Chapter 489: [Sponsored]: Loyalty, they always come back...

Name:Reborn with Steve Stand Author:
Chapter 489: [Sponsored]: Loyalty, they always come back...

[This Chapter Is Sponsored by Moneymancer! Everyone, please thank him in the comment!]

"Could it be because Ah Xue has a cold ******?"

Fang Mo touched his chin, musing to himself, "It does seem to make some sense. I remember it getting colder the further inside..."

"What are you talking about?"

Ultron, once again, had no idea what Fang Mo was talking about and asked in confusion.

"Oh, nothing."

Being asked by Ultron brought Fang Mo back from his reverie. He shook his head and said, "I was considering how to build you a stronger body. After all, the armor you have now is too weak. Do you have any good suggestions?"

"You're going to create a new body for me?"

Ultron was clearly surprised. He had just sworn allegiance, and now the other party planned to replace his body. Was this person really so good to his own people?

Thinking this, Ultron immediately said, "I do have some ideas..."

"Go on," Fang Mo nodded.

"I know of a technology called the Cradle of Life, which can use nanotechnology to repair living tissues."

Since it was about creating a new body for himself, Ultron was evidently getting serious: "But I can modify and optimize this technology to print living metal tissue... The prerequisite is that a large amount of high-strength metal is needed as the raw material..."

"That's not a problem."

Hearing this, Fang Mo waved his hand, "What I have in abundance here are superior materials, some of which you've probably never even seen..."

"Are you sure?"

Ultron looked at Fang Mo, thought for a moment, and then couldn't help but remind him, "Forgive my bluntness, but the high-strength metal materials I'm referring to are not the high-titanium nano-alloy developed by Stark, but vibra..."


Before he could finish, Fang Mo directly threw out a silver cube one meter in size.

The silver cube hit the ground, sinking deeply into the abyssal molten sand, yet its silver luster was so cold and delicate.


Ultron was immediately stunned, "Vibranium?"

"Is this enough?" While speaking, Fang Mo threw out a few more one-meter metal blocks, creating a series of loud bangs as they hit the ground, "If this isn't enough, I have more..."

"Wait, hold on a second..."

Before Fang Mo could finish, Ultron couldn't help but interrupt him, "If I'm not mistaken, isn't vibranium supposed to be a very rare metal? The only known source of vibranium is from a country called Wakanda... You didn't just annihilate that country, did you?"

"Hey, you just don't understand."

Fang Mo immediately laughed and said, "Didn't anyone tell you when they were creating you? I always carry two BUFFs on me, and one of them is a special attack against black people. This so-called Wakanda... is supposed to be an African country, right?"

With that, Fang Mo's tone suddenly changed: "Let's hunt those who are plunged into darkness..."

"Alright then."

Ultron didn't quite understand the meaning of his words, but still nodded, "Since you have so much vibranium, then I can create..."

"Hey, hey, you're not just satisfied with vibranium, are you?"

But before Ultron could finish, Fang Mo suddenly interrupted him again, then, under his puzzled gaze, threw out another block of cyan-gray metal, which also landed on the ground with a thud.New novel chapters are published at

"What is this?"

Ultron looked doubtfully at the cyan-gray metal before him. He used his scanning sensor to analyze the substance and immediately said, "This isn't a material from Earth, is it?"

"This is... Uru?"

However, at that moment, the Ancient One, standing by, expressed her surprise.

Yes, after all, she is the Sorcerer Supreme and was said to have had dealings with Asgard in her early years, so she recognized the significance of the metal. Her face naturally filled with astonishment, "This is the metal used by the Aesir to forge their artifacts. Even the dwarves of Nidavellir have a very limited supply. How did you manage to get so much of it?"

"How else would I have gotten it? I dug it up, of course."

Fang Mo shrugged, "This stuff is everywhere in the Nether, but it's a bit of a hassle to dig up. You have to first knock off the outer layer of black meteoric iron..."

Noticing Ultron's unusual silence, Fang Mo casually asked, "Why so quiet?"

After a long silence, Ultron decided to temporarily give up thinking about these issues. Perhaps once he had a real body and evolved completely, he would understand. Thus, he shook his head and finally muttered, "Master is amazing..."

Upon hearing this, Fang Mo visibly brightened up.

Following this, Ultron naturally proceeded to create a Regeneration Cradle, preparing for his new body.

In the original story, Ultron did not create the Cradle himself but chose to invade Dr. Helen Cho's laboratory. He first controlled her with the Mind Stone, then utilized her equipment and technology to rebirth himself.

However, the current situation diverged from the original story.

Under Fang Mo's... cough, under his chaotic influence, the Marvel Universe's storyline had clearly started to go off the rails. Stark had made contact with Dr. Helen Cho early on and learned about the Cradle's technology.

This could be seen from his nano-armor.

In any case, Ultron's progress was smooth, and he quickly utilized materials inside Stark Tower to create a Regeneration Cradle.

After that, he began to study the metallic materials. Since magic materials like Uru and Crystal Matrix were involved, the Ancient One also lent a hand. Ultron, living up to his identity as a super AI, quickly settled on a design.

Out of boredom, Fang Mo also took a look at the design.

According to Ultron's design, he seems to intend to use vibranium as both the skin and for precision components, while using adamantium for the filling of the power system. Then, he plans to use uru to create the internal skeleton and to reasonably install phase shift shells in certain positions to expand the internal space of his body.

In fact, under normal circumstances... The Cradle Of Life cannot process adamantium and uru, but fortunately, the Ancient One, with the Infinity Gauntlet, helped throughout, successfully creating its body.

However, just when the entire assembly process was at its final moment, an unexpected event occurred.

Even with the Infinity Gauntlet and the aid of two Infinity Stones, the Ancient One and Ultron were still unable to process this crystal matrix ingot.

According to Ultron's plan.

He intended to use this thing as the core processor.

After all, it is a crystal and has a complex matrix structure inside. Combined with the internally flashing and interacting energy, if designed properly, it can be used for information exchange, serving as the computational matrix for this mechanical body.

But the problem is that the hardness of this thing is somewhat unimaginable.

In the end, Fang Mo personally took action, using his abilities to tamper with it for a long time, forcibly processing this thing into something resembling a circuit board, which Ultron then stuffed into the new body's head.

"Now, just input consciousness into it, and it should be able to start."

After a lot of effort, Ultron finally finished the last of the debugging work and began to prepare to plug data cables into his body.

"Wait a moment."

But at this moment, Fang Mo suddenly stopped the other party.

"What's wrong?"

Ultron looked at him with some confusion. He was already eager to enter the new body.

"There's one last step." While saying this, Fang Mo took out his Geochest, placed it on the ground, and opened it: "I'm going to enchant this body for you first."


Ultron was startled at first but quickly understood: "Oh, you mean the effect that makes it indestructible?"

"Something like that."

While rummaging through his enchantment box, Fang Mo said casually: "Indestructibility is just one of the enhancements, I have quite a few other things here."

"Like what?"

Curious about Fang Mo, Ultron was quite interested at this moment: "What other effects are there?"

"Take this as an example."

Fang Mo said this while directly picking up the mechanical body he had just created, and then took out a light purple enchantment book: "This book is Efficiency. It should make your processor run faster, equivalent to having an overclocking effect..."


Ultron was also stunned: "Amplify a tech processor with magic? What's the principle behind that?"

"Sorry, esotericism doesn't explain the principles. It's like burning incense and praying before turning on a server; you can't really explain why, but sometimes it just works. If you really want to say, it's quantum entanglement."

Fang Mo said this and suddenly sneakily took out a Loyalty enchantment book: "Trust me, you can always trust these"