Reborn: The First Rank 'Madam” – C239

C239 – The One Who Wants You Dead!

This time, Liu Tie stayed behind, initially patrolling the northern border. Word had it that Beidi had faced a snowstorm a few years back, making it an opportune time for his departure. When hunger strikes, one can resort to anything.

The atmosphere in Liu Steel Manor was tinged with the melancholy of farewell. Zuo Xiaolang had become inseparable from Zuo Shaoqing, following him everywhere, even into the bathing chamber.

Despite the effort to make it through the night, Lil Thing remained vigilant, insisting on sharing Zuo Shaoqing’s sleep space and snapping awake whenever he stirred. Eventually, Lu Zheng couldn’t bear it any longer and moved Zuo Shaoqing to an adjoining chamber.

With Lil Thing gone, Lu Zheng paid no heed, passionately kissing Zuo Shaoqing. His fervor occasionally resulted in unintended force, leaving marks on Zuo Shaoqing’s skin.

“Be gentle...” Zuo Shaoqing didn’t resist. Their time in the capital had been hectic, leaving scarce moments for intimacy. With their departure imminent, Zuo Shaoqing was equally eager.

Lu Zheng responded uninhibitedly, taking control of Zuo Shaoqing’s body, indulging in their passions throughout the night.

The following day, Zuo Xiaolang burst into the master bedroom, leaping onto the bed to embrace Zuo Shaoqing through the covers, exclaiming, “Daddy, you and Papa are really sneaky! You’re not good at hiding!”

Awoken by the commotion, Zuo Shaoqing groggily yawned, “Go settle scores with your father,” then rolled over, returning to sleep.

Outside the manor, the elderly steward supervised as Luo Xiaoliu loaded his belongings. Being seasoned travelers, they didn’t pack much. Two carriages: one for luggage and one for passengers.

Upon learning that Yinyi was assigned to Zuo Shaoqing, Luo Xiaoliu was delighted, wearing a wide smile as he finished packing. Spotting his master hadn’t emerged yet, he dashed inside with mischievous glee to fetch him.Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

Knocking vigorously on Zuo Shaoqing’s door, he bellowed, “Master San, rise and shine! We’re departing soon; we’ll be tardy if we delay!”

Inside, Zuo Shaoqing slumbered while Zuo Xiaolang played with his toys on the bed. Hearing Luo Xiaoliu’s call, Zuo Xiaolang reached out to pinch Zuo Shaoqing’s nose.

“Son... Let go... Can’t breathe,” Zuo Shaoqing stirred, pinching Zuo Xiaolang’s cheek, “Rascal, fetch father’s attire.”

“Oh.” Zuo Xiaolang hopped off the bed, handing Zuo Shaoqing the clothes Lu Zheng had prepared, then dutifully offering him a handkerchief.

Zuo Shaoqing embraced the kneeling figure, reiterating, “Remember what Daddy and Papa said. You might not understand now, but you must adhere to it, alright?”


“Daddy and Grandma have arranged everything. At five o’clock each day, I’ll escort you to the palace, and in time, you’ll go alone. Remember, don’t overstep.”

“Got it.”

“Be extra cautious in the palace. Don’t accept food from strangers. Always have someone accompany you. If in doubt, seek Uncle Huang.”

“Understood.” Initially reluctant to part from his father, he wished to stay by his side. However, his father insisted that as a man, one must honor their commitments when given a choice.

“Father, when do you plan to return?”

“Don’t fret. Daddy will be back shortly.” Regardless of circumstances, after two and a half years, he would return. Even if it meant his release, he would ensure Zuo Xiaolang accompanied him.

Exiting with Zuo Xiaolang, Lu Zheng returned from outside and was relieved to find Zuo Shaoqing, “How are you feeling? If not well, we can postpone our departure for two days.”

Zuo Shaoqing glanced at him, “You’re being overly cautious. With spring nearly upon us, there’s much to attend to in Crane City; we can’t delay any further.”

Approaching noon, the family of four shared a hearty meal together. Aware of Zuo Shaoqing’s unease with carriage travel, he refrained from indulging. Observing this, Lu Zheng instructed for several bags of sweets to be packed for his journey.

Post-lunch, Zuo Shaoqing bid farewell to Madame and was escorted out of the city by Liu Tie. It marked Zuo Xiaolang’s first separation from him. He appeared crestfallen and resistant to consolation.

“Alright, no need for further farewells. Let’s end it here.” Zuo Shaoqing nudged Lu Zheng, signaling for him to exit the carriage.

Lu Zheng drew him close, planting a kiss on his cheek, “Take care on your journey. The relay stations are all well arranged.”

Witnessing their fathers’ reluctance to part, Zuo Xiaolang also squeezed in, planting a hearty kiss on Zuo Shaoqing’s other cheek, prompting Lu Zheng to lightly chide him with a playful swipe.

Contemplating Lu Zheng’s impending patrol to the north, Zuo Shaoqing internally fretted, “This isn’t good. Could Beidi truly be planning an assault?”

No response came from the other party; instead, they launched a fiercer attack. The individual who had spoken earlier shouted, “Deal with everything else swiftly!”

“Hmph, victory is far from assured!” Zuo Shaoqing’s apprehension heightened witnessing the opponent’s arrogance.

Considering the comparable strengths of both sides, defeat wasn’t a certainty. So, where did the opponent derive such confidence? Could there be additional reinforcements?

“Hasten the resolution of this conflict!” Zuo Shaoqing echoed the same directive.

Suddenly, several bamboo tubes flew out from either side of the road, emitting thick white smoke.

Inhaling a lungful of smoke, Zuo Shaoqing sensed his movements slowing down, narrowly avoiding injury from the adversary.

Meanwhile, guards covered Zuo Shaoqing’s nose with cloth, intensifying their assault. Yinyi stood by Zuo Shaoqing’s side, tearing a piece of cloth for him.

Zuo Shaoqing lacked the experience to confront such a situation. As the potency of the smoke deepened, his physical strength waned.

“Yinyi...” “Retreat!” Recognizing the untenable position, Zuo Shaoqing knew he couldn’t persist. Even with cloth stuffed in his nose, he couldn’t cease breathing. As long as he inhaled, he remained susceptible to the poisonous gas.

Clearly, the adversaries had preemptively ingested the antidote, rendering them impervious to the poison. If this continued, the tables would turn against them.

Yinyi grasped the severity of the circumstance. He whistled, leapt onto the horse with Zuo Shaoqing’s assistance, vigorously prodded the horse, and bolted.

The carriage Luo Xiaoliu occupied had departed, seemingly indifferent to Zuo Shaoqing’s presence.

Within the expansive area, the toxic fumes weren’t ubiquitous. Retreating while thwarting the enemy’s assaults, everyone sought safety.

“Quickly, impede their pursuit!” Despite not comprehending the foreign language uttered earlier, Zuo Shaoqing discerned the intent behind the words.

After galloping for a brief duration, Zuo Shaoqing spotted their advancing carriage. Yinyi swiftly caught up, depositing Zuo Shaoqing inside. “Third Master, you must leave now!”

Glancing back, Zuo Shaoqing observed the obstructed path slowing the adversaries’ progress. Nevertheless, he clenched his fist, assuming the reins, and lashed the horse onward.


Luo Xiaoliu, reeling from the impact, battled dizziness, striving to suppress the urge to vomit as he emerged, querying, “Master San, are you unharmed?”

Zuo Shaoqing shook his head, his grip on the horsewhip slackening. Despite inhaling minimal poisonous fumes, their effect manifested, his vitality waning.

Observing Zuo Shaoqing’s odd state, Luo Xiaoliu, periodically glancing back, seized the horsewhip. Unaccustomed to such circumstances, he fretted over Yinyi’s safety.

“San Ye, shall we alter our attire?” Luo Xiaoliu proposed suddenly.

Zuo Shaoqing leaned against the carriage door. “Don’t speak nonsense. Do you think our pursuers are blind?”

“Isn’t that the norm in dramas? In dire moments, the servant takes initiative,” Luo Xiaoliu countered.

“I warned you against such folly...” Zuo Shaoqing muttered weakly.

The thundering hooves grew closer. Unsure if they belonged to allies or foes, Zuo Shaoqing dared not pause, urging Luo Xiaoliu onward.

Approaching a crossroads, Luo Xiaoliu faltered. “Master, which path do we choose?” He was unfamiliar with the area.

Zuo Shaoqing shared his uncertainty, patting Luo Xiaoliu’s shoulder. “Select any route.” Their pursuers trailed close behind, naturally following the carriage.

With determination, Luo Xiaoliu steered toward the narrower path.

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