Reborn: The First Rank 'Madam” – C217

C217 – New Office (3)

With late autumn settling in, a faint chill lingered in the morning air.

Wang Zhenhai had been awaiting Zuo Shaoqing’s arrival since early morning outside the prefectural attendant’s office. Scanning the surroundings, he finally spotted Zuo Shaoqing’s palanquin, yet all he witnessed was Zuo disembarking.

Despite a flicker of disappointment in Wang Zhenhai’s gaze, he respectfully saluted and greeted him.

Zuo Shaoqing hadn’t anticipated the early arrival of this individual. Unable to feign ignorance, he ushered Wang Zhenhai into the yamen.

Once seated in the living room, a palpable silence hung between them. Neither initiated conversation; Zuo Shaoqing was reticent, while Wang Zhenhai struggled to commence.

It wasn’t until a servant presented tea that Zuo Shaoqing broke the silence, inquiring, “Third Young Master Wang, do you have urgent matters to discuss?”

Wang Zhenhai straightened his posture, meeting Zuo Shaoqing’s gaze with a fleeting glance. After a moment’s hesitation, he spoke, “Your Excellency, you may address me by name. I wish to discuss the matter concerning the child.”

Zuo Shaoqing was taken aback by his forthrightness. The situation would have unfolded differently had it been Wang Xu. However, now that the issue was laid bare, he saw no point in delay.

“Indeed? And what is it you wish to discuss?” Zuo Shaoqing queried impassively.

Wang Zhenhai meticulously laid out the evidence uncovered by the Wang Family, substantiating his claim as Zuo Xiaolang’s biological father. He refrained from demanding custody, retaining some semblance of rationality.

Zuo Shaoqing lowered his gaze, idly toying with his teacup. His composed voice juxtaposed against Wang Zhenhai’s evident nervousness.

“I found this child abandoned. I suspect you’re unaware of his previous circumstances.” Zuo Shaoqing set down his teacup heavily, divulging the hardships he endured while nurturing the child.

“When I found him, he was unable to walk, feed himself, or communicate—a feral creature. I devoted myself to his care, nurturing him from such dire straits to normalcy. Did you assume I would surrender him to you with a mere claim?”

Wang Zhenhai sat agape, his eyes wide with shock and remorse. Indeed, his family had been oblivious to Lil Thing’s whereabouts and experiences during the two years of its absence, presuming it merely picked up.

He hadn’t fathomed Lil Thing’s ordeal amidst wild beasts in the mountains. Its smooth development appeared miraculous. No wonder a child approaching three years appeared scarcely a year old.

He couldn’t fathom Lil Thing’s existence among wild creatures. All he knew was that at this moment, he wished he could reverse time’s flow and shoulder Lil Thing’s burdens.

“The Wang Family’s influence spans the entire clan, disrupting Zuo Xiaolang’s upbringing.”

“But—” Wang Zhenhai attempted to interject, only to be silenced by Zuo Shaoqing’s icy glare.

“Do not assert a bond of blood without evidence. While I am not without compassion, neither am I gullible. As long as we reside in Crane City, you may visit. Should you succeed in convincing Zuo Xiaolang to depart with you, I shall not impede.”

A sly smile curled Zuo Shaoqing’s lips. While Wu Steel Manor wielded significant power, additional allies within the small estate wouldn’t hurt.Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

“By the way, I’ve heard of the ongoing dispute between Master Wang and the current manager. Allow me to resolve the matter within a month.”

“Very well, the Ministry of Rites and the Department of Revenue will collaborate on drafting the decree. We’ll implement it initially in Crane City, followed by all other seaports where we’ll register the entry and exit of unfamiliar individuals before conducting rigorous investigations. We cannot afford to overlook any suspicious persons!”

“Understood, Your Majesty!” The ministers departed the palace with a somber demeanor, hastening to relay the latest policy to their faction members.

In the late hours of the night, the emperor’s chamber remained illuminated. Zhan Yuanfeng scrutinized Zuo Shaoqing’s document repeatedly, offering commentary on crucial sections where improvements were warranted. Time seemed to slip away unnoticed.

Cao Zongguan reclined against the bed, engrossed in a book. Occasionally, he cast glances at Zhan Yuanfeng, who was wholly absorbed in his work. This marked the first time Cao had witnessed such fervent dedication from Zhan since their acquaintance.

Previously, Zhan might have busied himself with political affairs before retiring, but it was often accompanied by irritation or distress. Today, however, he bore a countenance reminiscent of springtime.

As Zhan Yuanfeng set aside his pen and approached, Cao Zongguan promptly diverted his attention to his book.

Wu Tie grinned wickedly as he produced a book, pinning Zhan onto the bed and inhaling his distinctive scent. “This Zuo Shaoqing is quite remarkable. I’m starting to regret bestowing him a marriage decree.”

“What do you imply?” For the first time, Cao Zongguan inquired about Zuo Shaoqing’s promotion, “Did you appoint a fourteen-year-old boy as Prefect under Duke Zhen’s influence?”

“Hmm? Is that your assumption?”

Cao Zongguan nudged his head away and pulled the blanket over them both. After a moment of contemplation, he responded, “I don’t perceive you as an emperor who surrounds himself solely with sycophants, but that’s the prevailing opinion.”

Zhan Yuanfeng sucked in a breath at the nape of his neck, surveying the red mark with satisfaction, “Seems I’m not entirely undesirable in Cao Qing’s eyes, haha...”

Cao Zongguan wished he could retract his earlier statement, “I was merely speaking my mind.”

“Initially, I did contemplate personally grooming him, but witnessing his accomplishments, I believe my decision was sound!”

“Is Shao Qing truly that capable?” Cao Zongguan had always perceived the Zuo Shaoqing he’d heard of after his release from prison as distinct from the slightly timid lad he remembered. While he acknowledged Zuo Shaoqing’s talent, dubbing him exceedingly gifted seemed a stretch.

Since his triumphant return to academia, this youth appeared transformed. He exuded a radiance that made it difficult to meet his gaze directly.

“Haha... Lu Zheng’s foresight remains as keen as ever! Yet, it’s a pity...” Zhan Yuanfeng shook his head, his feelings ambiguous.

Cao Zongguan rolled over, burying this weighty question deep within. He casually inquired, “Why did you send for a new attendant today?”

Zhan Yuanfeng typically dispatched messages through intermediaries for security reasons. However, today’s messenger was unfamiliar.

“Ah, about that...” Zhan Yuanfeng extended his arms, embracing the other tightly. Then, he disrobed the individual, answering, “The previous one accidentally fell into a well.”

A chill swept over Cao Zongguan’s body, whether due to the exposure from losing clothes or the implications of Zhan’s words remained unclear. Nevertheless, he harbored doubts regarding the sudden disappearance of a seemingly healthy individual.

Despite his suspicions, this wasn’t knowledge he should possess. Moreover, the sudden surge of heat left him little time or energy to dwell on the matter.

Zhan Yuanfeng parted Cao’s lips, engaging in a passionate exchange. Amidst the golden bed curtains, the air was filled with labored breaths and the slick sounds of intimacy.