Chapter 517: Xiao Yao (6)

Name:Reborn with Steve Stand Author:
Chapter 517: Xiao Yao (6)

Upon hearing the girl utter the words "farmer,"

Nick Fury was initially stunned, then quickly turned to look at Fang Mo not far away, only to find that the latter was trying very hard to suppress his laughter.

At that moment, he immediately realized what was happening, and his face darkened.

He had thought that someone capable of restraining Fang Mo had arrived, but unexpectedly, it turned out to be another lunatic. Now, he was in for a headache, possibly having to pick twice as much cotton in the future.

"Well, it seems I was careless this time."

Nick Fury said with a dark face, "I forgot there's an old saying in your ancient East, something about 'not conspiring if the paths differ, being influenced by one's surroundings, those close to red become red, and those close to ink become black.' I should have realized earlier, you're cut from the same cloth."

"Being influenced by ink to become black, really?"

The girl smiled and said, "Worthy of being the king of spies, I didn't expect my being a 'little black one' to be exposed so quickly..."

"Little black one refers to?"

Due to the world not being prevalent with electronic chicken plague, even though Nick Fury had already crammed on roast culture, he was still confused at this moment.

"Do you know how many years it takes for a full cycle of the Chinese zodiac?"

The girl asked with a smiling face.

"This is obviously twelve years," Stark couldn't help but interject: "It should be one zodiac animal per year..."


The girl waved her hand directly, and took the opportunity to glance at Fang Mo not far away: "It's thirteen and a half years because the Year of the Rooster lasts for two and a half years."


Everyone was baffled upon hearing this.

Only Fang Mo, at this moment, was truly very happy: "Hahaha, no problem, this is the vibe, rest assured, when the trial starts, I will definitely bring you along..."

"It looks like, this is a meme from another universe." Nick Fury, although he didn't understand, was not foolish; he figured it out instantly and directly said, "It seems that with this lady's arrival, my work will be easier in the future."


The girl, hearing this, also looked at Nick Fury with a bit of surprise: "So your previous role was to roast? Sorry, I thought you were..."

"My main job is to roast."

Nick Fury shrugged calmly: "Of course, I also moonlight as farming equipment occasionally."

"I knew it..."

The girl, hearing this, also turned to look at Fang Mo not far away, and with a tacit understanding, she chuckled lightly: "Then it seems I need to change my meme, after all, if two people use the same farm meme... then it would be no fun."

"Sorry, then you might run out of memes to use."

Nick Fury shrugged: "Because he has already used all the memes he could think of on me, including cotton, farming equipment, fried chicken, thieves, etc..."

"Then has he ever hired you to shoot a movie?"

The girl tilted her head and asked.

"That has not happened." Nick Fury shook his head, not sure what the girl was implying, wondering if it could be an adult movie?

"Then I officially hire you to join my crew to shoot a movie called Star Wars."

However, just when Nick Fury was worried, the girl spoke up and dispelled his doubts: "I've already thought of your role, a Jedi Master named Mace Windu. Of course, his lines are very easy to remember, only one sentence."

"What is it?"

Nick Fury asked curiously.

"Hahaha, let me do it, let me say it." Fang Mo, hearing this, instantly understood the girl's subtext, immediately waved his hand and shouted out: "I come to Goose City... cough cough, as a Jedi, I only do three things, mother freak, mother freak, still your mother's mother freak! Let the lightsaber fly for a while!"


Upon hearing this, Nick Fury's expression darkened once more.

However, being the king of spies, and having been continuously deceived and tricked by Fang Mo over the years, his mental resilience was quite high. He quickly regained his composure and then shamelessly nodded: "No problem, as long as the compensation is sufficient."

"How much do you want?"

The girl asked, looking up.

"Very cheap." Nick Fury looked at the girl, raised a finger seriously, and said, "Just nineteen tons of gold."

As for Fang Mo, seeing that the people around him had no reaction, he also activated time stop.

"The world."

Taking advantage of the time stop, Fang Mo opened a portal directly, returning to the Solar System. Although he was not very skilled in using Kamar-Taj's portals, at most, the location was a bit off, which could be easily corrected with a few teleports.

After returning to the Solar System.

Fang Mo quickly released the Earth from the pure white space.

After the first devouring, the speed of releasing this time was clearly much faster.

However, since there was a satellite, the Moon, around Earth, Fang Mo still spent a bit more time to correct some details.

Fortunately, the power of the Dimensional Demons was indeed useful in the Marvel universe. Together with the Void Ring, although it was not possible to restore everything exactly as before, at least it would not cause some serious consequences, such as the Moon falling down or flying away.

As for those so-called changes in tidal gravitational forces.

According to Fang Mo, this was still better than if Thanos had actually snapped his fingers, right?

In any case, after releasing the Earth, Fang Mo quickly teleported back to the Milano.

However, because Fang Mo spent too much time correcting the Moon, by the time he got back, the time stop had already ended, and the Avengers were chatting on the Milano, including his partner, the little demon.

But upon seeing Fang Mo's return.

The other party stopped talking and walked directly towards him.

"What were you up to just now?"

The girl asked.

"Er, I was afraid Thanos would sneak attack, so I put an Iron Curtain over Earth," Fang Mo explained simply. "Now that Thanos has been taken care of by me, I went back to take down the Iron Curtain."

"The Iron Curtain, huh?"

The girl couldn't help but tease, "So your so-called journey through countless worlds... you've been to the Red Alert world too?"

"Not really."

Fang Mo shook his head, "This Iron Curtain is not that Iron Curtain. Let me explain it to you slowly..."


In the Marvel Universe, the planet Titan does not occupy the same location as the real-world Titan, so even if the Milano travels through a wormhole, it still takes some time to return to Earth.

During this time, Fang Mo took the opportunity to pull his partner aside into a room and briefly shared his experiences with her, such as the worlds he had traveled through and what he had generally done in those worlds.

Fang Mo had long wanted to share these thoughts with his partner in his dreams. Unfortunately, at that time, his partner was utterly incredulous, embodying the disbelief, refusing to believe his stories, which frustrated Fang Mo to the point of giving up on convincing her.

But now, things are different. Although his partner had inadvertently given him a memory, with Fang Mo's manipulation, the girl has now become flesh and blood, finally becoming one of his own kind.

Any seasoned player knows how lonely a single-player Minecraft world can be. Even if you craft an Endless set with your bare hands, there's no one to share the joy with, and that sense of loss can drive one to madness.

Even though Fang Mo enjoys fun, deep down, he also longs to share his thoughts with others. This is understandable; for example, he went through the huge effort of engraving patterns on the moon to turn it into a giant basketball. But since people in this world do not understand the culture of chicken pox, what was the point of his actions? In the end, he found no one to share a hearty laugh with.

Fang Mo has never wished more for the Milano's journey to be slower, so he could have a few more conversations with his partner.

Of course, besides sharing his own experiences, Fang Mo also explained to his partner about the general usage of the Stand, Steve... or rather, the Stand, Alex.

These were the rules Fang Mo had figured out by himself, such as the materialization of Minecraft items, the high quality of Minecraft products, the Stand sharing health points and defense with the host, data digitization of the body, and abilities of various functional mods.

For instance, the custom Steve, mini-map creature radar, voracious eating, and the storage backpack settings were mentioned.

Fang Mo is actually a PvP type of player. Not only is his reaction speed fast, and his combat awareness strong, he can withstand attacks from a multitude of mobs and bosses in a server, then single-handedly defeat more than a dozen players, killing them back and forth several times.

He also has some understanding of redstone structures, or mechanisms that generate electricity. But if you talk about researching large-scale technological mods, developing heavy industry, or memorizing and reciting all the crafting recipes of Avaritia... Fang Mo admits that he truly cannot do it.

Even for the large mods he has unlocked, such as Immersive Engineering, GregTech, EnderIO, Industrial Foregoing, and NuclearCraft, just looking at those machine recipes gives him a headache.

As such, his technological progress has always been stagnant. Normally, at this stage, industrialists would have begun using UU-Matter to mine in the void and automate the production of Avaritia's metal singularities.

But frankly, Fang Mo does not even know how to make a circuit board, let alone those damned machine syntheses. You should know, industrial mods involve cables and even frustrating voltage settings, where too high a voltage can blow up the machines.

Luckily, his partner is a veteran industrial player, almost ash-level. If Fang Mo remembers correctly, she grew up in an old industrial base city in the north. Fang Mo thinks this might be related to her innate connection to heavy industry, with the blood of heavy industry running through her veins, embodying iron, uranium, and bronze...

In order to advance the technology tree in Minecraft, Fang Mo meticulously shared all the mods he had unlocked with his partner, asking her to plan the development route.

However, while Fang Mo was counting mods with his partner, he suddenly realized a huge oversight.

"Damn it! I forgot to unlock the Infinity Gauntlet mod!"