Reborn: The First Rank 'Madam” – C78

C78 – Regret We Didn’t Meet Sooner

Zuo Shaoqing continued walking, distancing himself with each turn, but he eventually halted when he recognized the familiar figure up ahead.

He attempted to call out, “Big Brother Cao?” The person turned around, confirming that it was indeed Cao Zongguan.

Joyfully, Zuo Shaoqing rushed over and greeted him with a broad smile, “What brings Big Brother Cao to the capital?”

Cao Zongguan displayed a hint of surprise initially, but his expression remained composed. “Is the capital exclusively reserved for the Zuo Family?”

“Oh, are you still upset?” Zuo Shaoqing chuckled, fully aware of Cao Zongguan’s lingering resentment toward the Zuo Family.

Pretending not to notice Cao Zongguan’s aloofness, he continued to beam, “Of course not. It’s wonderful to encounter Big Brother Cao here. We haven’t seen each other in two months.”

Cao Zongguan’s lips curved slightly, and in a cool tone, he inquired, “How is Shao Qing doing?” He assessed Zuo Shaoqing from head to toe and remarked to himself, “From your appearance, it seems you’re doing quite well.”

Zuo Shaoqing tugged at his jacket sheepishly and replied softly, “I came to the capital with my Second Uncle. He was concerned about my health, so he provided me with some winter clothing.”

Cao Zongguan nodded in understanding, “Why haven’t you met up with Brother Shao Shuai?”

A hint of sadness flashed in Zuo Shaoqing’s eyes. “Brother and I parted ways along the journey. I have no idea where he is now.”

Observing Cao Zongguan’s contemplative expression, Zuo Shaoqing smiled once more, “But it’s alright. Second Uncle mentioned that my family will arrive in the capital in a couple of days. I’ll be able to reunite with them then.”

Zuo Shaoqing noticed that the once cheerful young man had lost the usual warmth and friendliness that radiated from him. Now, there was only a lingering shadow of gloom.The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

He sighed inwardly. Even though the conflict between their families was a consequence he had desired, seeing Cao Zongguan like this made it difficult for him to bear.

“You mean... your entire family is coming?” Cao Zongguan inquired.

Zuo Shaoqing set aside his pity and nodded with a smile, “Yes, my second brother... he’s unwell, so Mother wants to bring him to the capital for medical treatment.”

Zuo Shaoling couldn’t keep his situation hidden from others. Even without Cao Zongguan’s inquiries, rumors were already circulating. Cao Zongguan responded with a nonchalant mutter, “Is that so?”

“Did Big Brother Cao come along with the third sister this time? We’re all family, so we can visit each other’s homes,” Zuo Shaoqing casually inquired.

Cao Zongguan’s composed expression suddenly shifted. He turned to Mei Hua Lin and asked, “Your third sister...” “She didn’t come,” Mei Hua Lin replied.

Zuo Shaoqing had no intention of pressing further, and they both fell into a contemplative silence.

“The banquet is about to commence...” An attendant hurriedly moved between the trees, reminding the students who had been captivated by the picturesque surroundings.

“Big Brother Cao, shall we join them?” I’ve heard that today’s luncheon will feature roasted venison,” Zuo Shaoqing suggested.

Today’s grand event offered glimpses into the Jiang Family’s background.

Before long, uniformed maidservants emerged, each carrying fragrant roasted meat, which they placed meticulously in front of every student.

The grilled meat had been meticulously sliced and adorned with a generous drizzle of sauce. A fruit platter accompanied the dish. Just from this presentation alone, the students’ opinion of Jiang Che soared to new heights.

Raising his glass and standing up, Jiang Che addressed the gathering, “Come, let’s all raise a toast. Our meeting here is fateful, and each one of us is a potential pillar of our nation. I wish you all the distinction of becoming the top scorers.”

“We’ll remember Lord Jiang’s righteousness in our hearts...”

“Vice Minister Jiang is young and accomplished, a paragon of benevolence and righteousness for our generation...”

“In the future, should I have the privilege of serving in the imperial court, I hope Lord Jiang will extend his guidance to me...”

Praising words of various kinds filled the air, creating a festive atmosphere. Zuo Shaoqing sat alone in a corner, emptying his glass onto the ground and scoffing quietly. He then began to savor the meat with his chopsticks.

A middle-aged man seated next to him shot him a curious look, approached, and whispered, “Young man, are you not pleased with Vice Minister Jiang?”

Zuo Shaoqing responded with a faint smile, “How could that be? Vice Minister Jiang is a role model for all students. I have no reason to be displeased.”

The middle-aged man chuckled and fed a piece of meat to Zuo Shaoqing, saying, “These little tricks are only meant to deceive those students who have never ventured beyond their textbooks.”

Those words resonated with Zuo Shaoqing. He thawed a bit and engaged in conversation with the middle-aged man, only to discover that this seemingly average scholar was actually the top scorer of a certain county.

For a moment, both regretted their tardiness. Despite the slight age gap, Zuo Shaoqing enthusiastically addressed him as “Brother He.”

“Considering Brother He’s age, this can’t be your first Spring Festival Exam, can it?”

“Indeed, this marks my eighth pilgrimage to the capital for the exam,” He Zhicheng sighed with a wry smile.

“Congratulations on your perseverance, then,” Zuo Shaoqing raised his wine cup with both hands and toasted He Zhicheng. He then drained it in one go.

“Haha... Young Brother Zuo is remarkably forthright for his age. I am humbled,” Hee Zhicheng said, returning the gesture and downing his own wine.

As they continued to drink, the two conversed on various topics. Zuo Shaoqing admired Hee Zhicheng’s wisdom, while Hee Zhicheng marveled at Zuo Shaoqing’s quick wit. Meanwhile, the other students had already started composing poems, but these two conversed about exotic subjects from overseas.

“The fragrance of Po Luo Country is exceedingly enigmatic. If one were to inhale it, they would be ensnared in a bewildering trance. Even upon waking, they would struggle to recall the scene.”

“Is that true?” Zuo Shaoqing showed keen interest. “Could someone employ this incense for nefarious purposes and vanish without a trace?”


Their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of Jiang Che, wearing a smile, and a group of students who regarded them with disdain.