1587 Chapter 1586 China Market (Subscribe!)


Not bad.

This young man has a high level of awareness, knows that competition is not enough, he deliberately detours, and it is still in accordance with their'order' method. Asian forces are stirring up trouble in Africa, it is time to take care of it.

Do it yourself.


Someone came out to be a thug.

why not?

"I hope this support is not only financial support. ERV has almost no power in Africa. Therefore, we can get help in banking licenses, mergers and acquisitions, and other aspects."

Since it is necessary.

Of course it is more than just asking for money.

"no problem."

They nodded one after another.


ERV has been developing in the United States. In Africa, apart from selling mobile phones, it has almost no business and nothing to do with it. This time I went to Africa and went to Africa alone. It was really'desolate'.

"If you want a new license, the speed may be slower. If you want to acquire shares in a local commercial bank, you can do it earlier, but not too much. Several larger countries are fine."


Close to Europe.

It is also close to the United States.

They speak.

The weight is not light, although ERV is the first to open branches in African countries, obviously not.Support is okay, but there must be a degree. We are helping, not running errands.


ERV Commercial Bank did not intend to blossom everywhere in Africa.

No need.

Just like the Burmese Bank Group, which mainly deals with loans to the country, it does not necessarily need to set up banks in other people's places. For the time being, there is no general situation of consumer loans in Africa.

Really do.

That is also the future.

These three to five years.

Just make a big project.

When the African market reaches a certain level of activity, it will be enough to ensure that the first batch enters.

"Small countries, just do projects."

"This line."

"Thank you."

"Helping you is also helping ourselves. What do you think of Burma?" The first topic was over, and the Morgan family quickly moved to the second, this newly emerging country.

"Very lucky, ambitious, and even stranger."

"How to say?"

"It is not impossible for an agricultural country to develop into an industrial country in a short time. Huaxia is an example. However, there is no basis for China, and there is insufficient talent and technical reserves."

"However, it is done."

"Not only has it been completed, but it has also obtained in-depth breakthroughs in certain single technical fields. No one has analyzed the ingredients of the transcription stock solution. Moreover, Yayuan is still expanding its territory."

"Ambition is not small."

"In this, if there is no intervention from external forces, no one will believe it. If there is such an ability to intervene, there will be more. At today's banquet, a quarter of the people are capable."

"In addition, other our opponents are also possible."


Speaking of.

He looked at the people present.


"If you say that the greatest possibility is everyone here, in terms of motivation and strength, you are the greatest."

"So advanced technology."

"Still next to Huaxia."

"Suddenly rise again."

"I have to suspect that everyone is playing a big chess game."

Morgan Consortium: "..."

Rockefeller Consortium: "..."

DuPont Consortium: "..."


This word came out.

They looked at each other one by one and looked at each other. This reasoning seems to be correct. Who told them to stand at the top of the world, the concept of ERV is not new, and many others in their own camp think so.



Still next to their most worried opponent.

How to reason.

Their suspicions were the biggest. At first, they thought it was someone who was present. After an investigation, nothing came out and no one admitted it. This became fascinating.

Either it's really not them.

Either someone is lying.

Until now.

Everyone is still skeptical of each other, and now, there are more people who clearly doubt them.

"not us."

a long time.

Morgan shook his head.


I saw the chairman faintly smiled, "It doesn't matter whether it is you or not, I just need to know, what attitude do you want us to be, I will just follow suit."

This attitude.

The people present were very satisfied.


Quite on the road.

This time I talk about Burmese, not because the people in front of you stand in line, but because ERV's major is information technology. In the Internet industry, it has the technical strength that is no less than that of Microsoft, which specializes in systems.

Such ability.

It is possible to obtain some information from the Internet that they may not have grasped.

So ask.

Now it seems.

The chairman also doesn't know much.

"For the time being, we are still focusing on investigations and be friends as much as possible. Once we find out the pusher behind it, we will make plans." Burma is too close to China, and recently the thieves have money.


They are self-sufficient.


There is no shortage of others, and China is next to it.

Internal conflict?

Now it's like an iron barrel by zero, and the steel teeth can't bite.Economic sanctions are almost useless, politics and zero have no opponents, and they have no impact on Myanmar's media.

The internet?

Also under control.


The new envoys they sent in the past all began to live in semi-retirement.If it is not too strange, and its geographical location is special, as an ally, it is a great advantage to geostrategy.


How can I endure till now.


"China Market, what plans does ERV have?"

The third question.

"Use ERV's superior business to seize market share."


"No, all. You should be quite aware of the potential of the China market. In the next ten years, there will never be such a large single consumer country market. This is an opportunity."

"Today, ERV is almost saturated in the international market, but in China, it is not a starting point. Next, ERV's second focus will be on China's market expansion."

"In this regard, you may still need your help."

"What's busy?"

"ERV must backdoor into China, and enter directly. It will be treated as an outsider, which is not conducive to integration. Therefore, ERV is prepared to join with China's local company by way of a shareholding."

"My first goal is --- penguin."

"Now, under the impact of Alipay, Xiaoxiao, WeChat and other software, this company is facing a crisis of survival, but the Penguin account it owns still has a large number of users."

"Therefore, ERV wants to acquire the Penguin shares in MIH, all."

"Do you want to hold penguin?"

"No, it is enough to hold shares. ERV only needs to guarantee the distribution rights to obtain benefits, as well as to protect other related investments of ERV, and can enjoy Penguin's channels, nothing more."

"So, I need all the Penguin shares in MIH's hands, so that I can have enough motivation to let ERV help Penguin to gain a foothold in China again. This should not be difficult."

"Not difficult."

I thought you wanted to hold it.

That would be troublesome.

People may not sell it.

But it’s much easier to handle with MIH.


Penguin's market value has not even reached 10 billion U.S. dollars, and the market is not very optimistic due to the impact of Tang Qing's WeChat and Xiaoxiao. As a result, the stock price has been sluggish since the beginning of this year.

A'small company'.

It is not difficult to make MIH sell.