuable company under Tang Qing?" Zhan Xi asked again.

"not sure."

Chai Ren shook his head.

"Tang Qing's industries all have potential. Comet Group can only say that the potential is relatively high. In my opinion, there are at least three companies that may compete with Comet Group in the future."

"Three? Except Qingyuan Technology, which two are there?" Zhan Xi questioned.

Qingyuan Technology.

It will undoubtedly be one.

Can other companies.


Chai Ren walked to the window, looked at the night scene, and slowly said: "The other two are Tianyan Group and...Wanqing Mining."

"Tianyan Group, isn't it a business consulting company?"

Zhan Xi couldn't figure it out.

"Today, SkyEyes Group's business has spread all over the world, and it can compete with Comet Group. The core is its small technology. This is the key to its ability to catch up with Comet Group."

"Xiao Xiao, as I know, is using free enterprise management software and Skyeye's enterprise services to establish and improve its own global talent, enterprise, and regional business information database, connecting all areas of global business."

"Once it is integrated, it will become a transcendent existence." Chai Ren admired.

He knew it.

Sky Eye Group.

It was the second company established by Tang Qing. It can be seen that Tang Qing's vision at the time was that in this business field of China, there was almost no status in the business consulting field.

Step by step.

Created a new frontier in this field.

Explain this way.

Although Zhan Xi still didn't understand, he sounded a little tall.

"Why is Wanqing Mining?" Zhan Xi asked.

Hear the words.

Chai Ren said in a leisurely tone:

"Wanqing Mining... This is an enterprise that I can't make final judgments, because this is an extremely bold business model practice, and non-skilled people will not dare to step into the disturbance."

"Listen to the name, it's mining, but it's mining is different from us, it's going to be a commercial gold mine. There are too many variables, but if it becomes the climate, it will become a kind of textbook Business model."

"At the same time, he will also earn a huge amount of money. The meaning is not only for him personally, but also for China, it is also very beneficial. Above, people have paid close attention to that side."

"Tang Qing will be fine, right?" Zhan Xi worried.

"Relax, regardless of success or failure, Tang Qing is a hero." Chai Ren affirmed.


There has always been only one trade rule.

---The WTO system.

A world trading system based on the principles of the World Trade Organization (WTO) provisions.But Huaxia also has its own demands. It has always hoped to obtain some rights to the world trading system.

But now.

Burma is one step ahead.

New trade rules based on commodity and project loans were introduced.

The latecomers are on top.

Of course, China will feel a little behind. The most important thing is that this country is not a big country, but a small neighboring country that has just completed the concentration of power, less than a year.

Huaxia still can't learn.

Because it is impossible for the United States to watch China Good.

Ten years later.

China Xia may not be afraid of general business competition in the United States, but now, only 2007, the United States is still the world's superpower, possessing the resources and technology China desires, trade frictions, China Xia will be very hurt.


China had to join the Mozambique model.

And there is no independent portal.

But there were still some unwillingnesses in my heart, until Tang Qing's "steel trade" model appeared, which made it seem like he saw a new test field, a third trade rule that was different from the first two.

It is because it is not driven by the state.

This gave Huaxia room to turn around.

It's done.

Good for the country.


It is also a useful attempt.


From the current point of view, the probability of defeat is constantly decreasing. At least, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, there will be no changes for the time being, because the ruling class of the Democratic Republic of Congo is benefiting from it.

Local relations are also handled very well.

The news from Weihe Force showed that Wanqing Mining, relying on improving living conditions and creating demand, has firmly controlled the local business sector.

Is constantly flowing.

When buying goods from China and dumping them in Africa, the country originally planned that if Tang Qing didn't have enough money to buy things, the country could provide it first, but he didn't expect it to be difficult for Tang Qing.


Small scale.

Wanqing Mining always gives cash.


As the scale of imported goods became larger and larger, Wanqing Mining began to use acceptance bills, using unknown conditions to obtain a huge acceptance credit from Standard Bank of South Africa.


There is no need to cash the supplier.

Commercial acceptance drafts for a certain period of time can be opened, usually for half a year. After half a year, merchants can take the draft and go to the bank to ask for money, if they really need money before that.

It's ok.

It can be nine o'clock.

Or 9.7 percent off and sold to the accepting bank.

It is equivalent to the accepting bank earning 3% of the handling fee. The bank earned 30,000 yuan for a bill of one million in face value. When the bill of exchange expires, the bank will ask Tang Qing for one million yuan in face value.

It's like saying.

This is money after spending.

Kind of like a credit card.

First with.


This behavior.

Obviously, I don't want to cause trouble to the country, and avoid trouble to Tang Qing himself. Otherwise, if Hua Xia's bank provides the acceptance credit, it will be difficult to distinguish it once someone picks up the matter.

For Tang Qing's thorough consideration.

Go home several times.

Chai Ren heard his father's mouth full of praise.