1777 Chapter 1776 Strength is everything (please subscribe!)

In order to maintain the'advantage'.

Don’t need Tang Qing.

They will make this move. To accomplish one thing, it may take 10,000 points of effort. However, to destroy one thing, they only need to use a few points of effort at the key points.


Just watch the show.

By the way.

Help them to finish things off, these guys do things cleanly, but no matter how clean they are, they can't compare to fighters. Their opponents are all of the same level, but they are not as good as fighters.


Europe and America.


It's lively.

"Give it."

"Not suitable."

"So many people have been saved. In history, how many Nobel Prize winners can save millions of people. Moreover, after the decision has been made, there is no reason to take it back."


"Everyone hopes."

"However, the technology is kept secret."


"Nobel Prize winners should be impartial. This is the source of human technological progress, not to mention technical details, as long as it announces the basic principles and passes the argument."


"That's true."


"It is strongly recommended to publish a convincing basic theory."


The foundation is greater than the application. This is common sense. If it weren’t for too many people in the original transcribed solution, some people questioned it a long time ago, but it was just covered up by positive public opinion. Now, public opinion has turned to the front.

If you want to ignore it, you can't ignore it.



Naturally, they began to favor their own people. If they shed some useful information and someone cracks it, they don’t have to wait for the substitutes from the Doha Institute, and they can directly replace them as they are, perhaps at a lower price.


Public opinion in Europe and America has turned.


Burmese is as always.


"Love or not."

"It's a big deal, don't, who is missing your prize."

"It's boring."

"Turning back."



Everyone really has no idea about the Nobel Prize. In their history, there has never been a heart to pursue and desperately want to get. They plant land every day and a year has passed.

An agricultural country.

Who cares about this.

Don't give.

What about labor and capital, honor?What are you going to do?It is enough to have food, a house to live in, and a running head. The bonus is probably not enough for the annual salary of three scientists.


Really think someone cares about your broken prize?


Such an environment of public opinion makes foreign tourists in Myanmar very speechless, whether they are tourists from the East or the West.Western tourists feel that this is a great honor, and you should do your best to fight for it.

Southeast Asian countries are speechless.

I want too.

But no one will give it and can only envy them. Moreover, once they are affected by such a public opinion environment, their thinking is also affected. A foreign award to prove themselves?Is it really necessary?



Netizens watched the play.


"One doesn't want to give, one doesn't care, haha."

"Slapped face."

"Suddenly I discovered that the Nobel Prize is not so expensive. Look at people, an agricultural country, and don't take it seriously. I think we should adjust our mentality and be ourselves."

"be yourself?"

"No foreigner recognition is required."

"Strengthen, keep going."


"Although we don't have this award, it's not bad. We won't get it. The West still doesn't look at us like that. What really makes them look at us differently is our strength and our self-improvement.

"well said."

"We don't do it for others, we only do it for ourselves."


I don’t know when, the Internet was covered by a wave of "abandonment of awards", such as a single spark and a prairie fire. Is an award really worth pursuing?Many people are reflecting.


There is an answer.

Do not.

not worth it.

Take a look at how many Nobel Prizes the island country has won, nearly 20, but in the eyes of the Americans, it is not a "barking" existence. The effect of awarding is to show the value of use.

Long face?


Looking at the island countries is an example. The real face comes from your own strength. Otherwise, no matter how many awards you get, it will be the fate of being trampled under your feet. Western countries will not look up to you, even if you only take a glance.

"Strength, only strength is everything."

This view.


It has become the mainstream online speech of China.


It spreads. From the Internet to the offline, many reporters are worried that there is nothing to report. Anyway, the cause is Internet public opinion, and it is enough to move it down, and it is not a matter for them to pick.


Two days later.


Nobel Foundation.


Seeing the out-of-control public opinion in some countries, the person in charge of the foundation was shocked. It was a woolen thread. It was a fire in the backyard. Didn't you question the transcription solution? Why did you question the award?

This fire.

If you don't rush, your reputation will definitely be damaged, although there will be no substantial loss, but if you lose your awe and your yearning, your transcendent status will be affected.

The key is noodles.

No way.

Wait for the PR.


once Upon a time.

The Nobel Prize also needs public research?What a shame.Europe and the United States don't need to tackle key problems, they are all their own, and the sense of superiority of awarding foreigners does not need to reverse themselves.


The three are coming to accept the award.


No public relations can match this one.


United States.



"These guys, think public opinion is useful? Really Kitty doesn't know you are pushing behind, hum." The old man smiled contemptuously. At this moment, he already believed that.

To today.

It has been a whole month since returning to China with zero security. In this month, countless information gathered, all open or dark, pointing to the shocking news obtained from the headquarters of Heavy Punch.


Kitty supported it.




Through many channels, I found that there were heavy punches that flowed into Burma and disappeared. The mid-to-high-end equipment that Zero did not know where it got from also found traces, and it was flowed from Europe and the United States.


It can't be wrong.


Using my own intelligence network, I must have known the consortium’s tactics. I was fooled by the consortium. There is no way to sing this scene anymore. It is time to end it.


The three will take off from Burma and come to Sweden. They must not allow the consortium to continue their operations. This time in Europe, he did not carry out the operation. He only knows part of the specific situation.


It's difficult.

Bad things are easy.

"let's start."



The next day.

early morning.

After countless people woke up, they were shocked by a piece of news.

"The substitute of the Doha Institute is prepared on the basis of the original transcription solution. Because of its volatility, it misled the test results of the Burma Bank Group. Everything is a conspiracy of Fred."

"The purpose is to defraud donations and investments."


Countless people were stunned.



con man?

In the past few months, have they been tricked as monkeys?