Reborn: The First Rank 'Madam” – C236

C236 – You Can Play with Me from Now on

A heavy silence draped over the vast hall, every breath held in anticipation, making even the slightest noise resonate like a pin drop.

“I have four sons,” he began, his voice carrying across the room. “The eldest, born of the former empress, rightfully claims his position as the firstborn. The second, from the esteemed Xiao lineage, bears a lower status. As for the third, he has yet to see his first year...”

However, the Xiao family harbored discontent. Once holders of imperial favor, their fall from grace, particularly of the mother, an erstwhile imperial concubine, seemed to tilt the odds against them. Logically, her son should have stood in better stead than the First Prince, bereft of maternal support. Yet, her demotion to nobility, a consequence of her affront to the Emperor, altered the equation.

“At eight, the First Prince already delves into historical annals and grasps the fundamentals of military strategy.”

Heads bowed in contemplation, minds rife with musings. Long had they pondered how to sway the Emperor’s resolve, while those yet to choose sides pondered the Emperor’s motives. Was it to preempt future political strife, as seen in the late emperor’s reign, by early designation of the crown prince?

“Your Majesty, may this humble servant propose that while you are in your prime, the princes are still in their youth. Would it not be prudent to observe for a few more years?”

“Hmm?” Zhan Yuanfeng descended the dais, fixing his gaze upon the official. “Do you doubt my eldest son’s capabilities?”

Terrified, the official prostrated, pleading, “Your Majesty, forgive my impertinence! The First Prince is undoubtedly worthy. Yet, considering your youth, perhaps postponing the designation of the crown prince...”

Zhan Yuanfeng’s voice sliced through, cold and authoritative. “I will not have my sons vie for power!”

The delay in appointing a crown prince had emboldened the royal heirs, each vying for the throne, but Zhan Yuanfeng’s resolve remained unyielding.

Silence prevailed, prudence guiding those who dared not speak.

Few had aligned themselves, recognizing the youthfulness of the princes and the uncertainties of the future.

Only kin of the crown prince harbored hopes of succession, while others cautioned against premature decisions, mindful of the Emperor’s youth and the decades potentially ahead.

“Are there any other objections?” Zhan Yuanfeng scanned the assembly.

“Your Majesty!” The response echoed unanimously.

Satisfied nods followed, until Zhan Yuanfeng shifted attention to Lu Zheng, inquiring about apparent joy.

Unaware of the truth, observers might assume Lu Zheng and his wife had borne a child. Yet, those privy to the facts knew otherwise.

“Indeed,” Lu Zheng responded tersely.

Zhan Yuanfeng’s smile broadened, suggesting partnership with the crown prince.

Lu Zheng’s response was cautious, fearing any misstep in etiquette might offend the Crown Prince.

“It’s not an issue. He’s just a child; you can instruct him.” While Zhan Yuanfeng intended to prevent Duke Zhen’s title from transferring to Lu Zheng, having Lu Zheng and Zuo Shaoqing present ensured the longevity of Liu Steel Manor. With their safeguard, the Crown Prince’s future trajectory would be even smoother.

Moreover, having the child in the palace would foster stronger bonds, wouldn’t it?

Zhan Yuanfeng likely reasoned that with two options, the likelihood of success increased. Yet, he couldn’t fathom how a regular individual could select a reading partner as young as three years old.

Young Prince surveyed the row of children behind him—tall and short, stout and slender, ranging from ten years old to merely two. Some looked eager, some fearful, and some clueless.

Zuo Xiaolang belonged to the latter group. He smiled at Young Prince, his eyes bright and clear, irresistibly endearing.

Young Prince approached him, adopting an adult tone. “Would you be willing to be my study partner?”

“What’s a study partner?” Zuo Xiaolang inquired, then glanced at his father.

Zuo Shaoqing harbored a sense of unease. Could these two children possibly already know each other? Anxiously, he grasped Lu Zheng’s hand and whispered, “Do we have to send him to the palace if we choose him?”

Lu Zheng rubbed his forehead. “Calm down!”

“A study partner is a friend who can play with me!”

Zuo Xiaolang’s handsome brows creased slightly. “No, I prefer playing with Dad.”

Young Prince followed his gaze, finding Zuo Shaoqing. He pursed his lips and persuasively remarked, “Your father is already an adult; he doesn’t have time to play with you.”

Zuo Shaoqing silently thought: You’re the Crown Prince; you should make time to play with him!

Reflecting on his father’s recent busyness, Zuo Xiaolang displayed understanding. “Okay, then you can play with me from now on.”

A hint of a smile crossed Young Prince’s eyes. Just as he was about to select the next child, Zuo Xiaolang posed another question, “Will you still give me meat to eat?”

Zuo Shaoqing facepalmed, desiring nothing more than to whisk away this impudent child and administer a stern reprimand.

Unfazed by the unidentified laughter, Lu Zheng fixed his gaze on the crown prince’s response.

The young prince’s expression softened as he affectionately patted the boy, who stood half a head shorter, “Eat to your heart’s content!”

Zhan Yuanfeng’s lips curled into a smirk as he observed Lu Zheng and Zuo Shaoqing, incredulous that these astute individuals could sire such naive sons. His son snatched a piece of meat, a surprising turn of events.

Apart from Zuo Xiaolang, the young prince also selected a boy around his age, the son of a minister from the Censor’s family, characterized by bright eyes and a cheerful countenance.

After choosing his study partner, Zhan Yuanfeng promptly issued another imperial decree, appointing three advisors for the crown prince: the crown prince’s Chief Tutor, Shang Xianyang; the crown prince’s Tutor, Wen Shu Ming; and the crown prince’s guardian, Lu Zheng.

Shang Xianyang held a prominent position in the court, while Wen Shuming led the Han Lin Institution, renowned far and wide for his scholarly achievements. Madame and Mrs. Wen had enjoyed a longstanding friendship.

The Crown Prince, Young Master Fu, and the Crown Prince’s protector were dispatched to three governors, albeit their titles being ceremonial, they were still associated with the crown prince, accompanied by corresponding salaries.

Zuo Shaoqing mentally recited the roster of names, noting Zhan Yuanfeng’s favoritism toward the young prince, nearly assigning him the most influential figures in the court. It appeared futile for those attempting to sway Zhan Yuanfeng’s decisions.

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