Reborn: The First Rank 'Madam” – C100

C100 – My Gall Bladder Is too Fat

Zuo Shaoqing gently squeezed his own arm, feeling a slight ache. He sighed inwardly, wondering when he would have skin and bones as tough as Lu Zheng’s.

“Apart from this particular rumor, are there any other intriguing whispers circulating within the manor?” Zuo Shaoqing inquired.

Luo Xiaoliu glanced around, then leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a hushed tone. “Word has it that Eldest Miss ventured out once after noon today. Her destination remains a mystery.”

“How did you come by such confidential information?” Zuo Shaoqing queried.

Luo Xiaoliu replied with a hint of pride, “This servant and La Mei have been childhood companions. La Mei was recently assigned as Second Miss’s attendant.”

“La Mei?” Zuo Shaoqing raised an eyebrow. “It seems there are many childhood friends within this household.” Luo Xiaoliu, being the son of the family, had numerous maidens like La Mei serving alongside him.

Luo Xiaoliu shrugged. “Well, others may judge, but I couldn’t care less.”

“So, you’ve taken a liking to this childhood friend of yours? Would you like me to help arrange a match?” Zuo Shaoqing teased.

Luo Xiaoliu shook his head vehemently. “No, thank you! While I don’t need someone exceptionally beautiful, I definitely can’t afford a face full of pimples!”

Zuo Shaoqing chuckled. “Your sentiments should be shared with your childhood sweetheart, I believe.” He then began pondering why Zuo Shuhui had secretly left the house without informing anyone. Could it be because of a secret lover?

Shaking his head, Zuo Shaoqing chuckled softly. Zuo Shuhui had been in the capital for only two days and had visited Wu Steel Manor just once.

Moreover, Duke Zhen was always by her side. She had even rejected Cao Zongguan, so it was unlikely she would be captivated by an ordinary outsider.

Thoughts of Cao Zongguan brought back memories of their encounter at Lu Ming Residence. Zuo Shaoqing had a lingering suspicion that this cheerful young man was treading a darker path.

Zuo Shaoqing whispered, “Do you know if there’s anyone we can leverage?”

Since arriving in Youuxi Town, Zuo Shaoqing had instructed Luo Xiaoliu to discreetly cultivate relationships with the household servants. Now, apart from Mrs. Xue’s faction, most of them were amenable to conversing with Luo Xiaoliu.

Unfortunately, most of the household’s crucial stewards were under the authority of Mrs. Xue, making it challenging to gather valuable information from them.

Luo Xiaoliu’s anxiety heightened as he sensed that San Ye was harboring sinister intentions once again. He remarked, “That residence filled with concubines and servants won’t yield much. However, the maids and servants who accompany Young Madame maintain close relations with them.”

As Mrs. Xue’s informant, Luo Xiaoliu had developed strong rapport with the other side. Keen individuals could discern his true identity, thus they were less guarded in their interactions.

Zuo Shaoqing expressed his satisfaction with a nod and then beckoned Luo Xiaoliu closer. In a hushed tone, he whispered a set of instructions in Luo Xiaoliu’s ear and emphasized solemnly, “Make sure this news reaches sister-in-law’s ears.”

At first, Luo Xiaoliu was taken aback, but soon he was brimming with resolve. “I used to believe I was virtuous, but I never expected to have such thoughts. Young Madame may not hail from an illustrious family, but she is a genuinely good person. Rest assured, I will disseminate this information.”

Lunch was delivered by a young girl. Since Zuo Yunwen had reassigned Maid Ma to the kitchen due to Zuo Shaoqing’s presence, his meals had significantly improved.

“Yinyi, please join me for a meal,” Zuo Shaoqing invited, eyeing the two extra charcoal stoves in the room. His body radiated warmth, matching his improved mood.

In Luo Xiaoliu’s absence, the two of them served the dishes provided by the girl. Zuo Shaoqing proactively set a bowl and chopsticks for Yinyi.

Yinyi declined, wary of the repercussions should his master discover he had dined at the same table as his future mistress.

Zuo Shaoqing didn’t press the matter. He enjoyed a warm meal, discussing the affairs of Wu Steel Manor. With no outsiders present, he was inclined to break the customary rule of “eating in silence.”

Yinyi had been in the service of Lu Zheng for numerous years. He had been assigned as the young master’s loyal follower and had accompanied him throughout his journeys on the battlefield. Consequently, Yinyi possessed a deeper understanding of Lu Zheng compared to the elderly lady.

Hence, Yinyi had a clear comprehension of the significance this young man held for their master and was not disheartened by his placement beside Zuo Shaoqing.

Beyond Zuo Shaoqing’s inquiry, Yinyi also took the initiative to broach the topic of the Wu Steel Manor. Within the entire estate, there existed only two lords, who happened to be mother and son.

“Master...” “Lord Third...” At the door, Luo Xiaoliu burst in with an astonished countenance, clutching a paper bag in his hand.

Zuo Shaoqing set aside his chopsticks and delivered a stern admonition, “It appears I must reiterate the rules of this household to you.”

Luo Xiaoliu was Zuo Shaoqing’s most dependable and sole attendant. If his vexatious habits were not corrected, it was inevitable that trouble would ensue.

“No...” Luo Xiaoliu gasped out, “I happened to cross paths with Miss’s carriage on my way back. I heard that she was weeping inside.”

“Didn’t Fifth Princess invite her here?” Zuo Shaoqing chuckled, “She must have faced some mistreatment. If she returns home in tears, rumors are bound to circulate.”

Luo Xiaoliu nodded in realization, “That makes sense. They say Fifth Princess is stunning but harbors malicious intent. Many young ladies are petrified of her. Word has it that this young lady might not be able to wed Master Lu.”

“Really?” Zuo Shaoqing inquired with intrigue.

“Prior to Master Lu’s return to the capital, I heard the old lady had arranged a marriage for him. Strangely, the prospective bride passed away shortly thereafter. Rumor has it that Fifth Princess was behind it!” Luo Xiaoliu divulged.

Zuo Shaoqing’s eyebrows lifted slightly as he commended, “Clever move!”

Following this, he inquired about Fifth Princess’s personality from Yinyi. Regrettably, Yinyi possessed limited knowledge and promised to gather more information upon his return.

Zuo Shaoqing harbored no fear of Fifth Princess’s malevolence; his concern lay in the possibility that she might not only be malicious but also astute, which would pose a genuine challenge.

Nevertheless, individuals capable of spreading their notorious reputation throughout the city were likely not exceptionally astute.

He swiveled around to glance at the spot Yinyi had occupied moments earlier, finding it vacant. He cast his gaze upward, but there was no trace of Yinyi’s presence, not even a corner of his garment.