Chapter 451: Avengers Disbanded

Name:Reborn with Steve Stand Author:
Chapter 451: Avengers Disbanded


Hearing Jarvis's voice, Stark also froze suddenly.

He glanced out of the window subconsciously and indeed saw Fang Mo walking towards this side.

It was obvious that Fang Mo was not here for a visit, as he was carrying a glowing greatsword on his left shoulder and dragging a crimson flame sword in his right hand. The tip of the sword left a long, burnt-like black mark on the ground.

"Such a generous gift..."

Upon seeing this scene, Stark was completely numbed.

"What's wrong with you, Stark?"

General Ross, on this side, hadn't realized the seriousness of the situation. He was from the military and hated these superheroes to death. He was thrilled at the prospect of suppressing them under the guise of the United Nations: "If you're having a headache over the agreement, I suggest you sign it sooner rather than later."

"You think I'm just having a headache over that agreement?"New novel chapters are published at

Stark turned his head and looked at Ross, who was smug, imagining how miserably he would die soon: "Believe it or not, in two minutes, a monster will knock on the door and come in, and then things will completely spiral out of control."

"Are you talking about that mage named Fang Mo?"

General Ross immediately said, "Excuse my bluntness, Stark, but that guy is the most uncontrollable existence. There have been multiple suggestions from above to have him hand over that battleship."

"I advise you not to do anything foolish, you white-haired old man."

Hearing this, Rocket Raccoon immediately said: "We've been working hard to prevent the world from being destroyed. I hope you, idiot, won't let all our efforts go to waste."

"Look at what's in your team, a talking raccoon?" General Ross glanced at Rocket Raccoon: "I heard it's from outer space, so does it wash marshmallows in water? Or is it just a pet you keep?"

"Old thing! What did you say!?"

Rocket Raccoon's temper was explosive, slamming the table and shouting: "Don't you think your nuclear weapons are so great? Believe it or not, I just need to make one call, and Fang Mo will teleport here immediately, then shove a nuclear warhead into your flabby eye socket, giving you a nuclear massage for your calcified prefrontal gland that's as useless as your brain!"

"Mind your attitude, little pet."

Seeing him furious, General Ross laughed instead: "Aren't you supposed to be superheroes? What's with this attitude?"

"You motherfucker..."

Rocket Raccoon got so angry his blood pressure rose, and he pulled out a cellphone from his pocket. Star-Lord, who was zoning out next to him, quickly held Rocket Raccoon back: "Rocket, bro! Let it go, let it go!"


Witnessing the whole process, Stark rubbed his temples with a headache.

The good news: Star-Lord stopped Rocket Raccoon from calling for backup.

The bad news: The person being called was coming over here with a knife himself.

"I admit I used to have a bad temper, perhaps arguing endlessly over such minor matters with you." General Ross looked at the noisy crowd and spoke again: "But the situation is different now. It's the United Nations asking you to sign this agreement, not me, and certainly not the official stance of the United States."

"Weren't you the one who proposed it?"

Upon hearing this, Black Widow Natasha suddenly asked, "Then, may I ask, what is your view on us?"

"Dangerous, how?" General Ross said without even thinking.

The Avengers, upon hearing this, also subconsciously frowned.

"You are just a group of super-beings living in the United States, disregarding sovereign borders, imposing your will on anyone and anywhere, and acting without considering the consequences," General Ross stated and then pressed a button on the display.

Quickly, the display showed some videos, including civilians accidentally injured during the Battle of New York, and the massive casualties caused by the crashing of three Helicarriers controlled by Hydra during their purge, as well as the invasion of Sokovia by the Black Order.

Of course, it is said to be Sokovia, but in reality, there is nothing left there now. It's as if this country never existed, with just a huge crater left on the map.

And at the end of the video, suddenly, footage from Lagos was played.

That is, the operation where Captain America and Natasha captured Crossbones, the bomb explosion, and the many civilians injured there.

It is worth mentioning that General Ross clearly understood the Avengers' mindset, so the video contained many close-ups of the victims, and indeed, his approach worked, as several Avengers involved in the operation showed faces of unbearable grief, including Natasha, who turned her head away.

"Enough already," said Captain America with a frown.

"In the past few years, you've been acting without any supervision or restraint," General Ross paused the video and began to speak, "Governments around the world can no longer tolerate this situation, which is why we have drafted this agreement."

"This agreement is supported by 117 countries. It stipulates that the Avengers will no longer be a private organization; all your actions will be under the supervision of a special United Nations panel."

"And... you can only act when the panel deems it necessary."

"Isn't that just turning us into a toothless tiger?" someone remarked.

Drax, who was nearby cleaning a frying pan, couldn't help but interject upon hearing this, "So, do we get paid for our actions? It can't possibly be volunteer work, right?"

"I don't think the issue is about the payment."

Even Star-Lord couldn't help but join in, glancing at Captain America nearby, "This old guy with the shield once told me... this organization was to make the world safer, and I think they've done that, right? Just like our Guardians of the Galaxy, safeguarding the security of the galaxy."

"What would be the consequence if we misplaced millions of tons of nuclear weapons?"

"What do I care about your Sokovia Accords, I'm not an Avenger."

Fang Mo idly played with the ashes in his hand: "As I said, I'm just here on business, only that this red matter obviously cannot be achieved. But the problem is our company has performance targets. Since the red matter cannot be done... then I can only handle a white matter now. How do you feel about Ross powder? Uh... does it smell too bad?"

"Mr. Fang Mo, this really has nothing to do with us."

General Ross's aide finally couldn't stand it, perhaps afraid of being implicated, and hurriedly explained: "General Ross is not lying, this agreement was indeed approved by the United Nations, and it will be passed at a meeting in Vienna in a few days."

"I told you it has nothing to do with the agreement, okay?"

Fang Mo spread his hands, sincerely saying: "I really came here to help with a marriage proposal, General Ross, please just agree to Hulk, don't make it difficult for me, okay? If you can't handle it physically, I can find Surtur to help, turn you into a red tank. You see, red matches green, makes life more interesting... Damn, sorry, I got too excited. I'm here to mediate for Betty and Banner, not for you and Hulk."


General Ross's face was extremely unsightly at the moment. Honestly, he did not expect Fang Mo to suddenly appear, nor did he know who had informed him. These Avengers are really too damaging, making him feel a bit trapped now. But with the opponent so close to these superheroes, could he really be slapped to death?

Even if he dares, wouldn't these superheroes stop him?

"If you're wondering if they can protect you, then I advise you to give up that idea as soon as possible."

However, as if guessing General Ross's thoughts, Fang Mo's tone suddenly became calm: "All the forces on the entire Earth combined with the extraordinary individuals are not enough to match one of my hands. If I really wanted to deal with you... I don't know how many people would tie you up and kneel before me, begging me to accept you."

"Do you need me to play a video for you, General Ross?"

Natasha smiled upon seeing this, it was clear that Fang Mo was on her side. "I mean no offense, I just want to say... we really can't stop Mr. Fang Mo. After all, we are mere mortals, and he is a god."

"Sorry, I need to make one thing clear."

Hearing this, Thor, who was not far away, also started laughing: "Fang Mo is far more formidable than a god. At least, we gods cannot destroy a planet with a single strike using the Infinity Stones."

"General Ross, it was said that there should be no conflicts this time..."

The assistant started to sweat upon hearing this. He had become Ross's assistant after Ross was appointed Secretary of State, and being a politician rather than a soldier, he was naturally not very brave. He quickly began to whisper advice, "The specific situation will have to be decided after the Vienna conference."


General Ross was clearly a bit panicked, but still tried to maintain a faade and snorted coldly, "Fine, let's go!"

After saying this, he was ready to turn around and leave.


However, Fang Mo suddenly spoke up, and a sudden aura of pressure enveloped the two: "Did I say you could go?"

"What else do you want to do?"

General Ross, trying to appear tough but inwardly scared, said, "Do you want to kill us right here?"

"No, is your brain really not working?" Fang Mo bluntly said, "I've said it several times now, I'm here to propose marriage. Agree to it before you leave, otherwise leave your ashes behind to vent my frustration. Oh, and remember to leave a set of clothes so Betty can make you a burial mound. This marriage still needs to happen. They will visit your grave together and give you a big green son."


"General Ross..."

Hearing the assistant's low reminder, General Ross's expression changed for a long time before he spat out three words through clenched teeth as if he had eaten shit: "I agree!"

"Ah, that's more like it."

Upon hearing this, Fang Mo immediately burst into joyful laughter, then directly pulled a bewildered Dr. Banner over: "Come here, Dr. Banner, hurry up and call him 'Dad'."


Bruce Banner was completely baffled, wondering what all this was about.

"Just call me if I tell you to, what's there to be shy about, you big man?" Fang Mo dragged Dr. Banner in front of General Ross: "Hurry up and call him 'Dad', or you won't have the chance when 'Dad Thanos' arrives."

"Dad Thanos?"

General Ross was also stunned, and directly asked, "What is that...?"


Before General Ross could finish speaking, Banner called out in a dull tone. Ross was stunned for a moment, and then in the next second, Fang Mo directly wrapped an arm around his neck.

"Ah, ah, ah, completing both a white and a red mission in one day, I'm so happy."

Fang Mo said with a big smile: "This is indeed a day worth celebrating. As a matchmaker, I, Fang Mo, will give this father-in-law a big gift. I remember he doesn't quite like the Avengers, so I declare from today on..."

"The Avengers, disband!"

After saying this, Fang Mo pushed General Ross aside, causing him to stagger: "Alright, you can leave now."


Alright! This week chapters are done! Next week will be double update! Or... More? If someone sponsored... /Bleam

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