Reborn: The First Rank 'Madam” – C13

C13 – Surprise

“Elder, it’s time to take your medicine,” Nanny Liu entered with a bowl of piping hot black broth, causing Zuo Shaoqing’s expression to darken.

Despite wiping away the medicine’s bitterness, the broth remained unpleasant to swallow. Nevertheless, he had to drink it to avoid arousing suspicion from Nanny Liu.

“Leave it there. I’ll drink it on my own later.”

Nanny Liu protested, “The medicine should be consumed while it’s still warm.”

Aware of her persistence, Zuo Shaoqing accepted the bowl and casually inquired, “Why is there such a commotion outside? Any good news?”

“Have you forgotten? The old mistress is turning fifty in half a month. The Master has decreed that it will be a grand celebration this year.”

Zuo Shaoqing suddenly remembered. In his previous life, he had been bedridden, and naturally, he missed out on his own birthday. It made sense that he had no recollection of it.

He didn’t have a vivid impression of the mistress. She was only etched in his memory as a stern and formidable figure. Even Mrs. Xue showed great deference in her presence. It was a pity they rarely crossed paths.

While he didn’t anticipate the mistress to view him differently, it would be a glaring omission if he didn’t prepare a birthday gift. He might even earn the title of an unfilial grandson.

“Nanny Liu, please fetch some ink and paper for me. Prepare an ample supply.”

“Master, considering your recovery status, why are you doing this?”

Zuo Shaoqing blinked and offered a sly smile, “You’ll understand in due time.”

Nanny Liu affectionately patted his head, but a hint of concern flashed in her eyes. “There’s something I’d like to discuss with you.”


“Um... I was thinking of using the jade bracelet Lady Ruan left behind as collateral. What do you think?”

The woman beamed and inquired, “Sister Liu, the mistress is aware that the Young Master is still recovering from his injuries and cannot attend the birthday celebration. She specifically instructed me to prepare a bowl of noodles for him.”

Nanny Liu was slightly taken aback. The mistress had never shown such concern for the Young Master before. What could be the reason for this unusual behavior today?

The woman instructed her maids to place the noodles in Zuo Shaoqing’s bedroom. She then approached Zuo Shaoqing, curtsied, and conveyed, “The mistress wanted me to inform the Young Master that she’s worried about him. She heard that you’ve been lying in bed thinking of her, and she’s delighted to receive your gift.”

Zuo Shaoqing, with a pale countenance, managed a weak smile and replied, “It’s my grandmother’s birthday today. It’s unfilial of me not to be able to kneel before her. This small gift hardly compensates.”

“That’s no small offering. You transcribed a hundred scriptures from the Buddhist text and meticulously compared them with the wedding gifts of the other masters. Even the guests praised your attention to detail and left a few words of admiration. The old lady truly appreciated it.”

Zuo Shaoqing slightly lowered his head and assumed a bashful expression. His long eyelashes quivered as he replied, “As long as Grandmother is pleased.”

It was said that when gazing upon a beauty in lamplight, Zuo Shaoqing leaned gracefully against the bed. His long, flowing hair hung loosely over his shoulders. His youthful visage was so captivating it could tug at one’s heartstrings.

The daughter-in-law stole a few more glances at him and pondered, “It’s said that Lady Ruan received the master’s favor for so many years because of her appearance. Since childhood, this Third Master has been like a favored child.”

Unfortunately, in the Zuo Family, what use were a man’s good looks?

“Madam also mentioned that she’s been devoutly worshiping the Buddha all year, and this has led to some neglect in family matters. After learning about the cause of Master San’s injuries, she scolded Second Master and instructed a servant to send you some medicinal herbs along with 10 taels of silver to aid in your recovery.”

Was this an unexpected boon? Zuo Shaoqing secretly chuckled and replied calmly, “Second Brother didn’t do it intentionally. Please don’t blame him.”

The daughter-in-law regarded Zuo Shaoqing with a kinder gaze. “I’ll convey your message to Madam. Please go ahead and dine. I’ll take my leave now.”

Zuo Shaoqing nodded, “Nanny Liu, please see this sister-in-law out.”

“No need, no need. I can find my way,” the daughter-in-law declined politely before hurrying away.

Zuo Shaoqing fixed his gaze on the sumptuous feast laid out before him and the package on the table. In his previous life, he hadn’t celebrated Madam’s birthday, so he hadn’t received such rewards. It appeared that something was slowly changing.
