Chapter 549: An Absurd Amount of Desire to Survive

Name:Reborn with Steve Stand Author:
Chapter 549: An Absurd Amount of Desire to Survive


Just near the uninhabited zone of Z city.

An armored gorilla was rapidly carrying Doctor Genus as it ran.

As a synthetic beast from the former House of Evolution, its strength was quite commendable. At full speed, it was now much faster than a car, with only the howling wind in its ears.

As the armored gorilla ran,

It didn't forget to comfort Doctor Genus on its shoulder.

"It's alright, Doctor."

The armored gorilla tried to suppress its inner nervousness, softening its tone: "It's safe now. Although House of Evolution has been destroyed, as long as you live, we still have a chance. Please don't be disheartened..."

"That's... right..."

A creature resembling a mole by their side nodded and echoed: "Doctor, it's fortunate that you are unharmed..."

However, the so-called Doctor they were speaking of.

His face lacked the usual confident strategizing, instead showing a bewildered, blank stare.


Doctor Genus looked utterly confused: "Were you... talking to me just now?"

"Of course, it's you."

The armored gorilla, still oblivious to the severity of the situation, continued as it ran: "You are our creator. Naturally, we are here to assist you. Please rest assured, I have just scouted ahead. I heard there might be a gathering of strange creatures in the uninhabited zone of Z city, perhaps we could first seek refuge there..."

But before it could finish.

Suddenly, a figure crashed heavily not far ahead.


With the asphalt road blasted open, the armored gorilla and Ground Dragon immediately stopped and cautiously watched the rising dust ahead.

However, it was not long before.

A ghostly figure of an armored gorilla emerged from the dust.

"Where are you guys headed?"

Accompanied by this voice, Fang Mo's figure also gradually appeared from the dust, a faint smile on his face, carrying a giant purple jade spirit cleaver as he casually walked towards them: "How about you take me along?"

Doctor Genus, hearing this, seemed to accept the explanation: "Is that so? So they are the evil ones?"

"Yes, so, Doctor, you really shouldn't be led astray by them."

Fang Mo continued, preparing to deal with the two creatures. Despite the armored gorilla's plea for mercy, Fang Mo, having gone through great lengths to brainwash the Doctor, was not about to let someone else take him back.

Sonic was already enough of a handful.

If there was another disobedient Doctor, what else would he do?

"This is bad..."

Ground Dragon, seeing Fang Mo raise his cleaver, seemed to panic as well. Although he had just declared he would cover their retreat in a moment of bravado, now that death was imminent, claiming he wasn't scared would be a lie.

"Alright, say goodbye to this world."

Fang Mo was indifferent to their fear, smiling as he prepared to swing his cleaver: "Next time, be more careful. At least check who the owner is before you steal..."

But just as the cleaver was about to fall.

The usually silent armored gorilla suddenly spoke up.

"That's right, Doctor."

The armored gorilla suddenly said: "We indeed come from the creations of House of Evolution, created by you, so we must obey your commands. Although we don't want to destroy the world... since your friend has now set you back on the right path, we no longer have a reason to exist. You should return to that organization, that is where your mission lies."


Hearing this, Doctor Genus also seemed to freeze for a moment.


Of course, at this moment, not only Doctor Genus was stunned; even Fang Mo beside him was taken aback. It seemed like the gorilla was actively seeking death, but in reality, it appeared to be speaking in his favor, its will to survive incredibly strong.

"Go ahead, sir."

And as the two were dumbfounded, the armored gorilla also resolutely looked up at Fang Mo: "Please make sure... the Doctor does not stray again..."


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